833 膜型混合培養システムを用いた乳酸菌の選択的増殖条件の解明とその応用
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 2001-08-24
Tano Tatsuo
Department Of Bioresources Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Okayama University
田中 孝明
谷口 正之
酒井 謙二
酒井 謙二
酒井 謙二
谷口 正之
石井 克行
石田 淳也
田辺 卓
石井 克行
Sakai Kenji
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Research Institute for Theoretical Physics Hiroshima University
酒井 謙二
- 精密ろ過膜とオンライン乳酸コントローラーを備えた培養システムを用いたPropionibacterium shermaniiによるビフィズス菌特異的増殖促進物質(BGS)の生産(生物工学論文賞)
- Growth-inhibition of hiochi bacteria in namazake (raw sake) by bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria(BREWING AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY)
- Restriction Endonuclease Aor13HI from Acidiphilium organovorum 13H, a New Isoschizomer of BspMII : Purification and Characterization
- 1J10-2 酒母工程における乳酸菌バクテリオシンの火落菌に対する殺菌効果(食品科学,食品工学,一般講演)
- 2K10-4 生分解性ポリエステル多孔質体の力学特性の評価(生体医用工学,人工臓器/動物細胞工学,動物組織培養,一般講演)
- バイオマスプラスチック製濾過膜の開発と応用 (特集 新しいバイオマス利活用技術)
- 1Mp22 米タンパク質由来ペプチドのヒト病原菌に対する抗菌作用とその機構の解明(食品科学・食品工学,一般講演)
- 1Mp21 酒造工程における乳酸菌由来バクテリオシンの火落菌に対する殺菌作用(食品科学・食品工学,一般講演)
- 非対称型デプスフィルターによる非圧縮性粒子懸濁液の精密濾過
- 食品微生物を用いた有用生理活性物質の生産
- 乳酸菌バクテリオシンを用いた清酒の火落ち防止技術の開発
- ポリ乳酸の多孔質化・複合化による機能性材料の開発(循環型社会を支えるラクテートインダストリーの新たな研究潮流)
- 1Gp07 ヒラタケによって脱リグニン処理した稲わらを用いたエタノールの生産(培養工学,一般講演)
- 1Gp08 酵素を用いた多収米の液化糖化の最適化とエタノール生産の低コスト化(培養工学,一般講演)
- 2Ip07 清酒製造工程における乳酸菌バクテリオシンの火落菌に対する増殖阻害作用(食品科学・食品工学,一般講演)
- 2Ip08 歯周病菌に対する米由来抗菌タンパク質の検索および分離同定(食品科学・食品工学,一般講演)
- 2Ip09 抗菌活性測定法の高感度化とそれを用いた植物由来抗菌タンパク質の検索(食品科学・食品工学,一般講演)
- 2Ip16 プロテアーゼ阻害成分を含む米タンパク質の品質向上用食品素材としての評価(食品科学・食品工学,一般講演)
- 2F14-2 多収米および精米残渣の酵素糖化とそれらの発酵原料としての利用(培養工学,センサー・計測工学・ロボット工学,プロセス工学,一般講演)
- 2F14-3 担子菌によって処理した稲わらの組成変化とその発酵原料としての有用性の評価(培養工学,センサー・計測工学・ロボット工学,プロセス工学,一般講演)
- 1H11-3 歯周病菌に対する米由来抗菌タンパク質の検索とそれらの性質(食品科学・食品工学,一般講演)
- 3S1AM5 ポリ乳酸の多孔質化・複合化による機能性材料の開発(循環型社会を支えるラクテートインダストリーの新たな研究潮流,シンポジウム)
- 1H10-2 プロテアーゼ阻害成分を含む米タンパク質の機能性食品素材としての利用(食品科学・食品工学,一般講演)
- 1H10-1 水産練り製品中の腐敗細菌の同定とそれらの乳酸菌バクテリオシンによる増殖抑制(食品科学・食品工学,一般講演)
- 834 有機溶媒を含む反応系における芳香族化合物の酵素酸化重合
- 1F16-2 火落菌に対して抗菌活性を示すバクテリオシンの生産とその性質(食品科学・食品工学,一般講演)
- 3D11-4 麹汁培地を用いて生産した乳酸菌バクテリオシンの火落ち菌に対する抗菌作用(発酵生理学・発酵工学・培養工学,一般講演)
- Effect of steam explosion pretreatment on treatment with Pleurotus ostreatus for the enzymatic hydrolysis of rice straw(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 2D16-2 担子菌によって脱リグニン処理した稲わらの発酵原料としての利用(発酵生理学・発酵工学・培養工学,一般講演)
- Application of a Recombinant Plasmid Expressing Desensitized 3-Deoxy-D-Arabinoheptulosonate-7-Phosphate Synthase to the Breeding of L-Phenylalanine Producers
- Cloning and Characterization of Genes Responsible for m-Fluoro-D,L-phenylalanine Resistance in Brevibacterium lactofermentum(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Genetic Breeding of L-Tyrosine Producer from Brevibacterium lactofermentum(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- S123 ビフィズス菌とプロピオン酸菌間の協調作用の解析とその同時菌体生産への応用
- 974 膜型混合バイオリタクターを用いたビフィズス菌の効果的生産
- Production of Bifidogenic Growth Stimulator by Co-cultivation of Propionibacterium shermanii and Lactobacillus Strain Using Lactose as a Carbon Source
- Production of Extracellular Bifidogenic Growth Stimulator(BGS) from Propionibacterium shermanii Using a Bioreactor System with a Microfiltration Module and an On-line Controller for Lactic Acid Concentration(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- Production of Extracellular Bifidogenic Growth Stimulator by Anaerobic and Aerobic Cultivations of Several Propionibacterial Strains(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- 3P-1167 Porphyromonas gingivalisに対して抗菌活性を有する新規米由来タンパク質の検索と同定(4b食品科学,食品工学,一般講演,醸造・食品工学,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- 3P-1166 米タンパク質由来CHペプチドの口腔細菌に対する抗菌作用とその機構の解明(4b食品科学,食品工学,一般講演,醸造・食品工学,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- Inhibition of Iron-oxidizing Activity by Bisulfite Ion in Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
- Cloning and Expression of the Thiobacillus Ferroxidans 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase Gene in Escherichia coli
- Growth Inhibition of Acidiphilium Species by Organic Acids Contained in Yeast Extract
- Isolation and Characterization of Restriction Endonucleases from Acidiphilium sp. 16R and 22M
- Growth of Moderately Thermophilic Iron-Oxidizing Bacterium Strain TI-1 in Synthetic Medium
- Isolation and Some Properties of an Iron-Oxidizing Bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans Resistant to Bisulfite Ion
- Isolation and Some Properties of a Moderately Thermophilic Iron-oxidizing Bacterium
- Inhibition Site of Cupric Ions on the Growth of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans on Sulfur-salts Medium
- Production of Ferrous Ions an Intermediates during Aerobic Sulfure Oxidation in Thiobacillus ferrooxidans(Microbiology & Fermentaion Industry)
- B-Type Cytochrome, an Electron Carrier in the Sulfite-Oxidation System of Thiobacillus thiooxidans
- Purification and Some Properties of a Tetrathionate Decomposing Enzyme from Thiobacillus thiooxidans
- 832 担子菌の固体培養系およびその酵素反応系におけるPCPの分解
- 1321 担子菌の固体培養系におけるPCPの分解挙動
- Acceptor Specificity of 4-α-Glucanotransferase from Pyrococcus kodakaraensis KOD1, and Synthesis of Cycloamylose
- 806 ラッカーゼを用いたクロロフェノール類の分解とその分解経路の解明(環境浄化・修復・保全技術,一般講演)
- 830 プロピオン酸菌の嫌気および好気培養によるBGSの生産
- 975 プロピオン酸菌によるビフィズス菌特異的増殖因子の効率的生産
- Irreversible Deacylation of Plasma Membrane Phospholipids by the Combined Action of Mg^ and a Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase Inhibitor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Isolation of an Acremonium sp. Capable of Liquefying Cross-Linked Poly(γ-Glutamic Acid) Hydrogels and the Fungal Enzyme Involved in the Disruption of γ-Ray Irradiation-Mediated Cross-Linking(MISCELLANEOUS)
- Flocculating Activity of Cross-linked Poly-γ-Glutamic Acid against Bentonite and Escherichia coli Suspension Pretreated with FeCl_3 and Its Interaction with Fe^(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- FE-P6 Growth-inhibitory activity of antimicrobial peptides from rice against oral pathogenic bacteria and clarification of their action mechanism(Section IX Food Engineering)
- Purification and Some Properties of Glutathione Reductase from Iron-oxidizing Bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
- Purification and Some Properties of NADH-Dependent Sulfite Reductase from Escherichia coli Harboring Plasmid pTHS1,Which Has the S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine : Uroporphyrinogen III Methyltransferase Gene of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
- A DNA Region That Complements on Escherichia coli cysG Mutation in Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
- NADH-dependent Sulfite Reductase Activity in the Periplasmic Space of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
- Inhibition of Sulfur Use by Sulfite Ion in Thiobacillus ferrooxidans(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Purificaion and Some Properties of a Hydrogen Sulfide-binding Protein That Is Involved in Sulfur Oxidation of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Effects of Polyamine on the Growth of Acidiphilium facilis 24R under Acidic Conditions(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- The Mechanism of Copper Leaching by Intact Cells of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- The Regulation of Sulfur Use by Ferrous Ion in Thiobacillus ferrooxidans(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- UK-2A, B, C and D, Novel Antifungal Antibiotics from Streptomyces sp. 517-02 IV. Comparative Studies of UK-2A with Antimycin A_3 on Cytotoxic Activity and Reactive Oxygen Species Generation in LLC-PK1 Cells
- Purification and Characterization of 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase from Thiobacillus thiooxidans
- Transformation of the Acidophilic Heterotroph Acidiphilium facilis by Electroporation
- Purification and Properties of an Acidic β-Glucosidase from Acidobacterium capsulatum
- 1319 担子菌の酸化酵素を用いた女性ホルモン類似体の分解
- 519 担子菌のリグニン分解酵素を用いた内分泌撹乱物質アルキルフェノール類の分解
- 362 未殺菌米糠の同時糖化発酵によるL-乳酸の生産(生物化学工学,代謝工学,一般講演)
- 831 米ぬかの同時糖化発酵による乳酸の生産
- Treatment of Nonylphenol with Laccase in a Rotating Reactor(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Enzymatic Oxidative Polymerization of 4-Chloroguaiacol by Laccase
- Treatment of Model Soils Contaminated with Phenolic Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals with Laccase from Trametes sp.in a Rotating Reactor
- Identification of Phoslactomycin E as a Metabolite Inducing Hyphal Morphological Abnormalities in Aspergillus fumigatus IFO 5840
- Amplification of Vacuole-targeting Fungicidal Activity of Antibacterial Antibiotic Polymyxin B by Allicin, an Allyl Sulfur Compound from Garlic
- Synergistic Fungicidal Activities of Amphotericin B and N-Methyl-N"-dodecylguanidine : A Constituent of Polyol Macrolide Antibiotic Niphimycin
- Inhibitory Activity of 1-Farnesylpyridinium on the Spatial Control over the Assembly of Cell Wall Polysaccharides in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
- P-502 Structure-Activity Relationship Studies on UK-2A, A Novel Antifungal Antibiotic from Streptomyces sp. 517-02
- P-368 Identification of Phoslactomycin E as a Metabolite Inducing Hyphal Morphological Abnormalities of Aspergillus fumigatus IFO 5840
- Involvement of Oxidative Stress Induction in Na^+ Toxicity and Its Relation to the Inhibition of a Ca^-Dependent but Calcineurin-Independent Mechanism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Biosynthesis of Poly-γ-Glutamic Acid in Plants : Transient Expression of Poly-γ-Glutamate Synthetase Complex in Tobacco Leaves(PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Proposals for Wastewater Treatment by Applying Flocculating Activity of Cross-linked Poly-γ-Glutamic Acid(Environmental Biotechnology)
- Physicochemical Properties of Cross-linked Poly-γ-Glutamic Acid and Its Flocculating Activity against Kaolin Suspension (Environmental Biotechnology)
- Oxidative Stress-Dependent Inhibition of Yeast Cell Growth by Farnesylamine and Its Possible Relation to Amine Oxidase in the Mitochondrial Fraction(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- UK-2A, B, C and D, Novel Antifungal Antibiotics from Streptomyces sp. 517-02 : VI (3). Role of Substituents on Dilactone Ring of UK-2A and Antimycin A_3 against Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Porcine Renal Proximal Tubule LLC-PK_1 Cells
- Growth Inhibition Dependent on Reactive Oxygen Species Generated by C9-UK-2A, a Derivative of the Antifungal Antibiotic UK-2A, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Purification and Characterization of α-Glucan Phosphorylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus
- Synergistic Combination of Direct Plasma Membrane Damage and Oxidative Stress as a Cause of Antifungal Activity of Polyol Macrolide Antibiotic Niphimycin
- Depletion of Glutathione as a Cause of the Promotive Effects of Polygodial, a Sesquiterpene on the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- The Mode of Action of AKD-2C, an Antifungal Antibiotic from Streptomyces sp. OCU-42815
- Synthesis of Uridine 5'-Monophosphate Glucose as an Inhibitor of UDP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase
- Evaluation of Pretreatment with Pleurotus ostreatus for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Rice Straw(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Production of L-Lactic Acid by Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Using Unsterilized Defatted Rice Bran as a Carbon Source and Nutrient Components