Behaviors of carbon atom density in hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon plasmas
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-12-15
Kato Takayoshi
Reseach Institute Of Electronics Shizuoka University
堀 勝
Ishikawa Masayuki
Department of Applied Bioscience, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
ITO Masafumi
Department of Pathology, Japanese Red Cross Nagoya Daiichi Hospital
Ikeda Makoto
Faculty Of Technology Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Hori Masaru
Department Of Quantum Engineering Nagoya University
Ito Haruhiko
Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute
Ito Haruhiko
Nagoya Municipal Industrial Res. Inst.
Ikeda M
Sony Corporation Research Center
Kato T
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Kato Takayoshi
Research Institute Of Electronics Shizuoka University
GOTO Toshio
Department of Quantum Engineering, Nagoya University
Ikeda M
Tdk Electronic Device Business Group Akita Jpn
Goto Takaaki
Department Of Electric Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Koshikawa Takanori
Fundamental Electronics Research Institute Academic Frontier Promotion Center Osaka Electro-communic
Hori Masaru
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Univ
Kato T
Ashikaga Inst. Technol. Tochigi
Kato T
Optoelectronics Technology Research Lab. Ibaraki
TAKEO Takashi
Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute
Inayoshi Muneto
Department Of Quantum Engineering School Of Engineering Nagoya Univeristy
Kato Terumasa
Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute
Ito M
Wakayama Univ. Wakayama Jpn
Ikeda M
Toshiba Corp. Kawasaki Jpn
Ishikawa M
Joint Research Center For Atom Technology(jrcat) Angstrom Technology Partnership
Tsukada T
Tdk Corp. Chiba Jpn
Kondo T
Graduate School Of Science Nagoya University
Ito Masafumi
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Science And Technology Meijo Universi
Goto Toshio
Department Of Electronics Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
後藤 俊夫
Imram Tohoku University
Goto Toshio
Department Of Electronic Mechanical Engineering Nagoya University
GOTO Toshio
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya University
- 9. フルオロカーボンプラズマを用いたナノ構造体の形成(材料プロセス用フルオロカーボンプラズマ-現状と展望-)
- 大気圧プラズマを用いたミドリカビの殺菌機構に関する考察
- マイクロホローカソードプラズマを用いた金属原子密度測定のための吸収分光用光源の開発
- 非平衡大気圧プラズマを用いたミドリカビの殺菌メカニズムの検証
- Super-High Brightness and High-Spin-Polarization Photocathode
- Crystalline Structure of Heteroepitaxial GaAs and GaAsP Layers Grown on GaAs Substrates Investigated by X-ray Diffraction : II. Strain in GaAsP Layer
- Crystalline Structure of Heteroepitaxial GaAs and GaAsP Layers Grown on GaAs Substrates Investigated by X-ray Diffraction : I. Mosaic Structure
- プラズマCVDを用いたカーボンナノウォールの成長(有機結晶の新展開)
- ECR C_4F_8プラズマにおけるCFxラジカル絶対密度の空間分布の計測とその分布形成機構
- CFxラジカル絶対密度のIRLAS空間分布測定
- Growth and Energy Bandgap Formation of Silicon Nitride Films in Radical Nitridation
- シリコン表面の窒化初期過程とエネルギーバンドギャップの形成
- 低温多結晶シリコン薄膜の成長表面の評価
- プラズマエレクトロニクス分科会
- プラズマCVD法を用いたカーボンナノウォールの形成
- 非平衡大気圧プラズマを用いた柑橘ミドリカビ胞子殺菌手法 : 殺菌要因の検討(有機材料,一般)
- プラズマ技術とバイオアプリケーション--非平衡大気圧プラズマのミドリカビ殺菌への応用 (特集 生体触媒研究の新潮流)
- ラジカル制御プラズマとその応用
- 大気圧プラズマを用いたシリコン酸化膜の高速加工
- プラズマ中のラジカル制御によるカーボンナノウォールの合成
- 21409 プラズマCVD法で作製したカーボンナノウォールの高速成長及び表面積制御(デバイス&配線技術2,OS.1 機械工学が支援する微細加工技術(半導体・MEMS・NEMS),学術講演)
- 21408 プラズマCVD法で作製したカーボンナノウォールの成長メカニズム(デバイス&配線技術2,OS.1 機械工学が支援する微細加工技術(半導体・MEMS・NEMS),学術講演)
- 高密度プラズマプロセッシングの現状と将来展望(高密度プラズマとその応用技術の最前線)
- フルオロカーボンプラズマを用いたナノ構造体の形成
- カーボンナノウォールを用いた新機能デバイスの開発
- カーボンナノウォールの超精密形成と機能デバイスへの応用
- 科学解説 ラジカル制御CVD法によるカーボンナノウォールの成長
- Fabrication of Carbon Nanowalls Using Novel Plasma Processing
- アドバンストテクノロジー開発最前線 新規エッチングガスを用いた半導体微細加工プロセス
- Growth of Carbon Nanotubes by Microwave-excited Non-Equilibrium Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma
- Study on the Absolute Density and Translational Temperature of Si Atoms in Very High Frequency Capacitively Coupled SiH_4 Plasma with Ar, N_2, and H_2 Dilution Gases
- A Novel Silicon-Dioxide Etching Process Employing Pulse-Modulated Electron-Beam-Excited Plasma
- Effects of Ar Dilution and Exciting Frequency on Absolute Density and Translational Temperature of Si Atom in Very High Frequency-Capacitively Coupled SiH_4 Plasmas
- Effects of Driving Frequency on the Translational Temperature and Absolute Density of Si Atoms in Very High Frequency Capacitively Coupled SiF_4 Plasmas
- Room Temperature InAs_xP_Sb_y/InAs Photodetectors with High Quantum Efficiency
- Adiabatic Compressibility of Aqueous Solutions of Amphiphiles with an Ammonium Group as the Hydrophilic Domain
- Molecular Arrangement at Cleaved Single-Crystal Surface of Steraric Acid Observed by Atomic Force Microscope
- Electrical Characterization of Carbon Nanowalls
- レーザーアブレーションを用いた環境調和型チャンバークリーニングプロセス
- レーザーアブレーションを利用した新規ラジカル注入法によるSiO_2/Si選択エッチングプロセスの制御
- High Performance of Silicon Oxide Selective Etching Using F_2 Gas and Graphite Instead of Perfluorinated Compound Gases
- Diamond Deposition and Behavior of Atomic Carbon Species in a Low-Pressure Inductively Coupled Plasma
- Behaviors of carbon atom density in hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon plasmas
- Measurement of Einstein's A Coefficient of the 296.7 nm Transition Line of the Carbon Atom
- Influence of Sulphidation Treatment on the Performance of Mid-Infrared InAsPSb/InAs Detectors
- プラズマ誘起表面科学の魅力
- パルス変調プラズマCVDを用いた配向性ポリシリコン薄膜形成
- マイクロプラズマを光源に用いた真空紫外吸収分光法による原子密度計測
- 赤外半導体レーザー吸収分光による半導体プロセスモニタリング
- 6.マイクロ放電光源を用いたプラズマ吸収分光計測(マイクロプラズマ : 基礎から応用まで)
- マイクロ波励起非平衡大気圧プラズマを用いたシリコン酸化膜の超高速エッチングおよびカーボンナノチューブの形成
- マイクロ波励起非平衡大気圧プラズマを用いた超高速加工技術
- プラズマ化学気相堆積法を用いたカーボンナノウォールの作製
- スマートプラズマプロセス
- 5. RFプラズマCVDによるカーボンナノウォールの配向成長(プラズマプロセスによるカーボンナノチューブ配向成長の現状と課題)
- プラズマ化学気相堆積法を用いたカーボンナノウォールの形成
- カーボンナノウォールの合成と合成装置の実用化開発 (特集 放電学会春季合同シンポジウム「未来を拓く放電技術」) -- (プラズマを用いたナノカーボン創製と応用)
- スマートプラズマナノプロセスの開発 (特集 プラズマ科学の開発と応用)
- ドライエッチング
- Studies on Spread Monolayers and LB Films of Long-Chain Alkylchlorosilanes by Brewster Angle Microscopy and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Development of a Precisely Temperature-Programmable Langmuir Trough for Measuring Properties of Insoluble Monolayers at the Water Surface as Functions of Temperature
- Hydrogen Formation during Wet Grinding of Alumina and Silicon Carbide
- Spin Relaxation of Electrons in Strained-GaAs-Layer Photocathode of Polarized Electron Source
- Cleaning of Glass Disk in Oxygen Plasma by Using Compact Electron-Beam-Excited Plasma Source
- New-Type Photocathode for Polarized Electron Source with Distributed Bragg Reflector
- Electronic Transport Properties of ZrTiO_4 at High Temperature ( FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS)
- Electron Irradiation Effects on Electrical Properties of a Bi_Pb_Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O_ Superconductor
- Electron Irradiation Effects on a Bi_Pb_Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O_ Superconductor
- Enhancement of Critical Magnetization Current by the Electron Irradiation in Ba_2YCu_3O_7 Superconductor
- Enhanced Critical Magnetization Currents due to Electron Irradiation in High-T_c Oxide Superconductors
- Real Time Magnetic Imaging by Spin-Polarized Low Energy Electron Microscopy with Highly Spin-Polarized and High Brightness Electron Gun
- High Spin Polarization of Conduction Band Electrons in GaAs-GaAsP Strained Layer Superlattice Fabricated as a Spin-Polarized Electron Source
- Spin-Dependent Luminescence of Highly Polarized Electrons Generated by Two-Photon Absorption in Semiconductors : Optical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Spin Relaxation of Electrons in Graded Doping Strained GaAs-Layer Photocathode of Polarized Electron Source
- Spin Dependent Luminescence of GaAs Thin Layers under Tensile Strain and Compressive Strain Induced by Interface ess
- Circular Polarization of Photoluminescence Excitation Spectra of Strained GaAs Layer
- Electron Beam Direct Writing Techniques for the Development of Sub-Quarter-Micron Devices
- Application of Proximity Effect Correction Usirng Pattern-Area Density to Patterning on a Heavy-Metal Substrate and the Cell-Projection Exposure
- Measurement of Spatial Distribution of SiF_4 and SiF_2 Densities in High Density SiF_4 Plasma Using Single-Path Infrared Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy and Laser-Induced Fluorescence Technique
- Spatial Distribution Measurement of Absolute Densities of CF and CF_2 Radicals in a High Density Plasma Reactor Using a Combination of Single-Path Infrared Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy and Laser-Induced Fluorescence Technique
- 液中プラズマを用いたナノグラフェンの高速合成技術 (特集 「グラフェン」の実務的な視点での開発トレンド)
- プラズマCVD法によるカーボンナノウォールの制御合成
- Estimation of Grown Layer Thickness by Cathodoluminescence Measurement
- High-T_c(Bi, Pb)_2Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O_ Superconducting Magnet Operated Using 20 K Gifford-McMahon-Type Refrigerator
- Microstructures and J_c-B Characteristics of Ag-Sheathed Bi-Based Superconducting Wires
- Current Imaging Tunneling Spectroscopy of Thin n-GaAs/p-GaAs Multilayer Structures in Air
- An ESR Study of YBa_2Cu_3O_ and Y_2BaCuO_5 with Oxygen Deficiencies : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Preparation of the High-T_c Superconducting Phase in Bi, Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O films by Pyrolysis of 2-Ethylhexanoates : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Observation of Ga_InAs/InP Multiquantum Well Structure in Air by Scanning Tunneling Microscope : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Formation of High-T_c Superconducting BiSrCaCu_2O_x Films on ZrO_2/Si(100) : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- preparation of BiSrCaCu_2O_x Films with T_c>77 K by Pyrolysis of Organic Acid Salts : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Growth of Preferentially Oriented Microcrystalline Silicon Film Using Pulse-Modulated Ultrahigh-Frequency Plasma
- Deposition of Diamond-Like Carbon Using Compact Electron-Beam-Excited Plasma Source
- Investigation of Nitrogen Atoms in Low-Pressure Nitrogen Plasmas Using a Compact Electron-Beam-Excited Plasma Source
- SR光によるCF_2薄膜およびフロライド金属薄膜の微細加工
- 高密度プラズマとエッチング・薄膜形成への応用
- 6. フルオロカーボンラジカル(CF_x)の表面反応過程 : 材料プロセス用フルオロカーボンプラズマに関する基礎研究の進展
- O_2/N_2ガスを用いた60Hz非平衡大気圧プラズマによるソルダーレジストとドライフィルムの表面改質
- 開発事例 プラズマCVD法を活用した高品質の配向性多結晶シリコン薄膜形成 (特集 最新 薄膜形成技術と用途展開)
- Macroscopic Single-Domain Graphene Growth on Polycrystalline Nickel Surface