Concentration of Electric Field near Si Dot/Thermally-Grown SiO_2 Interface
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Publication Office, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyoの論文
- 2001-03-01
TABE Michiharu
Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
Tabe M
Shizuoka Univ. Hamamatsu Jpn
KOSUGI Masaaki
Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
Shimane University
- Observation of discrete dopant potential and its application to Si single-electron devices
- Design of dopant-induced quantum dot arrays in silicon nanostructures for single-electron transfer (シリコン材料・デバイス)
- Design of dopant-induced quantum dot arrays in silicon nanostructures for single-electron transfer (電子デバイス)
- Single-electron transfer in phosphorous-doped Si nanowire FETs
- Time-controlled single-electron transfer in single-gated asymmetric multiple tunnel junction arrays
- Tunneling current oscillations in Si/SiO_2/Si structures(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Tunneling current oscillations in Si/SiO_2/Si structures(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Fowler-Nordheim Current Oscillations in Si(111)/SiO_2/Twisted-Si(111) Tunneling Structures
- Formation of Nanometer-Scale Dislocation Network Sandwiched by Silicon-on-Insulator Layers
- Charge polarization effect on single-hole-characteristics in a two-dimensional Si multidot structure
- Photoinduced Effects on Single-Charge Tunneling in a Si Two-Dimensional Multidot Field-Effect Transistor
- Artificial Dislocation Network in Silicon-on-Insulator Layer for Single-Electron Devices
- 多重ドットトランジスタによる単電子転送動作シミュレーション
- 多重ドットトランジスタによる単電子転送動作シミュレーション(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- Si単一ドーパントデバイスとその特性(第18回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2010))
- Si単一ドーパントデバイスとその特性(第18回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2010))
- Tunneling current oscillations in Si/SiO_2/Si structures(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- リンをドープした単一および多重ドットSOI-FETによるフォトン検出(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- PドープSi SOI-MOSFETにおける単電子の帯電メモリ効果(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- リンをドープした単一および多重ドットSOI-FETによるフォトン検出(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- PドープSi SOI-MOSFETにおける単電子の帯電メモリ効果(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- PドープSi SOI-MOSFETにおける単電子の帯電メモリ効果(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- リンをドープした単一および多重ドットSOI-FETによるフォトン検出(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- Quantized electron transfer through random multiple tunnel junctions in phosphorus-doped silicon nanowires
- Time-controlled single-electron transfer in single-gated asymmetric multiple tunnel junction arrays
- Time-controlled single-electron transfer in single-gated asymmetric multiple tunnel junction arrays
- Quantum-Confinement Effect in Ultrathin Si Layer of Silicon-on-Insulator Substrate : Semiconductors
- Single-electron transfer between two donors in nanoscale thin silicon-on-insulator field-effect transistors
- Single-Electron Transfer by Inter-Dopant Coupling Tuning in Doped Nanowire Silicon-on-Insulator Field-Effect Transistors
- Silicon nanodevice potential investigation by low temperature Kelvin Probe Force Microscope
- Dopant ionization in silicon nanodevices investigated by Kelvin Probe Force Microscope (シリコン材料・デバイス)
- Dopant ionization in silicon nanodevices investigated by Kelvin Probe Force Microscope (電子デバイス)
- Si単電子FETによるフォトン検出(第15回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2007))
- Si単電子FETによるフォトン検出(第15回先端半導体デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジア・太平洋ワークショップ(AWAD2007))
- Photo-illumination effects on the Si multiple-tunnel-junction single-hole devices
- Thermal Nitridation of Si(111) Surfaces with N_2 Molecules Studied by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope Study of (001)InP Surface Prepared by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- In-Situ Contactless Characterization of Microscopic and Macroscopic Properties of Si-doped MBE-Grown (2×4) GaAs Surfaces
- In-Situ Contactless Characterization of Microscopic and Macroscopic Properties of Si-Doped MBE-Grown (2x4) GaAs Surfaces
- Fabrication and Electrical Characteristics of Silicon Quantum Dot Devices
- Light irradiation effect on single-hole-tunneling current of an SOI-FET(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Concentration of Electric Field near Si Dot/Thermally-Grown SiO_2 Interface
- Capacitance-Voltage Study of Silicon-on-Insulator Structure with an Ultrathin Buried SiO_2 Layer Fabricated by Wafer Bonding
- Effects of Electron Tunneling into a Single-Crystalline Si Layer through an Ultrathin Buried Oxide
- In-Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscope Study of Formation Process of Ultrathin Si Layer by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on GaAs(001)-(2×4) Surface
- In-Situ UHV-STM Study of Formation Process of Ultrathin MBE Si Layer on GaAs(001)-(2x4) Surface
- Missing-Dimer Structures and Their Kink Defects on Molecular Beam Epitaxially Grown (2×4) Reconstructed (001) InP and GaAs Surfaces Studied by Ultrahigh-Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Missing-Dimer Structures and Their Kink Defects on MBE-Grown (2x4) Reconstructed (001)Inp Surfaces Studied by UHV Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Si Pillar Formation and Height Countrol by Furnace Oxidation of the Si (111) Surface with Ultra-Small SiN Nuclei
- Si Pillar Formation and Height Control by Furnace Oxidation of the Si (111) Surface with Ultra-Small SiN Nuclei
- Photon irradiation effects on Si multiple-tunnel-junction field-effect transistors : Sensing the presence of a single-charge in the substrate
- Nanometer-Scale Local Oxidation of Si Using SiN Islands Formed in the Early Stages of Nitridation
- Multi-Charge Turnstile Operation in Random-Multidot Channel FET
- Fabrication of CoSi2-Buried-Metal-Layer Si Substrates for Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy by Wafer-Bonding
- Light irradiation effect on single-hole-tunneling current of an SOI-FET(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Light irradiation effect on single-hole-tunneling current of an SOI-FET(結晶成長評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si, SiGe,その他の電子材料))
- Evaluation of SOI Wafer Quality and Technological Issues to be Solved
- Thermal Agglomeration of Ultrathin Si Layer on Buried SiO_2
- Thermally-Induced Structural Changes of Ultrathin Silicon-on-Insulator Structure
- Simulation of Visible Light Induced Effects in a Tunnel Junction Array for Photonic Device Applications
- Resonant Tunneling Effect in Si/SiO_2 Double Barrier Structure