- 論文の詳細を見る
In sake brewing, in the case of seed mash made according to the traditional method (kimoto), spontaneous fermentation by lactic acid bacteria is utilized during the first period to obtain acidic conditions. In kimoto, good cell survival during the resting period is attained compared with that in the other commonly used seed mash, sokujo-moto, to which lactic acid is added artificially, indicating that the kimoto yeast is better able to tolerate ethanol. The acquisition of ethanol tolerance by Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been investigated in several studies. The linoleic acid content of cellular phospholipids (PL) was 30-50% in sokujo-moto, whereas in kimoto it was below 6% and the palmitic and/or stearic acid content was higher, which corresponded to the free fatty acid compositions of the two seed mashes respectively. As well as palmitic acid, linoleic acid was a major component in the free fatty acids of sokujo-moto, whereas the multiplication of lactic acid bacteria in kimoto significantly reduced the ratio of linoleic acid and increased that of palmitic acid by utilizing linoleic acid as the predominant component of the cellular fatty acid. The survival of palmitic acid-enriched cells was better than that of linoleic acid-enriched ones in the presence of ethanol at high concentration, when S. cerevisiae cultures were grown in a growth medium supplemented with palmitic or linoleic acid. Palmitic acid-enriched cells had a lower permeability coefficient, P', than linoleic acid-enriched cells, suggesting that cell viability corresponds with P'. In the main sake mash seeded with sokujo-moto, the linoleic acid content of intracellular PL was less than that in the seed mash, accompanied by an increase in the palmitic acid content. On the other hand, during the fermentation of main mash seeded with kimoto, the linoleic acid content in the PL of the yeast was detectable only in low quantities (5-10%) and the palmitic acid content increased further with decreasing oleic acid content. To gain a better understanding of the effect of growth in the presence of ethanol as well as that in sake mash, both palmitic acid and ethanol (4-8%) were added to the basal medium, resulting in a striking increase in the palmitic acid content in the PL fatty acid composition, compared with that in the absense of ethanol. On the other hand, the addition of linoleic acid to the medium containing ethanol (4-8%) resulted in an increase in oleic acid and corresponding decreases in the other fatty acids, while the linoleic acid levels were maintained. The membrane permeability coefficient P' in the presence of 20% ethanol became smaller with increasing ethanol concentration in the growth medium, and the P' of palmitic acid-enriched cells was smaller than that of linoleic acid-enriched cells. It is supposed that the increase in palmitoyl residues achieved by supplying palmitic acid exogeneously is effective in terms of increasing the hydrophobic interaction. The lower membrane permeability of cells grown in the presence of 8% could not continue without the addition of glucose. The addition of iodoacetamide as an inhibitor in the glycolytic pathway, or stilbestrol as an inhibitor of plasma membrane ATPase resulted in a rapid increase in membrane permeability, indicating that the additional membrane permeability barrier was dependent on membrane ATPase.
- 1998-03-25
- 生もと酒母の不思議(酒類研究の魅力)
- 1302 菌糸状形態を示す出芽酵母の脂質成分の分析
- 生〓において Lactobacillus sakei を優占菌とする増殖因子
- 清酒醪におけるイノシトール生成に及ぼす酵母酸性ホスファターゼの影響
- 568 麹菌(Asp.oryzae)によるフィチン分解酵素の生成
- 565 清酒醪中の酵母増殖と蒸米糠化に及ぼすフィターゼの影響
- 清酒醪における酵母菌体イノシトール含量の増大要因 : 清酒醪におけるイノシトールの酵母への影響(第1報)
- 524 グリセロール高生産酵母の育種と清酒醸造への利用
- 502 清酒醪におけるフィチン分解酵素の酵母の増殖への影響
- 酵母の菌体イノシトール含量がエタノール耐性におよぼす影響 : 微生物
- 422 清酒醪における酵母菌体イノシトール含量の増大への酵母生合成系の寄与
- 231 清酒酵母のイノシトール欠乏下での増殖と生理的性質
- 220. 清酒醸造におけるイノシトールの意義
- 3P-1170 マクロファージ様細胞株J774.1のIL-12産生を促進する、生もと乳酸菌LK-117株の菌体成分の同定(4b食品科学,食品工学,一般講演,醸造・食品工学,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
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- 「生〓造り」に関する一考察
- 767 実験室酵母と清酒酵母におけるエタノール耐性に関わるRas2機能の差異(醸造・醸造工学,食品・食品工学,一般講演)
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- 1426 パルミチン酸添加により見られる清酒酵母に特異的な表現型
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- 325 生〓においてLactobacillus sakeを優勢菌とする増殖因子
- 525 「温み取り」処理によるトレハロース蓄積とエタノール耐性
- 501 エタノールにより誘導される酵母細胞膜バリアー能の増大
- 205 脂質膜の透過性に及ぼすエタノールと脂肪酸不飽和度の影響
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- DNA-DNA交雑による火落菌の簡易同定法
- 427 清酒醸造過程における乳酸菌叢
- 421 生もと仕込における清酒もろみ中の酵母のリン脂質特性
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- 234 生〓における温み取り操作が酵母に与える影響
- 213. 生〓および速醸〓で育成された酵母の菌体リン脂質脂肪酸組成
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- 507 LAS17遺伝子の挿入によるYEpベクターの安定性の増大
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- 天与の恵み
- 樽酒の成分について(3)
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- 生〓で生育した酵母の特性
- 日本醸友会賞技術賞受賞論文--生〔モト〕中より分離された乳酸菌による蒸米溶解促進と作用因子の分画
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- 227 生〓中の死滅乳酸菌の清酒酵母に及ぼす影響 (第2報)
- 342 生〓中の死滅乳酸菌の清酒酵母に及ぼす影響
- 229 清酒もろみ末期におけるピルビン酸, アセトアルデヒドの消長
- 210 ポリプロピレン繊維によるしょうちゅう乙類中の油性物質の除去
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- 575 エタノールによる膜ATPaseの増大と高濃度エタノール中での生存活性
- 515. 酵母生菌体溶解酵素を用いたアルコール耐性の強い清酒酵母変異株の分離
- 清酒醸造にみられる酵母のエタノール耐性獲得機作
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- 生〓における乳酸菌叢のDGGE及びPFGE解析
- 3Ip19 D-アミノ酸生成能が高い生〓乳酸菌株の選抜(醸造学,醸造工学/ペプチド工学,一般講演)
- 樽酒中の成分とその火落菌増殖抑制効果
- 生〓における乳酸菌叢のDGGE及びPFGE解析