Photoassisted Electrochemical Deposition of Copper from a Bathocuproin Complex
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Society of Applied Physicsの論文
- 2003-08-01
KOMA Atsushi
Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
SAIKI Koichiro
Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Shimada Toshikazu
Electronics Research Laboratory Nissan Motor Co. Ltd.
小間 篤
Department Of Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
SHIMADA Toshihiro
PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Corporation and The University of Tokyo, Department of Chemistr
Saiki Koichiro
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Department of Chemistry,The University of Tokyo
Shimada T
Presto Japan Science And Technology Corporation (jst) And Department Of Chemistry The University Of
Koma Atsushi
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Shimada Toshihiro
Prest Japan Science And Technology Corporation (jst)
Yamamoto Yoshiro
Department Of Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
- 25aS-4 La@C_薄膜の電子エネルギー損失スペクトル
- 19pPSB-23 絶縁体薄膜/金属単結晶界面のバンドアライメント
- 28aYQ-1 MgO(100)/Ag(100)界面の構造及び電子状態
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy Study of LiBr/Si(001) Heterostructure
- Accumulation and Depletion Layer Thicknesses in Organic Field Effect Transistors
- 表面不活性化シリコン基板上における異方的有機薄膜成長
- 31aWD-13 LiBr 超薄膜の STM 観察
- 表面不活性基板を利用した有機・無機ナノ構造の形成(ナノ結晶)
- 29pPSA-31 Bilayer-GaSe終端Si(111)表面のSTM観察
- 層状物質基板
- 24pPSA-28 Bilaye-GaSe上に形成したGa量子ドットの電子分光
- 24pPSA-24 Bilayer-GaSe終端Si(111)基板の表面構造解析と薄膜成長への応用
- 22aWA-7 C_/Si(111)系におけるC(1s)内殻励起スペクトル
- 23aT-6 MoS_2基板上III-VI層状化合物半導体超薄膜の成長機構
- 22aW-5 (C_,K)/Si(111)系の電子エネルギー損失スペクトル
- 26aPS-34 Si基板上へのGa_2Se_3薄膜のエピタキシャル成長と電子分光測定
- 26aPS-13 Si(111)-√x√Ag表面上に作製したC_単層膜の高分解能電子エネルギー損失スペクトル
- 24aZ-6 Si(111)-7×7および(100)-2×1表面上に作製したC_単層膜の電子エネルギー損失スペクトル
- 研究紹介
- 研究ニュース
- Metal-induced gap states at well defined alkali-halide/metal interfaces.
- 31pWD-6 金属上に成長したオリゴチオフェンの構造および電子状態 II
- 31pWD-5 金属上に成長したオリゴチオフェンの構造および電子状態 I
- 31aZE-7 Cu(110) 表面上ペンタセン薄膜の構造と電子状態
- 28pPSB-21 アルカリハライド/金属界面の構造と電子状態
- Dynamic and Static Disorder of Alkali Halide Solid Solutions studied by Temperature-dependent Extended X-Ray-Absorption Fine Structure
- 19pWD-4 金属単結晶基板上のアルカリ-ハライドのエピタキシャル成長
- 19pWD-3 複合ヘテロ構造によるGaAs(001)基板上へのCoO単結晶薄膜の作製
- 19aTF-12 メチル終端Si(111)表面の電子分光
- 19aRH-3 (C_, In)/Si(111)系における電子状態
- 17aTF-6 変調分子線散乱法を用いた微傾斜基板表面上での有機分子拡散過程の解析
- 29pPSA-17 Cu(100)上のLiClヘテロエピタキシャル膜の電子構造
- 27aY-7 Si単結晶表面上でのNiOの分解
- 29a-L-5 HgBa_2CuO_の光電子分光
- 28p-S-8 Si, GaAs基板上への岩塩型酸化物の成長
- 26p-YR-7 Si(111)面上へのMgのエピタキシャル成長
- 26p-YR-5 高感度RHEED法によるアルカリハライドヘテロ構造の評価
- OME2000-50 金属内包フラーレンのエピタキシャル成長と電子状態
- 24aF-11 KドープC_薄膜の内殻励起電子エネルギー損失スペクトル
- 31a-S-12 不活性基板表面上に成長したC-単層膜の電子エネルギー損失スペクトル
- 27a-PS-64 層状物質基板上エピタキシャルC_薄膜の構造解析
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope Observation of the Metal-Adsorbed Layered Semiconductor Surfaces
- Heteroepitaxial Growth of Layered GaSe Films on GaAs(001) Surfaces
- Heteroepitaxy of Layered Semiconductor GaSe on a GaAs (111) B Surface
- Preparation of a-Si_N_x:H Film Using N_2 Microwave Afterglow Chemical Vapor Deposition Method
- Generation Mechanism of Tensile Stress in a-Si_N_x Films Prepared by Afterglow Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition Technique
- Residual Stress of a-Si_N_x:H Films Prepared by Afterglow Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition Technique
- High-Intensity Vacuum Ultraviolet Light Source in Windowless Photochemical Vapor Deposition Reactor and Its Application to a-Si:H Deposition
- Characterization of Ultrathin CaF_2 Films Heteroepitaxially Grown on Si(111) Surfaces : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Effects of Electrode Geometry on Breakdown Voltage of a Single-Gap Pseudospark Discharge
- A novel method to fabricate a molecular quantum structure: Selective growth of C-60 on layered material heterostructures
- X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy Study for the Flat YBa_2Cu_3O_y Single-Crystal Surface Prepared by Chemical Etching and O_2 Annealing
- Characterization of Epitaxial Films of Layered Materials Using Moire Images of Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Effects of Electrode Geometry and Gas Pressure on Breakdown Voltage of a Pseudospark Discharge
- Crystal and Electrical Characterizations of Oriented Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Buffer Layer for the Metal/Ferroelectric/Insulator/Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
- Thermal Properties of Various Ta Precursors Used in Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tantalum Pentoxide
- Interaction of PbTiO_3 Films with Si Substrate ( FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS)
- Effect of Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen Irradiation on Ge Surface Segregation during Si Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- c-Axis-Oriented Pb(Zr, Ti)O_3 Thin Films Prepared by Digital Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Method
- Preparation of Tetragonal Perovskite Single Phase PbTiO_3 Film Using an Improved Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Method Alternately Introdueing Pb and Ti Precursors
- Microstructure of Visible Light Emitting Porous Silicon
- Persistent Spectral Hole-Burning in Semi-Crystalline Matrices Doped with Tetraphenylporphine
- Fine Structure of Porous Si with Visible Photoluminescence
- Classification of Inhomogeneities in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Reduction of Gap State Density in a-SiGe:H Alloys
- Tantalum Oxide Films Formed by UV Photo-CVD Using Ozone and TaCl_5
- Mobility-Lifetime Product in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Gap States in a-SiGe:H Examined by the Constant Photocurrent Method
- Fast and Efficient Photon-Gated Burning of Persistent Spectral Holes in Donor-Acceptor Electron Transfer Systems
- Photochemical Hole Burning in Highly Doped TPP/PMMA Systems. Energy Migration and Stabilization of Burnt Holes for Subsequent Hole-Burnings : FUTURE TECHNOLOGY
- Integrated Radiation Detectors with a-Si Photodiodes on Ceramic Scintillators
- Medium-Range Order of Amorphous Silicon Germanium Alloys : Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Study
- Influence of Deposition Conditions on Properties of a-SiGe:H Prepared by Microwave-Excited Plasma CVD : Condensed Matter
- Direct Observation of a-Si:H/a-Si_C_x:H Multilayers and Their Electrical Properties : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Microwave-Excited Plasma CVD of a-Si:H Films Utilizing a Hydrogen Plasma Stream or by Direct Excitation of Silane
- Chemical Vapor Deposition of a-SiGe:H Films Utilizing a Microwave-Excited Plasma
- Chemical Vapor Deposition of a-Si:H Films Utilizing a Microwave Excited Ar Plasma Stream
- Preparation of High Purity a-Si:H Films and Their Light Soaking Effects
- Studies on an (NH_4)_2S_x-Treated GaAs Surface Using AES, LEELS and RHEED
- Evaluation of [111]-Textured Cu Layer Formed on Thin Nb Barrier Layer on SiO_2(Session 8A Silicon Devices V,AWAD2006)
- Evaluation of [111]-Textured Cu Layer Formed on Thin Nb Barrier Layer on SiO_2(Session 8A Silicon Devices V)
- Formation of Preferentially Oriented Cu [111] Layer on Nb [110] Barrier on SiO_2
- Photoassisted Electrochemical Deposition of Copper from a Bathocuproin Complex
- Electrical Properties of LiF/Ag(001) Heterostructure
- Structural Analyses of Cu[111] Layer on Nb[110] Barrier Formed on SiO_2(AWAD2003 : Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamental and Application of Advanced Semiconductor Devices)
- Structural Analyses of Cu[111] Layer on Nb[110] Barrier Formed on SiO_2 (AWAD2003 (Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamental and Application of Advanced Semiconductor Devices))
- Formation of [111] Preferentially Oriented Cu Layer on [110] Nb Barrier on SiO_2
- Formation of [111] Preferentially Oriented Cu Layer on [110] Nb Barrier on SiO_2
- 27pZ-10 ZnS系有機無機複合クラスター薄膜の電子分光
- 28a-YR-4 層状物質TaSe_2上のC_超薄膜の電子分光
- Fabrication of GaAs quantum dots on a bilayer-GaSe terminated Si(111) substrate
- 24aZ-1 アルカリハライド/半導体ヘテロ接合の光電子イールド測定(II)
- 28p-S-9 アルカリハライド/半導体ヘテロ接合の光電子イールド測定
- 26p-YR-6 MoS_2基板上InSeヘテロエピタキシャル超薄膜の成長機構
- Nanostructure fabrication using selective growth on nanosize patterns drawn by a scanning probe microscope
- Heteroepitaxial Growth of Layered Semiconductor GaSe on a Hydrogen-Terminated Si(111) Surface
- LMM and LVV Auger Electrons Induced by Ar^+ Ion Impact on a Si Surface
- Molecular Beam Epitaxy of SnSe_2 : Chemistry and Electronic Properties of Interfaces
- RHEED Intensity Oscillation during Epitaxial Growth of Layered Materials
- Low-Energy Electron Energy Loss Spectroseopy on CaF_2(111) Surfaces