2A1-B23 ブレーキ制御に基づく装着型パッシブ歩行支援システムの開発(ウェアラブルロボティクス)
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In this research, we introduce a passive wearable walking support system based on brake control referred to as Passive Wearable Walking Helper. Based on the analysis of the walking of the human being, we fund that the knee joint of the human has to support his/her weight during the walking, and the joint moment applied around the knee joint is large for supporting the weight. Consequently, in this paper, we pay attention to the support of the knee joint in walking, and develop a Passive Wearable Walking Helper which could support the weight of the user during the walking. In the control method, we derive the support moment for the knee joint by calculated human model and experiments illustrate the validity of the proposed system and the control method.
- 2008-06-06
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