Difference in Self-Assembling Morphology of Peptide Nanorings
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physicsの論文
- 2005-11-30
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
MIHARA Hisakazu
Department of Bioengineering, Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of Te
Yamada Tetsuo
Department of Human Pathology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
USUI Kenji
Department of cardiology Surugadai Nihon Univ.Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine III, Kurume University School of Medicine
NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Okamoto Hajime
Department Of Materials Sciences Waseda Universit
TAKEDA Kyozaburo
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Nanotechnology Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Nanotechnology Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation
Azehara Hiroaki
Nanotechnology Research Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (
Okamoto Hajime
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Waseda University
- Keynote address: Challenge for electromechanical logic systems using compound semiconductor heterostructures (Silicon devices and materials)
- Keynote address: Challenge for electromechanical logic systems using compound semiconductor heterostructures (Electron devices)
- Challenge for electromechanical logic systems using compound semiconductor heterostructures(Plenary Session 1)
- Construction and Control of Self-Assembly of Amyloid and Fibrous Peptides
- Challenge for electromechanical logic systems using compound semiconductor heterostructures(Plenary Session 1)
- A Field-Effect Transistor with a Deposited Graphite Thin Film
- Single-Electron-Resolution Electrometer Based on Field-Effect Transistor(Session4B: Emerging Devices II)
- Single-Electron-Resolution Electrometer Based on Field-Effect Transistor(Session4B: Emerging Devices II)
- Transfer and Detection of Single Electrons Using Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors(Emerging Devices,Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices)
- Construction of Novel High Throughput Recognition Systems Using Labeled Peptide Arrays Focusing on Protein Detection Chips
- Designed Peptide Microarrays and Protein Characterization Using Fingerprint Patterns
- Construction of a Protein-Detection System using Designed Peptides with Fluorescent Labels
- Recognition of Porphyrin or Protein using Peptides Derived from Antibody CDR
- Effect of Growth Interruption during GaAs/AlGaAs Molecular Beam Epitaxy on (411)A Substrates
- Flattening Transition 0n GaAs (411)A Surfaces Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microseopy
- Hexafluoroisopropyl Alcohol is a Useful Cosolvent with Dimethylformamide for Tryptic Synthesis of Peptides
- Synthesis of [D-Pyrenylalanine^]gramicidin S by Soild-Phase-Synthesis and Cyclization-Cleavage Method with Oxime Resin
- Difference in Self-Assembling Morphology of Peptide Nanorings
- Superconducting Proximity Effect on Piezoresistance in a Superconductor-Semiconductor Junction
- Strongly Enhanced Sensitivity of Piezoresistive Cantilevers by Utilizing the Superconducting Proximity Effect
- Theoretical Prediction and Atomic Force Microscope Observations of the Protein Nanotube Consisting of Homo-_L-Amino Acid Penta-Peptide Nanorings
- A Menbrane Protein Model : Polypeptides with Four α-Helix Bundle Sturcture on 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis[2-(carboxymethoxy)phenyl]porphyrin
- De Novo Design and Synthesis of Four α-Helix Bundle Proteins with Flavin Function
- 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(2-amino-6-methoxycarbonylphenyl)porphyrin. Synthesis and Separation of Atropisomers Useful for Porphyrin Architecture
- Dansyl and Indolyl Groups as a Probing Pair for Intersegmental Arrangement in Four- α-Helix Bundle Structure of a Polypeptide
- Efficient Preparation of αβαβ-Atropisomer of meso-Tetra(ο-aminophenyl)porphyrin
- Design of a Hybrid of Two α-Helix Peptides and Ruthenium Trisbipyridine Complex for Photo-induced Electron Transfer System in Bilayer Membrane
- Probing Behavior of 1-Pyrenylalanine for Interaction of Two α-Helices Anchored on a Bipyridyl Group
- A Hybrid of Amphiphilic α-Helical Peptides and meso-Tetra(α,α,α,α-o-carboxyphenyl)-porphyrin. Membrane-Penetrating Porphyrin-4α-Helix Artificial Protein
- Optical Tuning of Coupled Micromechanical Resonators
- Controlling Quality Factor in Micromechanical Resonators by Carrier Excitation
- Interaction of Basic Peptides Derived from Influenza Virus M1 Protein with DNA/RNA
- Construction of the Artificial Peptides and RNAs Targeting Amyloid Peptides
- Structure and Function of Pro/Arg-rich Repeated Region in Antibiotic Bactenecin 5
- Enhanced Membrane-Perturbing Activities of Bundled Amphiphilic α-Helix Polypeptides on Interaction with Phospholipid Bilayer
- Peptide Synthesis Mediated by Thiolsubtilisin Using Peptide Thioester as Building Block
- Synthesis of Protected Peptides Containing Phosphoserine with Oxime Resin
- Theoretical Study of Epitaxial Graphene Growth on SiC(0001) Surfaces
- 27aVE-11 Investigating the activation barrier between the stable phases of oscillation in an electromechanical resonator
- Electron and Hole Proximity Effects in the InAs/AlSb/GaSb System
- Complementary Assembly of Heterogenous Peptides into Amyloid Fibrils and Their Catalytic Function
- Design of Coiled-Coil Peptides Containing Nucleobase Interaction and Their Catalytic Function on Self-Replication
- Association and Guest-induced Dissociation of a Novel α-Helix Peptide Bearing Pyrene and γ-Cyclodextrin in the Side Chains
- Peptides Undergoing Secondary Structural Transition and Self-Assembly into Amyloid Fibril Based on Structural Complementarity
- An α-to-β Structural Transition and Amyloidogenesis of Peptides : Effects of Amino Acid Substitution on Self-replicating Organization
- Design and Synthesis of Peptide Misfolding from α to β Structure and Regulation by β-Cyclodextrin as Mini-Molecular Chaperone
- Design and Synthesis of 3α-helix Bundle Peptides Possessing a Hydrophobic Cavity
- De Novo Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Heme-Conjugated Two-α-Helix Peptides
- Annealing of Two-α-Helix Structure by Metal Ion Binding Regulated with Trifluoroethanol
- Design and Synthesis of Haem Binding Molecular Forceps Composed of Two-α-Helix Peptide
- InAs/AlGaSb Piezoresistive Cantilever for Sub-Angstrom Scale Displacement Detection
- Application of InAs Freestanding Membranes to Electromechanical Systems
- Application of InAs Free-Standing Membranes for Electromechanical Systems
- Flexible Nanofabrication in Three-Dimensional Electron-Beam Lithography Enhanced by Suppression of Proximity Effect
- Fabrication of Nanomechanical Structures from Bulk-GaAs Using Angled Ion Etching
- Design and Peroxidase-like Activity of 3α-Helix Hemoproteins
- Artificial Membrane Protein Functionalized with Electron Transfer System
- Contact Conductance Measurement of Locally Suspended Graphene on SiC
- Electromechanical displacement detection with an on-chip high electron mobility transistor amplifier (Special issue: Microprocesses and nanotechnology)
- Strain Relaxation Mechanism in the Growth of InAs on GaAs(110) Surfaces Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- 22pTG-12 Self-cooling of a Micro-mechanical Resonator by Lorentz Force
- Atomic Structure and Physical Properties of Epitaxial Graphene Islands Embedded in SiC(0001) Surfaces
- Resist Coating on Vertical Side Faces Using Conventional Spin Coating for Creating Three-Dimensional Nanostructures in Semiconductors
- Theoretical study on magnetoelectric and thermoelectric properties for graphene devices (Selected topics in applied physics: Technology, physics, and modeling of graphene devices)
- Theoretical Study on Epitaxial Graphene Growth by Si Sublimation from SiC(0001) Surface
- Dependence of ErAs Clustering and Er Segregation in ErAs/GaAs Heterostructures on Growth Temperature
- Feedback Cooling of a Strained GaAs Micromechanical Beam Resonator
- Drastic Improvement in Surface Flatness Properties by Using GaAs (111) A Substrates in Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Reconstruction Dependent Electron-Hole Recombination on GaAs(001) Surfaces
- Step-Flow Growth on Vicinal GaAs Surfaces by Migration-Enhanced Epitaxy
- Anomalous Distribution of In Atoms in GaAs during Migration-Enhanced Epitaxy
- Application of Novel Double-Schottky-Junction AlGaAs/InAs/GaAs Heterostructures for Thermionic-Emitter Hot-Electron Transistors
- Improvement in the Electrical Properties of GaAs/InAs/GaAs Structures through the Use of (111)A Substrates
- Single-Turn GaAs/InAs Nanotubes Fabricated Using the Supercritical CO2 Drying Technique
- Step Motion and Structure Transition on InAs and GaAs (001) Surfaces Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Improvement in the Electrical Properties of GaAs/InAs/GaAs Structures through the Use of (111)A Substrates
- Influence of an As-Free Atmosphere in Migration-Enhanced Epitaxy on Step-Flow Growth
- Unified Model for Structure Transition and Electrical Properties of InAs (001) Surfaces Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of GaAs (001) Surfaces Grown by Migration-Enhanced Epitaxy at Low Temperatures
- Photoluminescence Dynamics of GaAs/AlAs Quantum Wells Modulated by Surface Acoustic Waves
- Giant Magneto-Piezoresistance and Internal Friction in a Two-Dimensional Electron System
- Microscopic Raman Mapping of Epitaxial Graphene on 4H-SiC(0001)
- InAs/AlGaSb Piezoresistive Cantilever for Sub-Angstrom Scale Displacement Detection
- Evaluation of Thermal–Mechanical Vibration Amplitude and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanopillars Using Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Height Dependence of Young's Modulus for Carbon Nanopillars Grown by Focused-Ion-Beam-Induced Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Imaging of Local Charge Density in an InAs/GaAs Two-Dimensional Heterostructure by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Direct Actuation of GaAs Membrane with the Microprobe of Scanning Probe Microscopy
- Difference in Self-Assembling Morphology of Peptide Nanorings
- Single-Electron-Resolution Electrometer Based on Field-Effect Transistor
- Graphene-Based Nano-Electro-Mechanical Switch with High On/Off Ratio
- Epitaxial Trilayer Graphene Mechanical Resonators Obtained by Electrochemical Etching Combined with Hydrogen Intercalation
- Field-Effect Transistor with Deposited Graphite Thin Film
- Low-Energy Electron Emission from an Electron Enversion Layer of a Si/SiO2/Si Cathode for Nano-Decomposition
- Modulation of Young's Modulus of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Nanobeam Due to Electron-Beam Exposure
- Superconductivity in Tungsten-Carbide Nanowires Deposited from the Mixtures of W(CO)
- Carbon Multiprobe on a Si Cantilever for Pseudo-Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistor
- Ultrahigh-Q Micromechanical Resonators by Using Epitaxially Induced Tensile Strain in GaNAs
- Ultrahigh-Q Micromechanical Resonators by Using Epitaxially Induced Tensile Strain in GaNAs
- Direct Biexciton Creation with Two-Photon Excitation for Ideal Entangled Photon Pair Emissions in Optically Active Quantum Dots
- Graphene-Based Nano-Electro-Mechanical Switch with High On/Off Ratio