Capacitance-Voltage Study of Silicon-on-Insulator Structure with an Ultrathin Buried SiO_2 Layer Fabricated by Wafer Bonding
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1999-07-15
TABE Michiharu
Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
Tabe M
Shizuoka Univ. Hamamatsu Jpn
Tabe Michiharu
Research Institue Of Electronics Shizuoka University
Ishikawa Yasuhiko
Research Center For Interface Quantum Electronics And Graduate School Of Electronics And Information
Zhang Jianhua
College Of Economics Osaka Prefecture University
Shimane University
MAKITA Shigenori
Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
ZHANG Jianhua
Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
Zhang Jianhua
Research Institute Of Electronics Shizuoka University
Makita Shigenori
Research Institute Of Electronics Shizuoka University
Tsuchiya Toshiaki
Shimane Univ.
- Observation of discrete dopant potential and its application to Si single-electron devices
- Design of dopant-induced quantum dot arrays in silicon nanostructures for single-electron transfer (シリコン材料・デバイス)
- Design of dopant-induced quantum dot arrays in silicon nanostructures for single-electron transfer (電子デバイス)
- Single-electron transfer in phosphorous-doped Si nanowire FETs
- Time-controlled single-electron transfer in single-gated asymmetric multiple tunnel junction arrays
- Tunneling current oscillations in Si/SiO_2/Si structures(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Tunneling current oscillations in Si/SiO_2/Si structures(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Fowler-Nordheim Current Oscillations in Si(111)/SiO_2/Twisted-Si(111) Tunneling Structures
- Formation of Nanometer-Scale Dislocation Network Sandwiched by Silicon-on-Insulator Layers
- Charge polarization effect on single-hole-characteristics in a two-dimensional Si multidot structure
- Photoinduced Effects on Single-Charge Tunneling in a Si Two-Dimensional Multidot Field-Effect Transistor
- Artificial Dislocation Network in Silicon-on-Insulator Layer for Single-Electron Devices
- 多重ドットトランジスタによる単電子転送動作シミュレーション
- 多重ドットトランジスタによる単電子転送動作シミュレーション(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- Si単一ドーパントデバイスとその特性(第18回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2010))
- Si単一ドーパントデバイスとその特性(第18回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2010))
- Tunneling current oscillations in Si/SiO_2/Si structures(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- リンをドープした単一および多重ドットSOI-FETによるフォトン検出(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- PドープSi SOI-MOSFETにおける単電子の帯電メモリ効果(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- リンをドープした単一および多重ドットSOI-FETによるフォトン検出(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- PドープSi SOI-MOSFETにおける単電子の帯電メモリ効果(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- PドープSi SOI-MOSFETにおける単電子の帯電メモリ効果(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- リンをドープした単一および多重ドットSOI-FETによるフォトン検出(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- Quantized electron transfer through random multiple tunnel junctions in phosphorus-doped silicon nanowires
- Time-controlled single-electron transfer in single-gated asymmetric multiple tunnel junction arrays
- Time-controlled single-electron transfer in single-gated asymmetric multiple tunnel junction arrays
- Quantum-Confinement Effect in Ultrathin Si Layer of Silicon-on-Insulator Substrate : Semiconductors
- Single-electron transfer between two donors in nanoscale thin silicon-on-insulator field-effect transistors
- Single-Electron Transfer by Inter-Dopant Coupling Tuning in Doped Nanowire Silicon-on-Insulator Field-Effect Transistors
- Silicon nanodevice potential investigation by low temperature Kelvin Probe Force Microscope
- Dopant ionization in silicon nanodevices investigated by Kelvin Probe Force Microscope (シリコン材料・デバイス)
- Dopant ionization in silicon nanodevices investigated by Kelvin Probe Force Microscope (電子デバイス)
- Si単電子FETによるフォトン検出(第15回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2007))
- Si単電子FETによるフォトン検出(第15回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2007))
- Photo-illumination effects on the Si multiple-tunnel-junction single-hole devices
- Thermal Nitridation of Si(111) Surfaces with N_2 Molecules Studied by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope Study of (001)InP Surface Prepared by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- In-Situ Contactless Characterization of Microscopic and Macroscopic Properties of Si-doped MBE-Grown (2×4) GaAs Surfaces
- In-Situ Contactless Characterization of Microscopic and Macroscopic Properties of Si-Doped MBE-Grown (2x4) GaAs Surfaces
- Fabrication and Electrical Characteristics of Silicon Quantum Dot Devices
- Light irradiation effect on single-hole-tunneling current of an SOI-FET(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Photon irradiation effects on Si multiple-tunnel-junction field-effect transistors : Sensing the presence of a single-charge in the substrate
- Photon irradiation effects on Si multiple-tunnel-junction field-effect transistors : Sensing the presence of a single-charge in the substrate
- Concentration of Electric Field near Si Dot/Thermally-Grown SiO_2 Interface
- Capacitance-Voltage Study of Silicon-on-Insulator Structure with an Ultrathin Buried SiO_2 Layer Fabricated by Wafer Bonding
- Effects of Electron Tunneling into a Single-Crystalline Si Layer through an Ultrathin Buried Oxide
- In-Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscope Study of Formation Process of Ultrathin Si Layer by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on GaAs(001)-(2×4) Surface
- In-Situ UHV-STM Study of Formation Process of Ultrathin MBE Si Layer on GaAs(001)-(2x4) Surface
- Missing-Dimer Structures and Their Kink Defects on Molecular Beam Epitaxially Grown (2×4) Reconstructed (001) InP and GaAs Surfaces Studied by Ultrahigh-Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Missing-Dimer Structures and Their Kink Defects on MBE-Grown (2x4) Reconstructed (001)Inp Surfaces Studied by UHV Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Si Pillar Formation and Height Countrol by Furnace Oxidation of the Si (111) Surface with Ultra-Small SiN Nuclei
- Si Pillar Formation and Height Control by Furnace Oxidation of the Si (111) Surface with Ultra-Small SiN Nuclei
- Photon irradiation effects on Si multiple-tunnel-junction field-effect transistors : Sensing the presence of a single-charge in the substrate
- Nanometer-Scale Local Oxidation of Si Using SiN Islands Formed in the Early Stages of Nitridation
- Multi-Charge Turnstile Operation in Random-Multidot Channel FET
- Fabrication of CoSi2-Buried-Metal-Layer Si Substrates for Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy by Wafer-Bonding
- Light irradiation effect on single-hole-tunneling current of an SOI-FET(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Light irradiation effect on single-hole-tunneling current of an SOI-FET(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Evaluation of SOI Wafer Quality and Technological Issues to be Solved
- Thermal Agglomeration of Ultrathin Si Layer on Buried SiO_2
- Thermally-Induced Structural Changes of Ultrathin Silicon-on-Insulator Structure
- Simulation of Visible Light Induced Effects in a Tunnel Junction Array for Photonic Device Applications
- The Effect of Husband's Commuting and Working Time on Fertility : Empirical Evidence from the Panel Survey on Consumers
- Resonant Tunneling Effect in Si/SiO_2 Double Barrier Structure
- Single-Electron Charging in Phosphorus Donors in Silicon Observed by Low-Temperature Kelvin Probe Force Microscope
- Photoirradiation Effects in a Single-Electron Tunnel Junction Array (Special Issue on Technology Challenges for Single Electron Devices)
- Photo-Irradiation Effects in Single-Electron Tunnel Junction Arrays
- Simulations of Relaxation Processes for Non-Equilibrium Electron Distributions in Two-Dimensional Tunnel Junction Arrays ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Fabrication of CoSi2-Buried-Metal-Layer Si Substrates for Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy by Wafer-Bonding
- Photoinduced Effects on Single-Charge Tunneling in a Si Two-Dimensional Multidot Field-Effect Transistor
- Thermal Agglomeration of Ultrathin Silicon-on-Insulator Layers: Crystalline Orientation Dependence
- Concentration of Electric Field near Si Dot/Thermally-Grown SiO2 Interface
- Single-Gated Single-Electron Transfer in Nonuniform Arrays of Quantum Dots
- Fowler–Nordheim Current Oscillations in Si(111)/SiO2/Twisted-Si(111) Tunneling Structures
- Photon-Induced Random Telegraph Signal Due to Potential Fluctuation of a Single Donor-Acceptor Pair in Nanoscale Si p-n Junctions