川合 祐史
Laboratory of Food Wholesomeness, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University
Kawai Yuji
Faculty Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
Kawai Yuji
Division Of Marine Life Science Faculty Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
Kawai Yuji
Laboratory Of Marine Food Technology Faculty Of Fisheries Hokkaido University
Hatano Mutsuo
Laboratory Of Food Chemistry Faculty Of Fisheries Hokkaido University
Hatano Mutsuo
Laboratory Of Food Chemistry I Faculty Of Fisheries Hokkaido University
Nakasato Takahito
Osaka Branch, Japan Food Research Laboratories
Nakasato Takahito
Osaka Branch Japan Food Research Laboratories
川合 祐史
Laboratory of Marine Food Technology, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University
中里 孝史
Osaka Branch, Japan Food Research Laboratories
羽田野 六男
Laboratory of Food Chemistry I, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University
- 加熱損傷ウェルシュ菌の検出培地の比較と改良
- Influence of Medium Components and Growth Conditions on Pediocin Iz3.13 Production by Pediococcus pentosaceus Iz3.13, Isolated from Japanese Traditional Fermented Seafood
- Assessing and enhancing the antimicrobial effect of nisin in soy-seasoned salmon Oncorynchus keta roe using a Pediococcus pentosaceus fermentate and pectin
- コールドチェーンの温度上昇を警告するインディケータの開発
- 生食用水産物の安全性確保 (特集 生食の美味しさと安全性確保)
- 水産食品における Listeria monocytogenes の消長
- 人工海水中における Listeria monocytogenes の生残性
- 酸性飲料変敗菌 Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris の耐熱性とその制御
- 市販塩辛の化学的および微生物学的特性について
- 水産学と地域連携 : 道南における新海洋産業網の形成にむけて
- 北海道支部
- Occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes in retail fish and processed seafood products in Japan
- Aggregation of Actin and Myosin in Carp Myofibrils during Frozen Storage under Phosphate Buffer Conditions
- Changes in Solubility and ATPase Activity of Carp Myofibrils during Frozen Storage under Phosphate Buffer Conditions
- Isolation and Characteristics of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Commertial "Ika-Shiokara"
- 産卵回帰シロサケ筋肉タンパク質の乳化特性
- 多獲性多脂魚タンパク質の高度利用:Ⅵ.マイワシ筋肉の直接サクシニル化物の調製とサクシニル化タンパク質の微生物による利用
- Specific and Rapid Quantification of Viable Listeria monocytogenes Using Fluorescence in situ Hybridization in Combination with Filter Cultivation
- Emulsifying Activity of Proteins from Waste Liquid in Sardine Surimi Processing
- Influence of KCl on the Decrease of Ca^-ATPase Activity and Solubility of Carp Myofibrils during Frozen Storage
- Emulsifying Activity of Heat-treated Sarcoplasmic Protein from Sardine
- Subunit Components in Salt-soluble and Insoluble Fractions of Carp Myofibrils during Frozen Storage
- Changes of the Solubility and ATPase Activity of Carp Myofibrils during Frozen Storage at Different Temperatures
- Screening of Antioxidant-Producing Fungi in Aspergillus niger Group for Liquid- and Solid-State Fermentation
- Antioxidative Effect of an Isolate from a Culture Filtrate of Aspergillus niger
- Screening and Identification of Antioxidant-Producing Strains in Food-Borne Fungi
- Characterization of an antibacterial substance produced by Pediococcus pentosaceus Iz3.13 isolated from Japanese fermented marine food
- 凍結コイミンチ肉の筋原繊維の性状変化に及ぼす貯蔵温度の影響
- コイ筋原繊維の凍結変性に及ぼす緩衝液の種類の影響
- サケいずしの化学的,微生物学的性状に及ぼすスターター微生物接種の影響
- サケいずしの化学的,微生物学的性状に及ぼす熟成温度の影響
- サケいずしの化学的, 微生物学的性状に及ぼす原料サケの塩蔵の影響
- サケいずしの化学的, 微生物学的性状に及ぼす原料サケの酢漬処理の影響
- サケいずしの熟成過程における化学成分と微生物相の変化
- 水産食品の品質保持と微生物の機能
- 水産食品の保蔵と加工に及ぼす理化学的, 微生物学的因子に関する研究
- コイ筋形質タンパク質画分の加熱処理による物理化学的性状と乳化活性の変化
- 秋サケ筋肉-コ-ン油乳化物と加熱ゲルの物性に及ぼすNaCl濃度の影響
- Incorporation of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids into Phospholipids of a Marine Bacterium Vibrio sp. Cultivated with Sardine Oil
- 凍結貯蔵中におけるコイミンチ肉と脂質の相互作用
- マイワシ・サクシニル化タンパク質乳化物のカ-ド形成とその熟成
- 培養併用蛍光 in situ ハイブリダイゼーション法を用いた黄色ブドウ球菌の迅速定量検出
- 産卵回帰シロサケの塩抽出タンパク質の溶解性と粘性に及ぼす加熱処理の影響〔英文〕
- Occurrence of Marine Bacterial Lipase Hydrolyzing Fish Oil(Biological Chemistry)
- 加熱変性コイ・ミオシンの乳化作用
- 加熱処理コイ筋肉ミオシンとトリオレインのエマルションの流動特性
- コイ筋肉ミオシンの加熱処理による性状変化
- 培養併用蛍光 in situ ハイブリダイゼーション法を用いた汚染指標大腸菌の迅速定量検出
- 糖類による藻類糸状体の凍結保護効果について
- 産卵回帰シロサケ筋肉タンパク質の乳化特性
- マイワシ・サクシニル化タンパク質乳化物のカ-ド形成とその熟成
- 加熱変性コイ・ミオシンの乳化作用
- Antimicrobial Activities of Extracts from Sachaline Giant Knotweed Polygonum sachalinense.
- Rapid Quantitative Detection of Salmonella enterica Using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization with Filter-cultivation (FISHFC) Method
- Carotenoid-carrying Lipoproteins in the Serum of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) Associated with Migration
- Carotenoids in an Egg Yolk Protein of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)
- Isolation and Characterization of a Carotenoid-carrying Lipoprotein in the Serum of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) during Spawning Migration
- Transport Associated with Serum Vitellogenin of Carotenoid in Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)
- Rapid Quantitative Detection of Salmonella enterica Using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization with Filter-cultivation (FISHFC) Method