A Liposome Immunoassay Based on a Chemiluminescense Reaction
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A new, sensitive immunoassay involving the combination of a liposome immunoassay with chemilluminescence detection is reported. Lysis of the liposomes with cytolysin-hapten conjugates released entrapped glucose oxidase. Chemiluminescence produced by reaction of the enzymatically formed hydrogen peroxide and isoluminol was monitored via an optical fiber and photomultiplier. Without a bound/free separation procedure, this chemical amplification of the immune reaction by liposome lysis and enzymatic reaction allowed detection of 1.7 ng/assay tube of digoxin, the model analyte. When liposome-coated microplates were used to separate intact liposomes from released enzyme, the sensitivity of detection was improved to 165 pg/assay tube.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1989-06-25
芳賀 信
芳賀 信
鈴木 康男
Pharmaceutical Institute Tohoku University
加藤 百合子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Science University Of Tokyo
櫨本 紀夫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Tokyo
芳賀 信
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Tokyo
芳賀 信
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Sciences University Of Tokyo
櫨本 紀夫
(Present address)Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
星野 正一郎
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Science University of Tokyo
中村 徹
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Yokyo
星野 正一郎
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Science University Of Tokyo
櫨本 紀夫
(present Address)faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University
鈴木 康男
Pharmaceutical Insitute Tohoku University
中村 徹
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Science University Of Yokyo
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