Diffusion of constituent Atoms in P-type a-Si:H / SnO_2 Interfaces : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1988-07-20
Kawabata K
Division Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
HIROSE Masataka
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hiroshima University
Hirose Minoru
Process Development Division Fujitsu Limited
Miyazaki Seiichi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Hiroshima University
Miyazaki Seiichi
Dept. Of Electrical Engineering Hiroshima University
Department of Electronics, Hiroshima Institute of technology
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hiroshima University
Miyazaki Seiichi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Graduate School Of Advanced Sciences And Matter Hiroshima Unive
Kawabata Keishi
Department Of Electronics Engineering Hiroshima Institute Of Technology
Kawabata K
Transdisciplinary Life Science Course Faculty Of Advanced Life Science Hokkaido University
Shiratsuki Yoshiyuki
Department Of Electrical Engineering Hiroshima University
Hirose Masataka
Department Of Electrical Engineering Graduate School Of Advanced Sciences Of Matter Hiroshima Univer
Hirose Masataka
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Hiroshima University
Kawabata Kazushige
Division Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science
Miyazaki Seiichi
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
- Integrin β1-dependent invasive migration of irradiation-tolerant human lung adenocarcinoma cells in 3D collagen matrix
- Intermediate structure between chromatin fibers and chromosome revealed by mechanical stretching and SPM measurement
- Mechanical Properties of Membrane Surface of Cultured Astrocyte Revealed by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Time-lapse viscoelastic imaging of living fibroblasts using force modulation mode in AFM
- Quantitative analyses of topography and elasticity of living and fixed astrocytes
- Dynamics of Astrocyte Adhesion as Analyzed by a Combination of Atomic Force Microscopy and Immunocytochemistry : the Involvement of Actin Filaments and Connexin 43 in the Early Stage of Adhesion
- Reexamination of Fine Surface Topography of Nerve Cells Revealed by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Atomic Force Microscopic Observation of Three-Dimensional Morphological Changes of Neurons When Stimulated by a Neurotransmitter
- Imaging Elastic Properties of Soft Materials Immersed in Water Using Force Modulation Mode irn Atomic Force Mieroscopy
- Comparative Atomic Force and Scanning Electron Microscopy for Fine Structural Images of Nerve Cells
- Fine Surface Images That Reflect Cytoskeletal Structures in Cultured Glial Cells by Atomic Force Mieroseopy
- Elastic Properties of Living Fibroblasts as Imaged Using Force Modulation Mode in Atomic Force Microscopy
- 2P-250 走査型プローブ顕微鏡による生きた海馬神経細胞シナプスの3次元形態観察(神経・感覚,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Substitutional Doping of a-Si_xN_ : H : III-1: AMORPHOUS FILMS
- Wide Optical-Gap, Photoconductive a-Si_xN_: H
- Nucleation of Microcrystallites in Phosphorus-Doped Si: H Films
- A New Technique of Boron Doping in Si:H Films
- Visualization of Elasticity Distribution of Single Human Chromosomes by Scanning Probe Microscopy
- 1P130 染色体の牽引時に生じる力の振動の観察(核酸-構造・物性,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Effect of Annealing on Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Prepared at High Deposition Rate
- 3P-160 伸展刺激に対する細胞の硬化応答は細胞が2サイクル以上の周期伸展を記憶することで消失する(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動,骨格,伝達,膜),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Practical Scan Speed in Atomic Force Microscopy for Live Neurons in a Physiological Solution ( Scanning Tunneling Microscopy)
- AFM Observation of Three-Dimensional Fine Structural Changes in Living Neurons
- Radical- and Ion-Induced Reactions on Plasma-Deposited Silicon Surfaces
- Growth Kinetics of Silicon Thin Film Studied by Hydrogen Radical and Ion Irradiation : Beam Induced Physics and Chemistry
- Diffusion Barrier Effect of Ultra-Thin Photo-Nitrided a-Si:H Overlayer on SnO_2/Glass Substrate
- Impurity Diffusion Barrier Effect of Ultra-Thin Plasma-Nitrided a-Si:H Overlayer on SnO_2/Glass Substrate
- Electronic Structure of Photochemically Etched Silicon Surfaces : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Diffusion of constituent Atoms in P-type a-Si:H / SnO_2 Interfaces : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Band Offset in Boron-Doped Amorphous Silicon Heterostructures : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Determination of Band Discontinuity in Amorphous Silicon Heterojunctions : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- 2P218 デジタル画像相関法を用いた生きた細胞における細胞骨格の動態解析(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動,骨格,伝達,膜),第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
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- 3P-159 デジタル画像相開法により得られた局所伸展刺激下における細胞骨格ネットワークの不均一な変形分布(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動,骨格,伝達,膜),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Carrier Depletion Effect in the n^+Poly-Si Gate Side-Wall/SiO_2 Interfaces as Evaluated by Gate Tunnel Leakage Current : Semiconductors
- Memory Operation of Silicon Quantum-Dot Floating-GateMetal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors : Semiconductors
- Charging States of Si Quantum Dots as Detected by AFM/Kelvin Probe Technique
- Analysis of Tunnel Current through Ultrathin Gate Oxides
- Luminescence Study of Thermally-Oxidized Porous Si under Subgap or Overgap Excitation
- Gap-State Distributions in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon-Germanium Evaluated Using Capacitance-Voltage Method
- Optical Absorption and Photoluminescence of Self-Assembled Silicon Quantum Dots
- Surface Morphologies of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon at the Early Stages of Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Atomic Scale Morphology of Hydrogen-Termimated Si(100) Surfaces Studied by Fourier-Transform Infrared Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopy and Scanning Probe Microscopies
- Luminescence from Thermally Oxidized Porous Silicon
- Effect of Substrate Bias on Silicon Thin-Film Growth in Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition at Cryogenic Temperatures
- Static Friction of Agar Gels : Formation of Contact Junctions at Frictional Interface(Electromagnetism, Optics, Acoustics, Heat Transfer, Classical Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics)
- Microdomain structure of agar gels observed by mechanical-scanning probe microscopy
- Nitrogen Incorporation in a-Ge:H Produced in High-Hydrogen-Dilution Plasma
- High Quality a-SiGe:H Alloys Prepared by Nanometer Deposition/H_2 Plasma Annealing Method
- Amorphous Silicon Static Induction Transistor
- High-Rate GaAs Epitaxial Lift-Off Technique for Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits
- Single-Chip Integration of Light-Emitting Diode, Waveguide and Micrormirrors
- Fabrication and Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Optically Coupled Common Memory
- Electron Tunneling through Ultrathin Gate Oxide Formed on Hydrogen-Terminated Si(100) Surfaces
- Atomic Scale Flatness of Chemically Cleaned Silicon Surfaces Studied by Infrared Attenuated-Total-Reflection Spectroscopy
- BF^+_2 Ion Implantation into Very-Low-Temperature Si Wafer
- Chemical Stability of HF-Treated Si(111) Surfaces
- The Role of Fluorine Termination in the Chemical Stability of HF-Treated Si Surfaces
- Chemical Bonding Features of Fluorine and Boron in BF^+_2 -Ion-Implanted Si
- In-Depth Profiling of Suboxide Compositions in the SiO_2/Si Interface by Angle-Resolved X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Modeling of Soft Breakdown in Ultrathin Gate Oxides
- Determination of Bandgap and Energy Band Alignment for High-Dielectric-Constant Gate Insulators Using High-Resolution X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Analytical Modelling of Quasi-Breakdown of Ultrathin Gate Oxides under Constant Current Stressing
- Quantitative Analysis of Tunneling Current through Ultrathin Gate Oxides
- Phonon Interaction in the Luminescence of Porous Silicon
- Reabsorption of Visible Luminescence in Porous Si
- Visible Photoluminescence from Porous Silicon
- Structural Inhomogeneity in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon in Relation to Photoelectric Properties and Defect Density
- Deposition of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon under Intermittent Substrate Bias
- In Situ Monitoring of Silicon Surfaces During Reactive Ion Etching
- Correlation between Light-Induced Degradation and Structural Inhomogeneities in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Prepared under High-Rate Deposition Conditions
- Calculation of Subband States in a Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Inversion Layer with a Realistic Potential Profile
- Analytical Modeling of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Inversion-Layer Capacitance
- Quasibound States of Electric Field-Induced Quantum Wells in Silicon Subsurface
- Quantitative Evaluation of Dopant Loss in 5-10 keV As Ion Implantation for Low-Resistive, Ultrashallow Source/Drain Formation
- Optically Interconnected Kohonen Net for Pattern Recognition
- Charging States of Si Quantum Dots as Detected by AFM/Kelvin Probe Technique
- Resonant Tunneling through SiO_2/Si Quantum Dot/SiO_2 Double Barrier Structures
- Fine SiO_2 Pattern Generation by Electron Beam Direct Writing onto Polysiloxene-Based Thin Films and Its Application to Etch Mask
- Real-Timte Monitoring of Surface Reactions during Plasma-Enhanced CVD of Silicon
- Fine SiO_2 Pattern Generation by Excimer Laser-Induced Modification of Polysiloxene-Based Thin Films
- Sub-Half-Micron Silicon Pattern Generation by Electron Beam Direct Writing on Polysilane Films
- Determination of Valence Band Alignment at Ultrathin SiO_2/Si Interfaces by High-Resolution X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Laser-Induced Oxygen Control in Small Region of YBa_2Cu_3O_y Poly- and Single Crystals, Observed by Microscopic IR Reflection
- Microscopic IR-Reflection Study of Oxygen Doping Effect Induced by Laser Irradiation on YBa_2Cu_3O_y, Surface
- Direct Observation of ^O Tracer Diffusion in a YBa_2Cu_3O_y Single Crystal by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- 3P-158 リーディングラメラにおける粒状機械構造のアクチン細胞骨格依存的なダイナミクス : 高速生細胞SPMを用いた研究(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動,骨格,伝達,膜),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-155 印加する外力の周波数に依存した細胞の生理的応答(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動,骨格,伝達,膜),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-167 ストレスファイバー形成過程において出現するアクチン線維凝集体 : アクチン線維ネットワーク再編成に対してアクチン線維凝集体が果たし得る役割(細胞生物学的課題(3),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Development of a device to stretch tissue-like materials and to measure their mechanical properties by scanning probe microscopy.
- Diphosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain enhances the tension acting on stress fibers in fibroblasts.
- 2P529 Tensional Responses of Single Living Cells to External Stretch Visualized by SPM(52. Bio-imaging,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 2P176 New filamentous ordered structure appeared by stretching of unfixed human chromosome(36. DNA to chromatin,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Spatiotemporal Variation in Cellular Stiffness Corresponding to Development of Morphological Polarity
- Contribution of cellular contractility to spatial and temporal variations in cellular stiffness
- Wide-Range Scanning Probe Microscopy for Visualizing Biomaterials in the Submillimeter Range
- Improvement of Force Modulation Mode with Scanning Probe Microscopy for Imaging Viscoelasticity of Living Cells
- Drastic change of local stiffness distribution correlating to cell migration in living fibroblasts.
- Wide range scanning probe microscopy for probing mechanical effects on cellular function
- Mechanical response of single myoblasts to various stretching patterns visualized by scanning probe microscopy