Jejunal Varix with Extrahepatic Portal Obstruction Treated by Embolization Using Interventional Radiology : Report of a Case
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-02-01
Department of Radiology, Akita University School of Medicine
Sato Tsutomu
Department of Oral Health, Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo
Sato T
Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Hashimoto Manabu
Department Of Radiology Akita University School Of Medicine
Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
Koyama Kenji
Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Yasui Ouki
Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Yasui Ouki
Department Of Surgery Akita Roasi Hospital
Koyama K
National Inst. Agro‐environmental Science Tsukuba
Kurokawa Toshiaki
Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Kurokawa Toshiaki
Department Of Hepatobiliarypancreatic Surgery Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Sato Tsutomu
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture And Graduate School Of Science And
Hashimoto Manabu
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kyushu University
Asanuma Yoshihiro
Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Sato Tsutomu
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Yamaguchi University
Hashimoto Manabu
Department of Integrated Medicine, Division of Radiation Medicine, Akita University Graduate School of Medicine
Sato Tsutomu
Departmenet of Physics,Faculty of Sience,Hirosaki University
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