Nuclear Spin Relaxation Anomaly in Small Copper Particles
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Anomalously long nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time was observed at low tempera-lures below 0.5 K in small metallic particles of copper with diameters smaller than100 A by a new method for setting the nuclear magnetization to zero. The observedanomaly is in accordance with what is expected for very small metals in which thespacing of energy levels of conduction electrons is much larger than the life timebroadening of the levels. The new method was indispensable to observe the intrinsicrelaxation time in copper particles where the electric quadrupole broadening of thenuclear magnetic resonance was huge.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1989-10-15
Kobayashi S
Non Destructive Evaluation And Science Research Center Faculty Of Engineering Iwate University
Goto Takayuki
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Sophia University
SAITO Kazuhiro
Tochigi Research Laboratories of Kao Corporation
Komori Fumio
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
Goto Tsuneaki
The Institute Of Solid State Physics Tokyo University
Komori F
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo:crest Japan Science And Technology Cooperation
Komori Fumio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Kobayashi Shun-ichi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Kobayashi Shun-ichi
Department Of Pediatrics Institute Of Health Bioscience The University Of Tokushima Graduate School
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Kobayashi Shun-ichi
Department of Functional Machinery and Mechanics, Shinshu University
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