Strain-Induced Electrical Properties of Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Films on a Si wafer with Controlled Oxide Electrode Structure (Special Issue : Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications)
Ohno Tomoya
Department Of Dermatology Shimane Medical University
Wakiya Naoki
Graduate School Of Sci. And Technol. Shizuoka Univ.
Suzuki Hisao
Graduate School Of Sci. And Technol. Shizuoka Univ.
Arai Takashi
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Shinshu University
Matsuda Takeshi
Department Of Cardiology School Of Medicine Kanazawa Medical University
Yanagida Hiroaki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Sakamoto Naonori
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University
Ishiduka Masaaki
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu 432-8561, Japan
OHNO Tomoya
Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- ZnO-ZrO2 films with good UV-shielding properties prepared by a single step sol-gel method
- Preparation of hydroxyapatite–ferrite composite particles by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis
- Bond Strength to Primed Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy of Two Acrylic Resin Adhesives
- Color Stability of Acrylic Resin Adhesives with Different Initiation Modes
- Y_2O_3-Ta_2O_5混合ドープZrO_2ゲート絶縁膜界面の高分解能観察
- 高分解能分析電子顕微鏡による二酸化セリウム/イットリア安定化ジルコニア/シリコンヘテロ界面構造の原子スケール構造評価(原子をみる)
- バッファーレイヤの導入によるセラミックス機能性薄膜の実現 (特集/最近のセラミックス薄膜)
- YSZシード層によるSi(001)基板上へのCeO_2薄膜のエピタキシャル成長
- 基板サイズが(Bi, La)_4Ti_3O_薄膜の結晶方位と電気特性に及ぼす影響
- バッファーレイヤーのセラミック薄膜への適用
- 機能性薄膜におけるバッファーレイヤの役割 (特集 セラミックスインテグレーション)
- S0405-1-4 収差補正電子顕微鏡によるセラミック薄膜の界面構造解析(セラミックス/セラミックス基礎合材料I)
- PLD法により作製したNi-Znフェライト薄膜の磁気特性に及ぼす組成,結晶性の影響(セラミックスインテグレーション)
- 収差補正TEMによるZrO_2超薄膜における構造遷移層の解明
- Effectiveness of Bonding Systems on Bonding Durability of a Prefabricated Porcelain Material
- PLD法によるSiO_2/Si(001)基板上エピタキシャルYSZ薄膜の室温合成(セラミックスインテグレーション)
- Si(001)基板上へ成膜したイットリア安定化ジルコニア(YSZ)薄膜の初期のエピタキシャル成長過程へのSiO_2層厚さの影響
- パルスレーザー蒸着法によるSi(001)上へのYSZ薄膜のヘテロエピタキシャル成長に及ぼす酸素分圧とレーザーエネルギー密度の影響
- Acanthotic Type of Eccrine Poroma on the Arm : Report of a Case
- Paralytic Ileus Associated with a Combination of Dacarbazine-Nimustine Hydrochloride-Vincristine Chemotherapy
- Prurigo Nodularis Associated with Advanced Gastric Cancer : Report of a Case
- Stress engineering of the alkoxide derived ferroelectric thin film on Si wafer
- Size effect for lead zirconate titanate nano-particles with PZT(40/60) composition
- Effect of monodispersed silica nanoparticles on DNA separation by micro-capillary electrophoresis
- Size Effect for Lead Zirconium Titanate Nanopowders with Pb(Zr_Ti_)O_3 Composition
- Low-Temperature Processing of Pb(Zr_ Ti_)O_3 Thin Films by Sol-Gel Casting
- Pentane Isomerization over Molybdenum Oxide Prepared by H_2 Reduction of a Hydrogen Molybdenum Bronze
- Effect of the Flow Rate of H_2 in the Reduction Process on the Physical and Catalytic Properties of H_2-Reduced Pt/MoO_3
- Effect of H_2 Flow Rate in Reduction Process on the Catalytic Properties of Reduced MoO_3
- Dehydration of 2-Propanol over Molybdenum Oxide Treated with Hydrogen
- Catalytic Properties of Ni-MoO_3 for the Isomerization of Heptane
- エピタキシャルチタン酸鉛薄膜の誘電特性に及ぼす外的応力印加により生じる残留応力の影響
- 非対称X線回折によるエピタキシャル薄膜の残留応力の評価手法
- 強誘電性・強磁性マルチフェロイック物質の現象と展望 (特集 エレクトロニクセラミックス薄膜)
- Effect of Temporal Subtraction Technique on the Diagnosis of Primary Lung Cancer with Chest Radiography
- 単結晶X線回折及びEXAFSによるPbZn_Nb_O_3の構造研究
- Effect of bottom electrode structure on electrical properties of BaTiO3 thin films fabricated by CSD method
- Low-temperature crystallization of CSD-derived PZT thin film with laser assisted annealing
- MOCVD法により合成したバリスター特性を有するNb,Bi同時添加SrTiO_3薄膜の成長挙動(セラミックスインテグレーション)
- Doping effect of Dy on leakage current and oxygen sensing property of SrTiO3 thin film prepared by PLD
- Thermochromic tungsten doped VO2-SiO2 nano-particle synthesized by chemical solution deposition technique
- Preparation of MgIn2O4Epitaxial Oxide Electrode with Spinel Structure and Heteroepitaxial Growth of BaTiO3–NiFe2O4Multiferroic Composite Thin Film
- Shape controlled ZnO nanoparticle prepared by microwave irradiation method
- Characteristics of MoO_3 Reduced with H_2 at the Different Flow Rates of H_2
- Activation Energy of Oxygen Vacancy Diffusion of Yttria-Stabilized-Zirconia Thin Film Determined from DC Current Measurements below 150℃
- Orientation Control and Properties of Pb(Zr, Ti)O_3 Thin Films Deposited on Ni-Zn-Ferrite for Novel Ferroelectric/Ferromagnetic Memory Applications
- Effect of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thickness on Crystal Structure and Electric Property of Epitaxial CeO_2/Yttria-Stabilized Buffer Layer in Metal/Ferroelectric/Insulator/Semiconductor Structure
- Preparation of PbTiO_3 Thin Film by Mist Source Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Using Heptane Solvent
- The Conventional Transport Properties of Primary Solid Solutions. : I. Indium Rich Alloys.
- シード層の導入によるPZT,PT薄膜の結晶性/配向性の制御(セラミックスインテグレーション)
- YSZ/SiO_x/(001)Si薄膜のエピタキシャル成長における極薄SiO_x層の役割(セラミックスインテグレーション)
- PZT薄膜の90°ドメイン構造のTEM観察と強誘電特性
- Examination of mineral assemblage and chemical composition in the fracture zone of the Nojima Fault at a depth of 1140m : Analyses of the Hirabayashi NIED drill cores
- Distribution of fault rocks in the fracture zone of the Nojima Fault at a depth of 1140m : Observations from the Hirabayashi NIED drill core
- さまざまな下部電極を導入したPZT薄膜の残留応力と誘電特性の変化(セラミックスインテグレーション)
- パルスレーザー蒸着法によるSr_Ba_Nb_2O_6薄膜の成膜ガス雰囲気と膜厚が配向性と表面形状に及ぼす影響(セラミックスインテグレーション)
- SrTiO_3シードバッファー層の導入によるPb(Zr,Ti)O_3(PZT)薄膜の結晶成長(セラミックスインテグレーション)
- 低酸素圧下で合成したエピタキシャルLa__Sr__CoO_3(LSCO)薄膜の電気特性(セラミックスインテグレーション)
- Pb_5Nb_O_セラミックスへのLa置換による相転移と焼結挙動
- タングステンブロンズ型(Pb_La_)_5Nb_O_(X=0.0〜0.50)新化合物のMPB現象
- タングステンブロンズ型(1-X)Ba_Y_Nb_<10>O_-X Ba_Sm_Nb_O_固溶体の結晶構造と強誘電特性
- Behavior of gases in the Nojima Fault Zone revealed from the chemical composition and carbon isotope ratio of gases extracted from DPRI 1800m drill core
- 化学溶液法による(Bi、La)_4Ti_3O_/Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3複合薄膜の電気的特性の比較(セラミックスインテグレーション)
- Pb(Mg_Nb_)O_3/BaTiO_3/Pt/Ti/SiO_2/Si多層薄膜の構造,誘電特性に対する残留応力の影響(セラミックスインテグレーション)
- MOCVD法によるPbTiO_3薄膜の成長様式と成膜速度が配向性に及ぼす影響
- The Pressure Effect of the Hall Coefficient of Indium and Indium Rich Alloys
- Tuning of a Surface Acoustic Wave Resonator Formed of Lithium Tetraborate Substrate Combined with Piezoelectric Ceramic Element
- Effects of the External Electric Field from a Substrate on Conductance Changes of SnO_2 Thin Films by CO Gas
- Evaluation of two dual-functional primers and a tribochemical surface modification system applied to the bonding of an indirect composite resin to metals
- Microstructures and Hydrogen Permeability of Nb-Ti-Ni Alloys with High Resistance to Hydrogen Embrittlement
- Solar Energetic Particles Studied from Yohkoh Gamma-Ray Observations
- TEM Observations of the Grain Boundaries in a Semiconducting Barium Titanate Thick Film
- Preparation of Al-Pd-Mn Quasicrystal Films by Laser Ablation Method
- Fabrication of transition temperature controlled W-doped VO2 nano particles by aqueous solution
- Complete Cure of Malignant Lymphoma of the Stomach with a Huge Adrenal Lesion Achieved by Preoperative Chemotherapy and Surgery : Report of a Case
- The Thickness-Dependence of Dielectric and Physical Properties of BaTiO_3 Ceramic Thick Films
- Fabrication of 12CaO·7Al2O3 powders with high specific surface area by sol–gel and ball-milling method
- Effect of Stress Engineering on the Electrical Properties of BaTiO3 Thin Film
- Preparation of MgIn2O4 Epitaxial Oxide Electrode with Spinel Structure and Heteroepitaxial Growth of BaTiO3–NiFe2O4 Multiferroic Composite Thin Film
- Low-Temperature Specific Heat and Electrical Resistivity Measurements of Hydrogen-Absorbed Pd-Zr and Ni-Zr Metallic Glasses
- Microstructure and electrical properties of BaTiO3 thin films by modified CSD
- Hall Coefficient of Aluminium Rich Alloys
- Two-Dimensional Weak Localization Effect in Amorphous Cu-Mg Alloys
- Detection of cathepsin B-like enzyme activity in mouse epidermis
- Arraying needle-like TiO_2 particles in a composite film by applying ac bias and its transmittance anisotropy
- Control of the coating layer thickness of TiO_2-SiO_2 core-shell hybrid particles by liquid phase deposition
- Modification of Ferroelectric Properties of BaTiO3–CoFe2O4 Multiferroic Composite Thin Film by Application of Magnetic Field
- Dissolution Behavior of SUS304 Stainless Steel due to General Corrosion in H2SO4-NaCl Aqueous Solution (特集 自動車用焼結部品の高性能化・高機能化および経済性)
- Fabrication of Photochromic Tungsten Oxide Based Composite Film Using Peroxoisopolytungstic Acid
- Strain-Induced Electrical Properties of Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Films on a Si wafer with Controlled Oxide Electrode Structure (Special Issue : Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications)
- Effect of Film Thickness on Electrical Properties of Chemical Solution Deposition-Derived Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3/LaNiO3/Si
- Fabrication of WO_3-Based Composite Films and Improvement Its Photochromic Properties by Copper Doping
- Preparation and Characterization of Alkoxide-Derived Lead-Free Piezoelectric Barium Zirconate Titanate Thin Films with Different Compositions
- Origin of Compressive Residual Stress in Alkoxide Derived PbTiO3 Thin Film on Si Wafer
- Thickness Dependence of Residual Stress in Alkoxide-Derived Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3 Thin Film by Chemical Solution Deposition
- A method for preparing a large sized, uniform and stable built-up film of 109Cd icosanoate as a radioactive source by utilization of an extremely small amount of substrate solution.
- Stability of $\alpha$ and $\beta$ Phases of Noble Metal Alloys