- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
- 1993-06-25
Horiike Yasuhiro
Faculty Of Engineering Hiroshima University
Horiike Yasuhiro
Department Of Electrical Engineering Toyo University
堀池 靖浩
- ラジアルラインスロットアンテナを用いた大口径均一プラズマの生成
- ラジアルラインスロットアンテナを用いたプラズマエッチング装置
- ナノピラー構造体が電気浸透流に及ぼす影響の評価
- 極微量全血分離・分析を目指したヘルスケアチップの創製
- Negative Ion Assisted Silicon Oxidation in Downstream of Microwave Plasma
- Measurement of Fluorocarbon Radicals Generated from C_4F_8/H_2 Inductively Coupled Plasma : Study on SiO_2 Selective Etching Kinetics
- RF Selfbias Voltage and Sheath Width in Inductively Coupled Chlorine Plasma
- Microloading Effect in Highty Selective Si0_2 Contact Hole Etching Employing Inductively Coupled Plasma
- Effect of Magnetic Field to Etching Characteristics of Inductively Coupled Plasma ( Plasma Processing)
- High Rate and Highly Selective SiO_2 Etching Employing Inductively Coupled Plasma
- RF Self-Bias Characteristics in Inductively Coupled Plasma
- Al Etching Characteristics Ernploying Helicon Wave Plasma
- Si Etching Employing Steady-State Magnetron Plasma with Magnet at Anode Centered in a Cylindrical Reactor
- Compact Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma-Etching Reactor Employing Permanent Magnet : Etching
- Compact Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma-Etching Reactor Employing Permanent Magnet
- Si Etching with Low Ion Energy in Low-Pressure Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Generated by Longitudinal and Multipole Magnetic Fields
- High Etch Rate Modes in Microwave Plasma Etching of Silicon in High Magnetic Fields : Etching and Deposition Technology
- High Etch Rate Modes in Microwave Plasma Etching of Silicon in High Magnetic Fields
- ナノポアを通過する長鎖DNAのイメージング解析 : DNAの核膜孔通過過程のモデリングを目指して
- 18pYF-11 マイクロ・ナノチップ中における長鎖DNAのダイナミクスの解析
- カーボンナノチューブフィールドエミッターのI-V特性と先端構造
- Gap-filling of Cu Employing Sustained Self-Sputtering with Inductively Coupled Plasma Ionization
- Enhancement of Negative-Ion-Assisted Silicon Oxidation by Radio-Frequency Bias
- Floating Potential in Negative-Ion-Containing Plasma
- Development and Plasma Characteristics Measurement of Planar-Type Magnetic Neutral Loop Discharge Etcher
- Highly Selective SiO_2/Si Etching and Related Kinetics in Time-Modulated Helicon Wave Plasma
- SiO_2 Etching Employing Inductively Coupled Plasma with Hot Inner Wall
- Mechanism of Cloudy Surface Generation on Si Wafer Employing Numerically Controlled Local Dry Etching (NC-LDE)
- In-Situ X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Reactive-Ion-Etched Surfaces of Indium-Tin Oxide Film Employing Alcohol Gas
- Fluorescence Emission Control of Long DNA Molecules Adsorbed on microelectrode Surfaces by External Voltage
- Study on the Mechanisms of Chemical Mechanical Polishing on Copper and Aluminum Surfaces Employing In Situ Infrared Spectroscopy
- Molecular Detection in a Microfluidic Device by Streaming Current Measurements
- Translocation of a Long DNA Chain Passing Through a Nanofabricated Pore
- Study on Elemental Technologies for Creation of Healthcare Chip Fabricated on Polyethylene Terephthalate Plate
- 水素+水蒸気プラズマダウンフローへのNF_3添加によるシリコン表面の自然酸化膜除去
- テトラフルオロエチルトリフルオロメチルエーテル(HFE 227)への有機シラン添加による高選択比・高アスペクト比酸化膜エッチング
- Fabrication and Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Optically Coupled Common Memory
- 多項目同時測定ヘルスケアチップ用マイクログルコースセンサーの創製
- Cleaning of Silicon Surfaces by NF_3-Added Hydrogen and Water-Vapor Plasma Downstream Treatment
- Cleaning of Silicon Surfaces by NF_3 Added Hydrogen and Water Vapor Plasma Downstream Treatment
- 2.4GHzフロントエンドAlN/α-Al_2O_3 SAWマッチトフィルタ
- 高齢化社会の到来とヘルスケアチップの創製 : ドライエッチング技術の展開
- 日々の健康管理 -ヘルスケアデバイスの創製-
- プラズマプロセスによるバイオチップの開発と展望
- 大気圧マイクロプラズマジェットの微細加工への応用
- VHF駆動によるマイクロプラズマの生成技術とマイクロ化学分析システムへの応用
- 高アスペクト比ULSIエッチング技術
- 5.最近のトピックス : 5.2フッ素,塩素負イオン生成とSi,SiO_2とのエッチング反応 : 負イオンを見直そう(負イオン特集)
- プロセス用プラズマの制御最前線 (制御されたプロセス用プラズマを目指して--その現状と将来展望)
- Electron Energy Control in Inductively Coupled Plasma Employing Multimode Antenna
- Thin Film Detection Employing Frequency Shift in Sheath Current Oscillation
- Excitation of Sheath Oscillating Current by Superimposing Pulse Voltage
- Atomic Layer Controlled Digital Etching of Silicon : Etching and Deposition Technology
- Atomic Layer Controlled Digital Etching of Silicon
- Fabrication of Quartz Microcapillary Electrophoresis Chips Using Plasma Etching
- Gap-Filling of Cu Employing Self-Sustained Sputtering with ICP Ionization
- 負イオンプラズマによるシリコンエッチング
- 4. 高密度RFプラズマによる高速・高選択比SiO_2エッチングと反応機構 (ドライエッチング用プラズマ)
- Silicon Etching Employing Negative Ion in SF_6 Plasma
- 半導体製造用プロセシングプラズマ(期待されるブレイクスルー)
- Sheath Width in Negative-Ion-Containing Plasma
- Emissive Probe Study of CF_4/H_2 Etching Plasma
- Localized Removal of a Photoresist by Atmospheric Pressure Micro-plasma Jet Using RF Corona Discharge
- 容量結合型大気圧マイクロプラズマ源
- 医療
- Development of Clinical Chips for Home Medical Diagnostics
- 在宅で健康診断できるヘルスケアチップの開発 (特集 診断バイオチップの未来)
- μ-TAS応用によるバイオセンサ式ヘルスケアチップ (特集 流体MEMSのすべて--マイクロ流体デバイスの応用展開とその実用化)
- 産学独連携により2009年115WのEUV光源を実現
- 無痛針採血による在宅健康診断チップ
- 医療用バイオチップの現状と将来展望
- B-5-145 in vivoワイヤレス通信チップ用送受信回路に関する研究(B-5.無線通信システムA(移動通信))
- B-1-16 in vivo ワイヤレス通信チップ用アンテナに関する研究 : 電磁波の人体透過特性
- Anisotropic Etching of SiO_2 Film and Quartz Plate Employing Anhydrous HF
- Deep Dry Etching of Quartz Plate Over 100 μm in Depth Employing Ultra-Thick Photoresist (SU-8)
- Study on Reaction Mechanism of Aluminum Selective Chemical Vapor Deposition with In-situ XPS Measurement : Etching and Deposition Technology
- Study on Reaction Mechanism of Aluminum Selective Chemical Vapor Deposition with In-situ XPS Measurement
- Resistance Oscillations Induced by Direct Current Electromigration
- Diagnostics of Hydrogen Role in the Si Surface Reaction Processes Employing In-situ Fourier Transform Infrared-Attenuated Total Reflection : Beam Induced Physics and Chemistry
- Diagnostics of Hydrogen Role in the Si Surface Reaction Processes Employing In-situ Fourier Transform Infrared-Attenuated Total Reflection
- High-Rate Bias Sputtering Filling of SiO2 Film Employing Both Continuous Wave and Time-Modulated Inductively Coupled Plasmas
- Miniaturized Capillary Electrophoresis Fabricated on Pyrex Glass Chips Using Deep Dry Etching and Anodic Bonding
- Single Silicon Etching Profile Simulation
- Radiation Damage Evaluation in Excimer Laser Beam Irradiation and Reactive Ion Etching
- Excimer Laser Photochemical Directional Etching of Phosphorous Doped Poly-Crystalline Silicon
- Photo-Excited Etching of Poly-Crystalline and Single-Crystalline Silicon in Cl_2 Atmosphere
- 新しい装置創りから未知なるものの発見
- ULSI高アスペクト比SiO_2エッチング技術の現状と展望
- ナノ構造体を用いた無標識検出
- 表面反応研究のより一層の促進を
- 高密度プラズマによるエッチングプロセス(最新のプラズマプロセス技術)
- Downstream Etching of Si and SiO_2 Employing CF_4/O_2 or NF_3/O_2 at High Temperature : Etching and Deposition Technology
- Electromigration Characteristics of Cu-Al Precipitate in AlCu Interconnection
- Sputtering of Aluminum Film Using Microwave Plasma with High Magnetic Field
- Application of Photoexcited Reaction to VLSI Process (Special Issue on Opto-Electronics and LSI)
- Downstream Etching of Si and SiO2 Employing CF4/O2 or NF3/O2 at High Temperature