Comparison of Antibacterial Activity of Fluoroquinolones with Their Sucralfate-complexes against Clinically-isolated Bacteria
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Oral fluoroquinolones are widely known to form chelate complexes with metal-containing drugs, resulting in inhibition of their intestinal absorption. However, for intestinal sterilization, the concomitant regimen may be a selective and effective strategy due to decreased absorption of fluoroquinolones result in the retainment of antibiotics at the intestine if the mixture still perpetuated antibacterial activity. Therefore, to clarify whether the mixture of fluoroquinolones and sucralfate affects their antibacterial activity or not, we conducted in vitro study. According from the checkerboard study using a microdilution method with Mueller-Hinton broth, the antibacterial activity of these fluoroquinolones-sucralfate mixtures equaled to the parent fluoroquinolones even in the presence of sucralfate at the molar ratio of [sucralfate: fluoroquinolone] was less than 166, and the minimal inhibitory concentrations for clinical isolated Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains were independent of the existence of sucralfate. These data imply that the chelated forms of each fluoroquinolone retain antibacterial activity even in the presence of the recommended therapeutic doses of sucralfate in clinical practice.
- 社団法人 日本薬学会の論文
Department of Pharmacology, The University of Tokushima Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Subdivision of Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of H
HOUCHI Hitoshi
Department of Pharmacy, the University of Tokushima School of Medicine
Shibata Hiroko
Laboratory Of Pharmaceutical Proteomics National Institute Of Biomedical Innovation (nibio)
Shibata Hiroko
医薬基盤研究所 創薬プロテオミクスプロジェクト
Houchi Hitoshi
Department Of Pharmacology The University Of Tokushima School Of Medicine
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Kagawa Medical University
Shibata Hiroshi
Laboratory For Health Care Science Research Center Suntory Ltd.
Tsuchiya Koichiro
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology Institute Of Health Biosciences The University Of Tokushima Grad
Shibata H
Laboratory For Health Care Science Research Center Suntory Ltd.
SHIBATA Hirofumi
Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Medicine, Institute of Health Bioscience, The University of
HIGUTI Tomihiko
Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Medicine, Institute of Health Bioscience, The University of
Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Medicine, Institute of Health Bioscience, The University of
Kawazoe Hitoshi
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Gr
Takaoka Kyoko
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Gr
Takiguchi Yoshiharu
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology Institute Of Health Biosciences The University Of Tokushima Grad
Kawazoe Hitoshi
Department Of Pharmacy Kagawa University Hospital:department Of Clinical Pharmacology Graduate Schoo
Negayama Kiyoshi
Department Of Clinical Laboratory Kagawa Medical University
Arakaki Naokatu
Department Of Molecular Cell Biology And Medicine Institute Of Health Bioscience The University Of T
Tsuchiya Koichiro
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery The University Of Tokushima Graduate School Of Health Bioscienc
Department of Biochemistry, Kagoshima University Dental School(Present address): Department of Pharmaceutical Life Science, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokushima
Arakaki Naokatu
Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Medicine, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Graduate School
Higuti Tomihiko
Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Medicine, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Graduate School
Houchi Hitoshi
Department of Pharmacy, Kagawa University Hospital
Kawazoe Hitoshi
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Graduate School
Takiguchi Yoshiharu
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Graduate School
Negayama Kiyoshi
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Kagawa University Hospital
Shibata Hirofumi
Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Medicine, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Graduate School
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