Computer Controlled Precise Positioning for Electromagnetic Linear Motor with Correction of Periodic Error
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-12-01
UMENO Masayoshi
Department of electrical and Computer Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Umeno Masayoshi
Department Of Electric And Computer Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Umeno Masayoshi
Department Of Electrical And Computer Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Department of Radiology, Nara Medical University
UCHIDA Yoshiyuki
Department of Electrical Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology, Toyota
Uchida Hideo
Department Of Electrical And Computer Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Furuhashi Hideo
Department Of Information Network Engineering Aichi Institute Of Technology
Uchida Yoshiyuki
Department Of Electrical Engineering Aichi Institute Of Technology Toyota
Uchida Yoshiyuki
Department Of Information Network Engineering Aichi Institute Of Technology
SHINGU Hiroyasu
Department of Electrical Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology
SUMI Tetsuo
Department of Electrical Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology
Sumi Tetsuo
Department Of Electrical Engineering Aichi Institute Of Technology
Uchida Hideo
Department Of Electrical Ad Computer Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Shingu Hiroyasu
Department Of Electrical Engineering Aichi Institute Of Technology
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- Room-Temperature CW Operation of AlGaAs/GaAs SQW Lasers on Si Substrates by MOCVD Using AlGaAs/AlGaP Intermediate Layers
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- The Deposition of a-C : H Films by Pulsed Laser Ablation
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- Meltback of GaAs_P_ Substrate in LPE Growth of InGaAsP
- LPE Growth of In_ Ga_xAs_P_y on GaAs_P_
- Room Temperature Operation of Visible (λ=658.6 nm) InGaAsP DH Laser Diodes on GaAsP
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- Measurement of Diffusion Coefficient and Surface Recombination Velocity for p-InGaAsP Grown on InP
- InGaAsP/InP Native Oxide Stripe Lasers
- InGaAsP/InP Double-Heterostructure Photodiodes
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- Photon-Drag Effect Due to the Transitions between Light-Hole Band and Split-Off Band in Ge
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- AlGaAs/GaAs Laser Diodes with GaAs Islands Active Region on a Si Substrate with Higher Characteristic Temperature
- Passivation of Bulk and Surface Defects in GaAs Grown on Si Substrate by Radio Frequency Phosphine/Hydrogen Plasma Exposure : Semiconductors
- Etching Technique to Reveal Dislocations in Thin GaAs Films Grown on Si Substrates : Condensed Matter
- Stress and Strain of GaAs on Si Grown by MOCVD Using Strained Superlattice Intermediate Layers and a Two-Step Growth Method
- Effect of NaOCl-Polishing on Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition grown GaAs Surface on Si Substrate by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Atomic Force Microscopy
- Simplified Dual Channel Optical Trarnsmission Using Integrated Light Emitters and Photodetectors
- Characteristics of GaN MESFET Grown on Sapphire Substrate by MOCVD
- High-Temperature Behaviors of GaN Schottky Barrier Diode
- Suppression of Dark-Line Defect Growth in AlGaAs/InGaAs Single Quantum Well Lasers Grown on Si Substrates
- First Fabrication of a Reliable AlGaAs/GaAs LED on Si with Self-Assembled GaAs Islands Active Region
- Influences of Dark Line Defects on Characteristics of AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well Lasers Grown on Si Substrates
- First Fabrication of Low-Threshold AlGaAs/GaAs Patterned Quantum Wells Laser Grown on Si Substrate
- Fabrication of Low-Threshold AlGaAs/GaAs Patterned Quantum Well Laser Grown on Si Substrate
- New Technique to Fabricate Stress-Relieved Reliable Lasers on Si Substrates
- Effects of Dislocation and Stress on Characteristics of GaAs-Based Laser Grown on Si by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Optical Absorption and Photoluminescence Studies of n-type GaN
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- Selective-Area-Grown AlGaAs/GaAs Single Quantum Well Lasers on Si Substrates by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- High-Quality InGaN Light Emitting Diode Grown on GaN/AlGaN Distributed Bragg Reflector
- Pd/GaN Schottky Diode with a Barrier Height of 1.5 eV and a Reasonably Effective Richardson Coefficient
- Fabrication of Flat End Mirror Etched by Focused Ion Beam for GaN-Based Blue-Green Laser Diode
- Optical Degradation of InGaN/AlGaN LED on Sapphire Substrate Grown by MOCVD
- Etch Pit Observation of GaP Growrn on Si Substrate by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Characterization of Antiphase Domain in GaP on Misoriented (001) Si Substrate Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Microwave Conductivity and Relaxation of Excess Phonons in CdS
- Assessment of the Structural Properties of GaAs/Si Epilayers Using X-Ray (004) and (220) Reflections
- Characterization and Improvement of GaAs Layers Grown on Si Using an Ultrathin a-Si Film as a Buffer Layer
- Investigation of Electrical and Optical Properties of Phosphine/Hydrogen-Plasma-Exposed In_Ga_P Grown on Si SubStrate : Semiconductors
- Electrical Characteristics of GaAs Bonded to Si Using SeS_2 Technique
- Low Temperature Growth of GaAs on Si Substrate by Chemical Beam Epitaxy
- Computer Controlled Precise Positioning for Electromagnetic Linear Motor with Correction of Periodic Error
- AlGaAs/GaAs Laser Diodes with GaAs Islands Active Regions on Si Grown by Droplet Epitaxy
- AlGaAs/GaAs Laser Diodes with GaAs Islands Active Regions on Si Substrates Grown by Droplet Epitaxy
- Hydrogen Plasma Passivation and Improvement of the Photovoltaic Properties of a GaAs Solar Cell Grown on Si Substrate
- A Modified Harmonic Oscillator Approximation Scheme for the Dielectric Constants of GaAs, InP and GaP
- Characterization of Strained GaP/Si Heterostructure by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Brillouin Scattering of Thermal Phonons in CdS
- Determination of the Absolute Values of Energy Density of Acoustoelectrically Built-Up Phonons in CdS by Brillouin Scattering
- GaAs/AlGaAs Single Quantum Well Optical Switch Fabricated on Si Substrate
- High Efficiency Monolithic GaAs/Si Tandem Solar Cell Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Al_xGa_As/Si (r=0-0.22) Tandem Solar Cells Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- High Efficiency GaAs/Si Monolithic Three-Terminal Cascade Solar Cells Grown by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Effect of Magnetic Field on Density Distribution of Injected Plasma in Semiconductor Rods
- Density Distributions of Injected Plasma along the Length of Semiconductor Rods
- Two-Dimensional Growth of GaP on Si Substrates under High V/III Ratio by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Low-Threshold AlGaAs/GaAs MQW Laser Diode Fabricated on Si Substrates by MOCVD
- AlGaAs/GaAs MQW Laser Diode Fabricated on Si Substrates by MOCVD
- Initial Growth Mechanism for GaAs and GaP on Si Substrate by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Surface and Bulk Passivation effect of GaAs grown on Si Substrates by SeS_2Treatment