Immunochemical Studies on Rice Allergenic Proteins(Food & Nutrition)
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Rabbit polyclonal and mouse monoclonal antibodies raised against the previously isolated allergenic protein (RAP) detected several immunologically crossreactive proteins in the rice soluble protein fraction. Gel electrophoresis-immunoblotting analysis using the monoclonal antibody and isoelectric focusing-immunodiffusion analysis using the rabbit antibodies demonstrated that these proteins had molecular masses of about 14 to 16kDa and isoelectric points of about 6 to 8. The rice albumin proteins had molecular masses of about 14 to 16kDa and reacted well with the anti-RAP monoclonal antibody. These results suggested that the proteins responsible for rice allergy were major components with microheterogeneity in the rice albumin proteins.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1991-02-23
Department of Radiology, Hokuriku Hospital
Department of Food Science ande Tecknology, School of Agriculture, Nagoya University
Department of Food Science ande Tecknology, School of Agriculture, Nagoya University
Nakamura R
Department Oj Food Science And Technology School Of Agriculture Nagoya University
Nakamura Ryo
Department Of Applied Biological Sciences School Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Nakamura R
Department Of Food Science And Technology School Of Agriculture Nagoya University
Matsuda Tsukasa
Department Oj Food Science And Technology School Of Agriculture Nagoya University
Nakamura Ryo
Department Oj Food Science And Technology School Of Agriculture Nagoya University
Matsuda Tsukasa
Department Of Applied Biological Sciences School Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Sugiyama M
Department Oj Food Science And Technology School Of Agriculture Nagoya University
Sugiyama Makoto
Department Of Radiology Hokuriku Hospital
Matsuda T
Department Oj Food Science And Technology School Of Agriculture Nagoya University
Department oj Food Science and Technology, School of Agriculture, Nagoya University
Matsuda Tsukasa
Department Of Applied Biological Science School Of Agricultural Science Nagoya University
Nakamura Ryo
Department Of Applied Biological Sciences School Of Agricultural Science Nagoya University
Sugiyama Makoto
Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
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