Hirschsprung's Disease in an Adult Patient with Familial Occurrence : Report of a Case
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-09-01
Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School Omiya Medical Center
Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School
Sato Tsutomu
Department of Oral Health, Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo
SATO Tomoyuki
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ehime University
Kanazawa Kyotaro
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Jichi Medical College
Sato Tsutomu
Department Of Surgery Jichi Medical School
Konishi Fumio
Department Of Surgery Saitama Medical Center Jichi Medical University
Konishi F
Department Of Surgery Jichi Medical School Omiya Medical Center
Nagashima Toru
Department Of Surgery Jichi Medical School Hospital
Nagashima Toru
Department Of Surgery Jichi Medical School
Kanazawa K
Jichi Medical Coll. Tochigi Jpn
Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School Hospital
Konishi Fumio
Department Of Surgery Jichi Medical School
Konishi Fumio
Department Of Surgery Jichi Medical School Hospital
Sato Tsutomu
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture And Graduate School Of Science And
Makino Shunichi
Department Of Pediatric Surgery And Transplantation Surgery Jichi Medical School
Makino Shunichi
Department Of Surgery Jichi Medical School Hospital
Sato Tomoyuki
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Ehime University
Sato Tsutomu
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Yamaguchi University
Konishi Fumio
Department Of Surgery Iichi Medical School
Nagashima Toru
Department Of Applied Chemistry Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Sato Tsutomu
Departmenet of Physics,Faculty of Sience,Hirosaki University
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