X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy Study for the Flat YBa_2Cu_3O_y Single-Crystal Surface Prepared by Chemical Etching and O_2 Annealing
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2000-03-15
KOMA Atsushi
Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
SAIKI Koichiro
Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
TAJIMA Setsuko
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, ISTEC
Tajima Setsuko
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Tanaka N
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Superconductivity research Laboratory, International Superconductivity Technology Center
ZAMA Hideaki
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, International Superconductivity Technology Center
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, International Superconductivity Technology Center
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, International Superconductivity Technology Center
Tanaka N
Department Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technol
Zama Hideaki
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Saiki Koichiro
Department Of Complexity Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Frontier Sciences University Of
Saiki Koichiro
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Morishita Tadataka
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Tanaka Nobue
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Koma Atsushi
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Koma Atsushi
Department Of Chemistry School Of Science University Of Tokyo
Morishita T
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Uchiyama Hiroshi
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center:department O
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