- 論文の詳細を見る
The physical properties of double-modified(hydroxypropylated(HP)and cross-linked)wheat starch and unmodified starch were compared. Three wheat starch samples differing in the degree of modification were used. The properties measured were the granule size distribution, X-ray diffraction, thermal characteristics, swelling power and solubility, transmittance, viscosity, texture, dynamic viscoelasticity, and Hunter whiteness of the gel. The average granule size of the modified wheat starch with a low degree of substitution was greatest, while that of the unmodified starch with a high degree of substitution was least, suggesting that the difference depended on the starting starch and perhaps not on any modification. The three hydroxypropylated samples became pasted about 9℃ below the unmodified wheat starch, and required less pasting energy. The HP wheat starch showed increased swelling and solubility below 80℃, but these parameters decreased above 80℃. Differences in swelling and solubility above 80℃ may have been attributable to difference in cross-linking. The viscosity-rise onset temperature of each HP wheat starch was lower by about 20℃ than that of the unmodified wheat starch. One HP starch showed the highest maximum viscosity and the largest setback, which is consistent with less HP substitution and a low degree of cross-linking. Each HP wheat starch paste had high cohesiveness, showing an inner binding force higher in the HP starch samples than in the unmodified wheat starch. The gel from the HP wheat starch with the highest pasting curve was firm and non-sticky, while the other two gels tended to be soft and sticky. A firm gel would be expected with a low degree of modification. Dynamic rheometry of the gels(the starch concentration was 12%)showed that, in general, each the HP wheat starch gel had a lower storage modulus than that of the unmodified wheat starch. Hunter whiteness measurements show that the HP wheat starch gel had high clarity, two of the HP starch samples being transparent.
- 1998-09-15
- エンセット(Ensete ventricosum)澱粉の特徴的な物理化学的性質と潜在的な利用特性--馬鈴薯,サゴ,トウモロコシ澱粉との比較研究
- サゴ澱粉を用いたビスケットの物性と食味特性
- 新形質米から得られた米粉および米澱粉の性質
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- ヒエ(Panicum crus-galli L., var. frumentaceum HOOK. f.)粉およびシルクフィブロインの添加が食パンの物性ならびに食味特性に及ぼす影響
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- サゴ澱粉を用いたくず蒸しようかんの調理・加工特性
- 新形質糯米の物性と食味特性
- サゴ澱粉の物性ならびに調理・加工適性
- 米の食味と米澱粉の構造
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- エンセット (Ensete ventricosum) 澱粉の特徴的な物理化学的性質と潜在的な利用特性 : 馬鈴薯, サゴ, トウモロコシ澱粉との比較研究
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- 澱粉の調理
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- 新形質米の開発と調理科学
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- サゴ澱粉の物性と調理特性
- 共立女子大学における家政学の後継者育成 : 食物学分野の立場から
- サゴ澱粉の利用特性 (澱粉資源植物サゴヤシの現状と将来性)
- 砂糖の添加がタピオカパールの性状に及ぼす影響
- 幹に蓄積されたエンセット澱粉とサゴ澱粉の特性の比較
- サゴ澱粉のロールケーキへの利用
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- サゴ澱粉の中華麺への利用
- 化工小麦澱粉を用いたスープの物性および食味特性
- 食品中のカドミウムの調理による変化 : 第1報
- 和菓子用米粉の物性と調理法に関する研究
- サゴ澱粉の中華麺への利用効果
- Rice Starch Isolation from Newly Developed Rice Cultivars by the Improved Alkali Method.
- The Cooking and Processing Properties of Newly Developed Rice (Part 6). Physicochemical Characteristics of Low-amylose Rice Starches.
- Correlation between Taste of Cooked Rice and Properties of Gelatinization and Retrogradation
- Physicochemical Properties of Starches Obtained from Various Parts of Sago Palm Trunks at Different Growth Stages (Part 2). The Relative Crystallinity, Structure and Gelatinization Properties of Sago Starches at Different Growth Stages.
- Physicochemical Properties of Starches Obtained from Various Parts of Sago Palm Trunks at Different Growth Stages.
- Physicochemical Studies on Cooking and Processing Properties of Starchy Food Ingredients.
- Da1-6 米の種類と炊飯特性に及ぼすアルカリイオン水の影響(澱粉の食品利用,一般講演,日本応用糖質科学会平成24年度大会(第61回))
- The Cooking and Processing Properties of Newly Developed Rice (Part 8). New Method for Evaluating the Texture and Sensory Attributes of Cooked Rice.
- 澱粉の調理(澱粉研究の潮流 その1)
- 和菓子用米粉の物性と調理法に関する研究
- サゴ澱粉の中華麺への利用効果