Non-Destructive Characterization of Electronic Properties of Pre- and Post-Processing Silicon Surfaces by UHV Contactless Capacitance-Voltage Method
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-09-07
Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics (RCIQE), Hokkaido University
Sakai T
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Kanagawa Jpn
Hashizume Tamotsu
Research Center For Integrated Quantum Electronics Hokkaido University
Sakai Tomohiro
Department Of Innovative And Engineered Materials Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And E
Yoshida T
Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Takushoku University
Yoshida Tomio
Information Equipment Research Laboratory Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
YOSHIDA Toshiyuki
Research Center for Interface Quantum Electronics and Graduate School of Electronics and Information
Sakai T
Dainippon Screen Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Kyoto Jpn
Yoshida Tomoaki
Department Of Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Yoshida Toshiyuki
Research Center For Interface Quantum Electronics And Graduate School Of Electronics And Information
SAKAI Takamasa
Dainippon Screen Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Yoshida T
Matsushita Electric Co. Tochigi Jpn
Sakai T
Laboratory Of Plant Cell Biochemistry Department Of Applied Plant Science Division Of Life Science G
Yoshida T
Fukuoka Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Hashizume Tamotsu
Research Center For Integrated Quantum Electronics (rciqe) And Graduate School Of Information Scienc
Sakai Toshikatsu
School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University:crest Japan Science And Technology Corporation (
Hasegawa Hideki
Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics (RCIQE) and Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, North 13, West 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan
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- Gate Leakage in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors and Its Suppression by Novel Al_2O_3 Insulated Gate(Heterostructure Microelectronics with TWHM2003)
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- Nitridation of GaP Surfaces by Rf Nitrogen Radicals and by ECR Nitrogen Plasma
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope Study of (001)InP Surface Prepared by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- In-Situ Contactless Characterization of Microscopic and Macroscopic Properties of Si-doped MBE-Grown (2×4) GaAs Surfaces
- In-Situ Contactless Characterization of Microscopic and Macroscopic Properties of Si-Doped MBE-Grown (2x4) GaAs Surfaces
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- Novel Formation Method of Quantum Dot Structures by Self-Limited Selective Area Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Fabrication of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Dots by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy on Patterned GaAs Substrates
- Mechanism of Multiatomic Step Formation durirng Metalorganic Chemical Vapor deposition Growth of GaAs on (001) Vicinal Surface Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Electrochemical Formation of Uniform and Straight Nano-Pore Arrays on(001)InP Surfaces and Their Photoluminescence Characterizations
- Process Charactarization and Optimization for a Novel Oxide-Free Insulated Gate Structure for InP MISFETs Having Silicon Interface Control Layer (Joint Special Issue on Heterostructure Microelectronics with TWHM 2000)
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- Large Conductance Modulation in Interdigital Gate HEMT Device due to Surface Plasma Wave Interactions and Its Device Application
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- The Strong Correlation between Interface Microstructure and Barrier Height in Pt/n-InP Schottky Contacts Formed by an In Situ Electrochemical Process
- Formation of Size- and Position-Controlled Nanometer Size Pt Dots on GaAs and InP Substrates by Pulsed Electrochemical Deposition
- In-Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscope Study of Formation Process of Ultrathin Si Layer by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on GaAs(001)-(2×4) Surface
- In-Situ UHV-STM Study of Formation Process of Ultrathin MBE Si Layer on GaAs(001)-(2x4) Surface
- Missing-Dimer Structures and Their Kink Defects on Molecular Beam Epitaxially Grown (2×4) Reconstructed (001) InP and GaAs Surfaces Studied by Ultrahigh-Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Missing-Dimer Structures and Their Kink Defects on MBE-Grown (2x4) Reconstructed (001)Inp Surfaces Studied by UHV Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Chemical and Electrochemical Nanofabrication Processes for Schottky In-Plane Gate GaAs Single and Coupled Quantum Wire Transistors
- Ordered Quantum Dots : A New Self-Organizing Growth Mode on High-Index Semiconductor Surfaces
- Ordered Quantum Dots: Atomic Force Microscopy Study of a New Self-Organizing Growth Mode on GaAs (311)B Substrates
- Fabrication of AlGaN/GaN Quantum Nanostructures by Methane-Based Dry Etching and Characterization of Their Electrical Properties
- Control of Order Parameter during Growth of In_Ga_P/GaAs Heterostructures by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy Using Tertiarybutylphosphine
- Characteristics of Schottky Contacts on n-InP and n-GaAs by a Novel in situ Electrochemical Process
- Formation of Oxide-Free Nearly Ideal Pt/GaAs Schottky Barriers by Novel In Situ Photopulse - Assisted Electrochemical Process
- Sensing Mechanism of InP Hydrogen Sensors Using Pt Schottky Diodes Formed by Electrochemical Process
- A Novel Non-Destructive Characterization Method of Electronic Properties of Pre- and Post-Processing Silicon Surfaces Based on Ultrahigh-Vacuum Contactless Capacitance-Voltage Measurements
- Non-Destructive Characterization of Electronic Properties of Pre- and Post-Processing Silicon Surfaces by UHV Contactless Capacitance-Voltage Method
- In-Situ Characterization of Compound Semiconductor Surfaces by Novel Photoluminescence Surface State Spectroscopy
- A Novel Contactless and Nondestructive Measurement Method of Surface Recombination Velocity on Silicon Surfaces by Photoluminescence
- Formation of Size- and Position-Controlled Nanometer Size Pt Dots on GaAs and InP Substrates by Pulsed Electrochemical Deposition
- Size-Controlled Formation of Decananometer InGaAs Quantum Wires by Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy on InP Patterned Substrates
- Voltage Gain in GaAs-Based Lateral Single-Electron Transistors Having Schottky Wrap Gates
- Computer Simulation and Experimental Characterization of Single Electron Transistors Based on Schottky Wrap Gate Control of 2DEG
- Fabrication and Characterization of GaAs Single Electron Devices Having Single and Multiple Dots Based on Schottky In-Plane-Gate and Wrap-Gate Control of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
- Realization of GaAs-Based Single Electron Devices Having Single and Multiple Dots by Schottky In-Plane-Gate Control of Two Dimensional Electron Gas
- Novel GaAs-Based Single-Electron Transistors with Schottky In-Plane Gates Operating up to 20 K
- Novel Schottky In-Plane Gate Single-Electron Transistors Using GaAs/AlGaAs System Operating up to 10K
- Observation of Conductance Quantization in A Novel Schottky In-Plane Gate Wire Transistor Fabricated by Low-Damage In Situ Electrochemical Process
- Hexagonal Binary Decision Diagram Quantum Circuit Approach for Ultra-Low Power III-V Quantum LSIs
- Optimization and Interface Characterization of a Novel Oxide-Free Insulated Gate Structure for InP Having an Ultrathin Silicon Interface Control Layer
- In-Situ XPS Study of Etch Chemistry of Methane-Based RIBE of InP Using N_2
- Fabrication and Characterization of Novel Oxide-Free InP Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor FETs Having an Ultra Narrow Si Surface Quantum Well
- Fabrication and Characterization of Novel Oxide-Free InP MISFETs Having an Ultra-Narrow Si Surface Quantum Well
- X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Ultrahigh Vacuum Contactless Capacitance-Voltage Characterization of Novel Oxide-Free InP Passivation Process Using a Silicon Surface Quantum Well
- Characterization of Interface Electronic Properties of Low-Temperature Ultrathin Oxides and Oxynitrides Formed on Si(111) Surfaces by Contactless Capacitance-Voltage and Photoluminescence Methods
- Electronic Interface Properties of Low Temperature Ultrathin Oxides on Si(111) Surfaces Studied by Contactless Capacitance-Voltage and Photoluminescence Methods
- Extra-Side-Facet Control in Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires for Improvement of Wire Uniformity
- Study of Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction Oscillation for Optimization of Tertiarybutylphosphine-Based Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of In_Ga_P on GaAs
- Control of Dot Size and Tunneling Barrier Profile in In_Ga_As Coupled Quantum Wire-Dot Structures Grown by Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Patterned InP Substrates
- Gas-Source Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of In_Ga_xP on GaAs Using Tertiarybutylphosphine
- Controlled Formation of Narrow and Uniform InP-Based In_Ga_As Ridge Quantum Wire Arrays by Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Controlled Formation of Narrow and Uniform InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wire Arrays on Patterned InP Substrates by Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- RHEED Oscillation-Based Optimization of Growth Conditions for Gas-Source MBE Growth of InGaP Using Tertiarybutylphosphine
- Basic Control Characteristics of Novel Schottky In-Plane and Wrap Gate Structures Studied by Simulation and Transport Measurements in GaAs and InGaAs Quantum Wires ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Formation of Two-Dimensional Arrays of InP-Based InGaAs Quantum Dots on Patterned Substrates by Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Excitation Power Dependent Photoluminescence Behavior in Etched Quantum Wires having Silicon Interlayer-Based Edge Passivation and Its Interpretation
- Fabrication of InGaAs Quantum Wires and Dots by Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth on Various Mesa-Patterned (001)InP Substrates
- Observation of Coulomb Blockade Type Conductance Oscillations up to 50 K in Gated InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on InP Substrates
- Excitation Power Dependent Photoluminescence Characterization and Successful Edge Passivation of Etched InGaAs Quantum Wires Formed by Electron Beam Lithography
- Bulk and Interface Deep Levels in InGaP/GaAs Heterostructures Grown by Tertiarybutylphosphine-Based Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- DLTS, PL and CL Study of Dominant Deep Level and Its Removal in InGaP/GaAs Heterostructure Grown by TBP-Based GSMBE
- Embedded Nanowire Network Growth and Node Device Fabrication for GaAs-Based High-Density Hexagonal BDD Quantum Circuits
- Investigation of Side-gating Effects in GaAs-based Quantum Wire Transistor (QWRTr) utilizing Nanosized Schottky Gates
- Growth of AlGaN/GaN Quantum Wire Structures by Radio-Frequency-Radical-Assisted Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Prepatterned Substrates
- Cross-Sectional Evolution and Its Mechanism during Selective MBE Growth of GaAs Quantum Wires on (111)B Substrates
- Growth of AlGaN/GaN Quantum Wire Structures by RF-Radical Assisted Selective MBE on Pre-Patterned Substrates
- Strong Photoluminescence and Low Surface State Densities on Clean and Silicon Deposited (001) Surfaces of GaAs with (4 × 6) Reconstruction
- Strong Photoluminescence and Low Surface State Densities on Clean and Silicon Deposited (001) Surfaces of GaAs with (4x6) Reconstruction
- Formation of Quantum Dots by Schottky Wrap Gate Control of 2DEG and Its Application to Single Electron Transistors
- Formation of Quantum Dots by Schottky Wrap Gate Control of 2DEG and Its Application to Single Electron Transistors
- Capacitance-Voltage Behavior of Insulated Gate InGaAs HEMT Capacitors Having Silicon Interface Control Layer
- Novel Insulated Gate InGaAs HEMT Technology Using Silicon Interface Control Layer
- Reactive Ion Beam Etching of GaN and AlGaN/GaN for Nanostructure Fabrication Using Methane-Based Gas Mixtures
- Novel Quantum Wire Branch-Switches for Binary Decision Diagram Logic Architecture Utilizing Schottky Wrap-Gate Control of GaAs/AlGaAs Nanowires
- Reactive Ion Beam Etching of GaN and AlGaN for Nano-structure Fabrication Using Methane-Based Gas Mixtures
- A Novel GaAs Binary Decision Diagram Device Having Quantum Wire Branch-Switches Controlled by Wrap Gates
- GaAs-Based Single Electron Transistors and Logic Inverters Utilizing Schottky Wrap-Gate Controlled Quantum Wires and Dots
- Electron Beam Induced Current Characterization of Novel GaAs Quantum Nanostructures Based on Potential Modulation of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas by Schottky In-Plane Gates
- Successful Passivation of Air-Exposed AlGaAs Surfaces by a Silicon Interface Control Layer-Based Technique
- Photoluminescence and X-Ray Photoelectron Study of AlGaAs/GaAs Near-Surface Quantum Wells Passivated by a Novel Interface Control Technique
- More than 10^3 Times Photoluminescence Intensity Recovery by Silicon Interface-Control-Layer-Based Surface Passivation of Near-Surface Quantum Wells
- Fabrication and Characterisation of Direct Schottky Contacts to Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells
- Process-Induced Defects in InP Caused by Chemical Vapor Deposition of Surface Passivation Dielectrics
- Deep Level Characterization of Submillimeter-Wave GaAs Schottky Diodes Produced by a Novel In-Situ Electrochemical Process
- Structural and Optical Properties of InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wire Arrays with Sub-micron Pitches Grown by Selective MBE on InP Substrates
- Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of High-Quality Linear Arrays of InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires With Nanometer Wire Widths and Submicron Wire Pitches on Patterned InP Substrates
- Structural and Optical Properties of 10nm-Class InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wire Arrays with Sub-Micron Pitches Grown by Selective MBE on Patterned InP Substrate
- Characterization and Optimization of Atomic Hydrogen Cleaning of InP Surface for Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of InGaAs Quantum Structure Arrays
- Ridge Uniformity Improvement Toward Growth of Sub-10nm InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires by Selective MBE on Patterned InP Substrate
- In Situ X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Etch Chemistry of Methane-Based Reactive Ion Beam Etching of InP Using N2
- Photoluminescence and Cathodoluminescence Investigation of Optical Properties of InP-Based InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires Formed by Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy