Quantitative XPS Measurement on the Surfaces of GaP, GaSb and ZnSe Single Crystals
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1978-05-05
二瓶 好正
Kudo M
Hitachi Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
Kamada Hitoshi
Faculty Of Engineering Yamagata University
KUDO Masahiro
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
NIHEI Yoshimasa
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
KAMADA Hitoshi
Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
Kudo Masahiro
Department Of Materials And Life Science Seikei University
Nihei Yoshimasa
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Kamada Hitoshi
Department Of Industrial Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Kamada Hitoshi
Department Of Chemical Industry Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Kudo Masahiro
Institute Of Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Kamada H
Yamagata Technopolis Foudation Yamagata
Kudo Masahiro
Department Of Applied Physics The University Of Tokyo
Kudo Masahiro
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineereing Seikei University
KAMADA Hitoshi
Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University
- X線光電子回折法(XPED)を用いた固相-固相界面のキャラクタリゼ-ションに関する研究
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- Numerical Simulation of X-Ray Fluorescence Holography from Ge(001) : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
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- 7a-PS-53 X線光電子回折における菊池バンドをもちいた結晶構造因子の決定
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- 科学と技術の国際競争力
- 社団法人日本表面科学会の発足を祝って
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- High-Performance In_Al_As/In_Ga_As High Electron Mobility Transistors on GaAs
- Highly Selective Wet-Etching Using Adipic Acid for Uniform Damage-Free Process of InAlAs/InGaAs HEMTs
- Theoretical Studies of Element-Specific Kikuchi-Band Effects in X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction
- 研究速報 : X線光電子回折法によるイオン衝撃損傷の温度依存性の解析
- Chemical State Analysis of Silicon-Oxygen Compounds : CHEMICAL APPLICATIONS
- Data Processing in High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy : REFINED SPECTROSCOPY, X-RAY OPTICS AND INSTRUMENTATION
- Spectral Analysis of Eight Polymers in SIMS by MO Calculation. Prediction of Cleavage of Polymers and Structural Formula of the Positive-Ion Fragment
- 未来に向けての前進計画
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- Measurements of Plasma Parameters in a High-Frequency Glow Discharge Using the Orifice Probe
- Estimation of Low-Energy Ion Bombardment Damage on GaAs(001) Surface by X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction
- Experimental and Theoretical Two-Dimensional X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction Patterns from GaAs(001) Surface
- Direct Atomic Site Determination of Foreign Atoms in a Crystal Surface Layer by X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction
- Estimation of Surface Crystal Regularity by Utilizing X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction (XPED) Effects
- Quantitative XPS Measurement on the Surfaces of GaP, GaSb and ZnSe Single Crystals
- Quantitative X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic (XPS) Measurement on the Surfaces of GaAs(111), (111) and (110) Single Crystals : Determination of Relative Photo-Auger Ionization Cross Sections and Electron Mean Free Paths by Using the Crystal Regularity o
- Angular Denendence of XPS Intensities from GaAs (110) Surface : PHOTOEMISSION (MAINLY UPS AND XPS)
- Relative Sensitivity Factors for Subrmicrorn Secondary Jon Mass Spectrometry with Gallium Prirmary Ion Beam
- Development of an Ion and Electron Dual Focused Beam Apparatus for Three-Dimensional Microanalysis
- Behavior of Gallium Secondary Ion Intensity in Gallium Focused Ion Beam Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- A Chemical-State-Discriminated XPED Study on Structure of Thin CaO Layer Formed by Electron Bombardment Heating on CaF_2(111)
- K-Shell Ionization of Beryllium by Proton and Heavy Ions
- イヌ鼻腔内組織のX線マイクロアナライザー(EPMA)測定例
- 大気浮遊粒子状物質の起源解析 (地球環境と計測化学) -- (都市圏環境の計測)
- X線光電子回折パターン測定のための電子角度分布像直視システムの試作
- X-ray photoelectron diffraction (XPED) studies on metal oxide surfaces. I. Analysis of the XPED patterns from TiO2(001) and .ALPHA.-Al2O3(0001) by the single scattering calculation.
- Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorption and Photoelectron Spectra of Aliphatic Ketones
- The Photoelectron Spectra of Alcohols, Mercaptans and Amines
- Angle-Resolved X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARXPS) as a New Tool for Solid Surface Characterization
- Characterization of solid surfaces by means of combined electron spectroscopy (XPS-SEM-microAES).:XPS-SEM-MicroAES
- Laser-induced photo-acoustic ultra trace determinations of liquid samples.
- Behavior of Gallium Secondary Ion Intensity in Gallium Focused Ion Beam Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Structure of platinum particles deposited on titanium dioxide (110) surface studied by X-ray photoelectron diffraction.
- Infrared Absorption Intensities of Out-of-plane CH Bending Vibrations of Substituted Benzenes. IV. Solvent Effect on the Intensities of the Bands of Aniline
- In situ Observation of Semiconductor-Dye Interface by Means of Photoacoustic Spectroscopy