Lattice Dynamics and Temperature Dependence of the Linewidth of the First-Order Raman Spectra for Sintered Hexagonal GeO_2 Crystalline
- 論文の詳細を見る
The first-order Raman spectra of internal Al and external naodes in sintered hexagonal Ge03crystalline were naeasured in the tezmperattrre ratage of' 293 -873 K and tlae lituexvidths at thesetemperattures were obtained. Tlae temperattrre dejcettdence of' the linewidtlas was auaalyzed usingthe phonon duspersuon ctrrves calctmlated on tlae loarsis of' a rigid-ion znodel, and the restnlts shoxvedthat it NV21S catrsed approxirnately by the ctrbic anlaarzaaotaic terna in the crystal potentiarl euaergy.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-11-15
Suda Jun
Department Of Electrical Engineering Kushiro National College Of Technology
Sato Tsutomu
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture And Graduate School Of Science And
Sato Tsutomu
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Yamaguchi University
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