Correlation between Swelling of Normal Rice Paste and Starch Structure
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Sembei produced from normal rice is one type of Japanese traditional rice cracker (Beika) and generally produced by successive processes of milling washed rice with a smooth-rolling mill, of pasting steamed and kneaded rice-flour, of drying raw rice-paste in two steps, and of roasting the dried rice-paste. As many processes are dependent on sense of smell of a craftsman, planning the mechanization is not easy. Furthermore, a response to various tastes of consumers and a constant supply of Beika of high quality are also very important in business. So, objective data for understanding the complex process is desired in the manufacture of Japanese rice crackers. The degree of swelling after roasting rice-paste, which is analyzed by specific volume in the Beika industry and expressed as "Uki, " is thought to be related to the unique taste coupled with soft feeling. The specific volume of Sembei produced from rices cultivated in Hokkaido was larger than that of Sembei from rices cultivated in the main island of Japan. Chain distributions of outer-layer of amylopectin molecules were also investigated through HPAEC-PAD analyses of partially hydrolyzed starches with isoamy lase and it was found that chains of the outer-layer of the former amylopectin were shorter than those of the latter. From these results, it was suggested that the swelling was related to the molecular network formed through drying rice-paste and the network was concerned not only with amylose and protein but also with amylopectin, which is the main component of normal rice starch.
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