Yamada Yukio | Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories Kaneka Corporation
Yamada Yukio
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories Kaneka Corporation
Yamada Yukio
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Material Science And Bioengineering Department Aist
Yamada Y
Fac. Of Education Utsunomiya Univ.
Yamada Y
The Department Of Mechanical Engineering And Intelligent Systems University Of Electro-communication
Yamada Y
Doshisha Women's Coll. Liberal Arts Kyoto Jpn
Yamada Yasuyuki
Graduate School Of Biological Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technoiogy
Yamada Y
Faculty Of Education Utsunomiya University
Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agricultu
Mikata K
Inst. Fermentation Osaka Jpn
MIKATA Kozaburo
Institute for Fermentation
Ikenaka Y
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories Kaneka Corporation
NANBA Hirokazu
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories, Kaneka Corporation
Nanba H
Kaneka Corp. Hyogo Jpn
Nanba Hirokazu
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories Kaneka Corporation
Yamashita Kenji
Biochemical Research Laboratories Kanegafuchi Chemical Industry Co. Ltd.
Takahashi S
Akita Res. Inst. Food And Brewing Akita
Ikenaka Yasuhiro
Biochemical Research Laboratories Kanegafuchi Chemical Industry Co. Ltd.
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories, Kaneka Corporation
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories, Kaneka Corporation
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories, Kaneka Corporation
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories, Kaneka Corporation
Takano Masayuki
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories Kaneka Corporation
Yajima Kazuyoshi
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories Kaneka Corporation
Ikenaka Yasuhiro
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories Kaneka Corporation
Yamada K
Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University:(present Address)department Of Biotechnology And Life Scie
Sato Fumihiko
Research Centerfor Cell and Tissue Culture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Yamada Yasuyuki
Research Centerfor Cell and Tissue Culture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Nakajima Hiroki
Department Of Industrial Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University
Sato Fumihiko
Research Center For Cell And Tissue Culture Faculty Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Nakajima H
Basic Technology Department Research And Development Center Unitika Ltd.
Suzuki Tomomi
School Of Agriculture Bioscience Center Nagoya University
Sonomoto Kenji
Lab. Of Functional Food Design Dep. Of Functional Metabolic Design Bio-architecture Center Kyushu Un
Sonomoto Kenji
Industrial Biochemistry Department Of Industrial Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University:(
Sonomoto Kenji
Laboratory Of Microbial Technology Department Of Food Science And Technology Faculty Of Agriculture
Sonomoto Kenji
Laboratory Of Microbial Technology Division Of Microbial Science And Technology Department Of Biosci
Sonomoto Kenji
Laboratory Of Microbial Technology Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Faculty Of Agriculture
Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Suzuki T
Division Of Marine Life Sciences Grauate School Of Fisheries Science Hokkaido University
Tanaka A
Kao Corp. Wakayama Jpn
Yamada Yuko
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Cardiovascular Center
Division of Food Bioscience and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Laboratory of Applied Biological Chemistry, Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemist
Sato Fumihiko
Department of Medicine, Metabolism and Endocrinology, Juntendo University School of Medicine
Hara Yukihiko
Food Research Institute Mitsui Norin Co. Ltd.
Sonomoto Kenji
Laboratory Of Microbial Technology Division Of Microbial Science And Technology Department Of Biosci
USUI Hachiro
Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Sonomoto Kenji
Laboratory Of Industrial Biochemistry Department Of Industrial Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kyot
Sato Fumihiko
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Hara Y
Hiroshima Univ. Higashi-hiroshima Jpn
TAHARA Yasutaka
Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Shizuoka University
TAHARA Yasutaka
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University
Tahara Y
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
Laboratory of Industrial Biochemistry, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, K
Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Yukimune Yukihito
Bioscience Laboratory, Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, Ltd.
Hara Yasuhiro
Bioscience Laboratory, Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, Ltd.
Asami Osamu
Toyota Central Research & Development Labs
Kajino Tsutomu
Toyota Central Research & Development Labs
YAMADA Yasuyuki
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Dokkyo Medical University
Asami O
Toyota Central Res. & Dev. Labs. Inc. Aichi Jpn
Kajino T
Toyota Central Research & Development Labs. Inc.
Kajino Tsutomu
Toyota Central R & D Labs Inc.
Toyota Central Research & Development Labs., Inc.
Department of Fermentation Sciences, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Yamada Yuko
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Internal Medicine National Cardiovascular Center
Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Hashimoto T
Dep. Of Agrobioscience Graduate School Of Agricultural Sci. Kobe Univ.
Usui H
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Yamada Yasuyuki
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Udaka S
Faculty Of Applied Bio-science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Udaka Shigezo
Department Of Brewing And Fermentation Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agricultu
Koizumi N
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
HIRAI Makoto
Development and Differentiation Department, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Hashimoto Takashi
Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
Tanaka Kanya
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Yamaguchi University
Sato F
Div. Of Integrated Life Sci. Graduate School Of Biostudies Kyoto Univ.
Toyota Central Research & Development Labs., Inc.
Yamauchi Daiki
Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Yokoo Megumi
Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
MATOBA Nobuyuki
Division of Food Bioscience and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
YAMADA Yasuyuki
Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Takahashi S
Akita Res. Inst. Of Food And Brewing
Research Institute for Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo
Kawai Takahiro
Laboratory Of Molecular Function Of Food Division Of Food Science And Biotechnology Graduate School
Koizumi N
Nara Inst. Sci. And Technol. Ikoma Jpn
Tanaka Atsuo
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Koizumi Nozomu
Plant Molecular Breeding Genetics Center Nara Inst.sci.tech.
Idekoba Chie
Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories Inc.
Takahashi Nobutaka
Frontier Research Program The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (rlken)
Hashimoto Takashi
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Nakajima Keiichi
Research Center For Glycoscience Advanced Institute Of Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Nakajima Keiichi
United Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Kitajima Sakihito
Division Of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University:(present Address)
Kitajima Sakihito
Ri Ctr. Kyoto Univ.
Ichimura Kunihiro
Research Center For Materials With Integrated Properties Toho University
Sato F
Division Of Integrated Life Science Graduate School Of Biostudies Kyoto University
Ando S
Inst. Physical And Chemical Res. (riken) Saitama Jpn
Yano J
Laboratory Of Applied Microbiology Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture
Gao Feng
Institute For Human Science And Biomedical Engineering National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Sci
Usui Hachiro
Division Of Food Bioscience And Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Hirai M
Center For Advanced Material Analysis Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
YANO Jun-ichi
Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agricultu
Oshita Yoko
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Tabata Homare
Bioscience Laboratory, Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, Ltd.
Kato Kiyoko
Toyota Central Research & Development Labs. Inc.
Department of Biochemistry, Shinshu University School of Medicine
Sato Fumihiko
Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Research and Education Center for Genetic Information, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Department of Dental Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Dentistry, Osaka University
IMAI Daigo
Science University of Tokyo
Science University of Tokyo
Nishizawa Keito
National Institute of Crop Science
Ando Susumu
United Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Gifu University (shizuoka University)
Koizumi Nozomu
Research And Education Center For Genetic Information
Sato Fumihiko
Div. Integ. Life Sci. Grad. Sch. Biostudies Kyoto Univ.:plant Function Lab.
Sato Fumihiko
Grad. Sch. Agri. Kyoto Univ.:grad. Sch. Biostudies Kyoto Univ.
Hoshino Fumihiko
Toyota Central R&D Labs., INC
Laboratory for Molecular Function of Food, Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Graduate Scho
Toyota Central Research & Development Labs., Inc.
USUI Hadhiro
Division of Food Bioscience and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
ONISHI Kunihiko
Division of Food Bioscience and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
MATOBA Nobuyuki
Research Institute for Food Science, Kyoto University
Research Institute for Food Science, Kyoto University
USUI Hachiro
Research Institute for Food Science, Kyoto University
Research Institute for Food Science, Kyoto University
Research Institute for Food Science, Kyoto University
Department of Health Sciences, Yamanashi Medical University
YAMADA Yasumasa
Department of Neonatology, Aichi Human Service Center Central Hospital
Ueda Mitsuyoshi
Department of Applied Biochemistry, Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultur
National Agriculture Research Center
Kita Akiko
National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region
KATO Hiroaki
Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Sugiyama Tatsuo
Riken Plant Science Center
Kita Akiko
National Agricultural Res. Center For Hokkaido Region
Onishi Kunihiko
Division Of Food Bioscience And Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
YAMADA Yasuyuki
The Graduate School of Biological Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Yamada Yukio
The Department Of Mechanical Engineering And Intelligent Systems University Of Electro-communication
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories, Kaneka Corporation
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories, Kaneka Corporation
YAMADA Kazuhiko
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories, Kaneka Corporation
Ohkubo Kazuma
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories Kaneka Corporation
UEDA Mitsuyoshi
Sarai Kiyoko
Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories Inc.
Imaeda Takao
Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories Inc.
Sugiyama Hidehiko
Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories Inc.
Takahashi Nobtaka
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo:(presnet Addresses) The Institute Of Ph
Yamada Yasuyuki
Present Address: Graduate School Of Biological Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Koizumi Nozomu
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Kyoto University:research And Education
Sassaroli Angelo
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Material Science And Bioengineering Department Aist
Hoshino Fumihiko
Toyota Central R&d Labs. Inc
Hoshino Fumihiko
Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories Inc.
Kitajima Sakihito
Division Of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Yoshikawa Masaaki
Research Institute For Food Science Kyoto University
Ichimura Kunihiro
Research Institute For Polymers And Textiles
Hiraishi Yoshirou
Fine Chemicals Research Laboratories Kaneka Corporation
Martelli Fabrizio
Dipartimento Di Fisica Dell'universita' Degli Studi Di Firenze
Laboratory of Biological Chemistry, Department of Biofunctional Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricu
Yamada Y
Present Address: Graduate School Of Biological Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Oda Junichi
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Yun Dae-jin
Division Of Applied Life Science (bk21) Environmental Biotechnology National Core Research Center An
Tsumura Masanori
Exploratory Research Laboratories:fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Koiwa Hisashi
Department Of Applied Life Sciences Kyoto University
Kato Nobuhiko
Division Of Integrated Life Science Graduate School Of Biostudies Kyoto University
Homma Kazuhiro
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Homma K
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Ishimoto Masao
National Agricultural Res. Center For Hokkaido Region
Okamoto Masako
Department Of Food Science And Nutrition Faculty Of Human Life And Science Doshisha Women's Col
Takahashi J
Division Of Oral Maxillofacial Regeneration Graduate School Of Dentistry Osaka University
Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Human Life Science, Osaka City University
Division of Integrated Life Science, Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University
(Present address)Department of Biochemical Engineering and Science, Faculty of Computer Science and
Tecnical Institute, Taiyo Sanso Co., Ltd.,
Tecnical Institute, Taiyo Sanso Co., Ltd.,
Tecnical Institute, Taiyo Sanso Co., Ltd.,
Ichida Taizo
Tecnical Institute Taiyo Sanso Co. Ltd.
Yoshida Sayumi
Division Of Integrated Life Science Graduate School Of Biostudies Kyoto University
Kokabu Yasuhisa
Division Of Integrated Life Science Graduate School Of Biostudies Kyoto University
Omori Yoshiyuki
Tecnical Institute Taiyo Sanso Co. Ltd.
ANDO Susumu
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University (Shizuoka University)
Toyota K
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Takahashi Junzo
The Research Institute For Iron Steel And Other Metals Tohoku University
Takahashi Junzo
Department Of Dental Materials Science And Technology Faculty Of Dentistry Osaka University
Takahashi Junzo
Department Of Industrial Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University
Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
TOYOTA Kentaro
Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
KAYA Masahiko
Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Nakatsu Toru
Institute for chemical Research, Kyoto University
Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Human Life Science, Osaka City University
Toyota Kentaro
Division Of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Koiozumi Nozomu
Division Of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University:research And Educa
Yamagata Hikaru
Bioscience Laboratory, Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, Ltd.
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Material Science and Bioengineering Department, AIST
ARAKI Ryuichiro
Saitama Medical School
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Material Science and Bioengineering Department, AIST
- Fabrication of Realistic and Dynamic Human Head Phantoms
- Isolation of a Protease-Deficient Mutant of Bacillus brevis and Efficient Secretion of a Fungal Protein Disulfied Isomerase by the Mutant
- A Potent Hypotensive Peptide, Novokinin, Induces Relaxation by AT2- and IP-Receptor-Dependent Mechanism in the Mesenteric Artery from SHRs
- Design of a Highly Potent Anti-hypertensive Peptide Based on Ovokinin(2-7)(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Designing Potent Derivatives of Ovokinin(2-7), an Anti-hypertensive Peptide Derived from Ovalbumin
- Application of the Freeze-Blast Method to Disruption of Cultured Plant Cells
- Bacterial Production and Purification of Phosphorylatable Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase from Tobacco
- Purification and Characterization of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase of Photomixotrophically Cultured Green Tobacco Cells
- Production of Thermotolerant N-Carbamyl-D-Amino Acid Amidohydrolase by Recombinant Escherichia coli
- Thermostability Reinforcement through a Combination of Thermostability-related Mutations of N-Carbamyl-D-Amino Acid Amidohydrolase
- Immobilization of N-Carbamyl-D-Amino Acid Amidohydrolase
- Relationship Between an Increase in Thermostability and Amino Acid Substitutions in N-Carbamyl-D-Amino Acid Amidohydrolase
- Increase in Thermostability of N-Carbamyl-D-Amino Acid Amidohydrolase on Amino Acid Substitutions
- Screening, Characterization, and Cloning of the Gene for N-Carbamyl-D-Amino acid Amidohydrolase from Thermotolerant Soil Bacteria
- Isolation of Agrobacterium sp. Strain KNK712 That Produces N-Carbamyl-D-Amino Acid Amidohydrolase, Cloning of the Gene for this Enzyme, and Properties of the Enzyme
- Molecular Cloning of a Fungal cDNA Encoding Protein Disulfide Isomerase
- Purification of Protein Disulfide Isomerase from a Thermophilic Fungus
- Development of a Simple Non-Freezing Method to Preserve Cultured Plant Cells
- Pigment Synthesis by Immobilized Cultured Cells of Lavandula vera and Characterization of a Component of the Pigments(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Influence of Carbon Source on Pigment Production by Immobilized Cultured Cells of Lavandula vera
- Immobilized Plant Cell Reactor for Continuous Production of Blue Pigments(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Enhancement of Pigment Productivity of Immobilized Cultured Lavandula vera Cells by Limitation of Nitrogen Sources
- Phylogenetic Relationships of Species of the Genus Saccharomyces MEYEN ex REESS Deduced from Partial Base Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs (Saccharomycetaceae)
- Phylogenetic Relationships of Species of the Genus Kluyveromyces VAN DER WALT (Saccharomycetaceae) Deduced from the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs
- Genomic Structure and Promoter Analysis of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase in a C3 Plant, Nicotiana sylvestris(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Insight into the Molecular Evolution of Two Tropinone Reductases
- Structures and Expression Patterns of Two Tropinone Reductase Genes from Hyoscyamus niger
- Purification and Characterization of Tobacco Pathogenesis-Related Protein PR-5d, an Antifungal Thaumatin-like Protein
- Spasmolytic Activity of Aurapten Analogs
- The Phylogeny of Species of the Genus Issatchehkia KUDRIAVZEZV (Saccharomycetaceae) Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs
- Effects of Oxygen on Nicotine and Tropane Alkaloid Production in Cultured Roots of Duboisia myoporoides
- Scopolamine Yield in Cultured Roots of Duboisia myoporoides Improved by a Novel Two-stage Culture Method
- Increase of Scopolamine Production by High Density Culture of Duboisia myoporoides Roots
- Tropane Alkaloid Production in Root Cultures of Duboisia myoporoides Obtained by Repeated Selection
- Time-Resolved Measurements of in vivo Optical Properties of Piglet Brain
- Anatomical and Functional Images of in vitro and in vivo Tissues by NIR Time-domain Diffuse Optical Tomography(Reviewed Papers Accepted for Publication in this Special Issue)(Special Issue on Bioengineering)
- Time-Resolved Diffuse Optical Tomography Using a Modified Generalized Pulse Spectrum Technique(Special Issue on Measurements and Visualization Technology of Biological Information)
- Transgenic Tobacco Plants with Two Consecutive Oxidation Reactions Catalyzed by Hyoscyamine 6β-Hydroxylase
- Ethylene-Induced Gene Expression of Osmotin-Like Protein, a Neutral Isoform of Tobacco PR-5, is Mediated by the AGCCGCC cis-Sequence
- The Phylogeny of Williopsis salicorniae HINZELIN, KURTZMAN et SMITH Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs (Saccharomycetaceae)
- Accumulation of the Bioactive Peptides, Novokinin, LPYPR and Rubiscolin, in Seeds of Genetically Modified Soybean
- A Potent Hypotensive Peptide, Novokinin, Induces Relaxation by AT_2- and IP-Receptor-Dependent Mechanism in the Mesenteric Artery from SHRs
- Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence of ApaLI Restriction-modification System from Acetobacter pasteurianus IFO 13753
- Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence of the AgeI Methylase Gene from Agrobacterium gelatinovorum IAM 12617, a Marine Bacterium
- Soymorphin-5, a soy-derived μ opioid peptide, improves glucose and lipid metabolism in diabetic KK-Ay mice
- The Phylogeny of Species of the Genus Saccharomycopsis SCHIONNING (Saccharomycetaceae) Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs
- Should Petasospora BOIDIN et ABADIE (Saccharomycetaceae) Be Retained? : The Phylogeny Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs
- The Phylogeny of Yamadazyma ohmeri (ETCHELLS et BELL) BILLON-GRAND Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs : The Proposal of Kodamaea Gen. Nov. (Saccharomycetaceae)
- The Phylogenetic Relationships of Pichia jadinii, Formerly Classified in the Genus Hansenula, and Related Species Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs (Saccharomycetaceae)
- The Phylogenetic Relationships of the Q_9-equipped, Hat-shaped Ascospore-forming Species of the Genus Yamadazyma BILLON-GRAND (Saccharomycetaceae) Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs
- The Phylogenetic Relationships of Methanol-assimilating Yeasts Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs : The Proposal of Komagataella Gen. Nov.(Saccharomycetaceae)
- The Phylogenetic Relationships of Species of the Genus Dekkera VAN DER WALT Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs (Saccharomycetaceae)
- Microbial Transformation of (±)-Epoxyaurpten by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- The Phylogenetic Relationships of the Saturn-shaped Ascospore-forming Species of the Genus Williopsis Zender and Related Genera Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs (Saccharomycetaceae) : The Proposal of Komagataea Gen.Nov.
- The Phylogenetic Relationships of the Hat-shaped Ascospore-forming, Nitrate-assimilat-ing Pichia Species, Formerly Classified in the Genus Hansenula SYDOW et SYDOW,Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs (Saccharomycetaceae) : The Pro
- The Phylogenetic Relationships of Rhodosporidium dacryoidum FELL, HUNTER et TALLMAN Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs : The Proposal of Sakaguchia Gen. Nov., a Heterobasidiomycetous Yeast Genus
- An in Vitro Analysis System Using a Fluorescence Protein Reporter for Evaluating Anti-Inflammatory Effects in Macrophages
- Isoquinoline Alkaloid Biosynthesis is Regulated by a Unique bHLH-Type Transcription Factor in Coptis japonica