トリアルキル錫クロライド類のポーラログラフィーと抗菌性 : 有機金属化合物の抗菌性(第6報)
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This report is a continuation of a previous investigation of the synthesis and antimicrobial activity of organometallic derivatives of group IV elements, R_3MX[where M=Pb, Sn].In a previous paper, it was reported that compounds of the type R_3MX inhibited the synthesis of DNA and RNA of Escherichia coli as their primary action ; the active sites of these compounds were the metal portions of the R_3M molecules.In this report, the polarographic behavior of trialkyl tin chlorides, R_3S_nCl[where R=CH_3,C_2H_5,C_3H-7,C_4H_9,C_5H_11], and their antimicrobial activities against E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus megaterium, and B. subtilis var. niger were investigated, and the antimicrobial activities of these compounds were compared with their polarographic half-wave potentials.The results obtained were as follows : 1) For trialkyl tin chlorides two polarographic waves were found ; their half-wave potentials shifted to become more negative as the pH of the Briton-Robinson buffer in 50% v/v ethanol was raised.2) The half-wave potentials of trialkyl tin chlorides shifted to a more positive value with an increase in the alkyl-chain length.3) The concentration of the trialkyl tin chlorides in water could be determind from polarographic quantitative analysis at a very low concentration (0.1〜10mM).4) The polarographic diffusion coefficients of trialkyl tin chlorides decreased with increased alkyl-chain lengths.5) Within the series of compounds tested the antimicrobial activites reached a maximum at the alkyl-chain length of propyl (against gram-negative bacteria) and butyl (against gram-positive bacteria), and some remarkable parallels between the logarithm of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and their half-wave potentials were found.From these results, it seemed likely that two factors of the antimicrobial activities of trialkyl tin chlorides depend on the half-wave potentials and the diffusion coefficients.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1973-11-25
芝崎 勲
芝崎 勲
芝崎 勲
高麗 寛紀
高麗 寛紀
武市 一孝
武市 一孝
芝崎 勲
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