草類蛋白質の榮養價 : (第1報)赤クローバー及びオーチャードより蛋白質の單離に就て
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Nitrogen distribution of red clover and orchard grass by extracting with various solvents has bee determined, and proteins from these leaves has been isolated. Results obtained are as follows: 1) 70_??_80% of leaf proteins is extractable by succesive treatments with dilute alkali and then hot alcoholic dilute alkali. 2) Dilute alkali and hot alcoholic alkali soluble proteins have been isolated respectively, showing nitrogen contents ranging from 8.94 to 12.03%, or 13_??_14% on ash- and lipoid-free basis. 3) Very little pentosan and hemicellulose are detected in our protein preparations, and so most of non-protein constituents are other materials. Nitrogen contents of both proteins cannot be increased by ordinary methods, that is, reprecipitation with acid and ammonium sulfate, boiling with dilute alkali and hydrochloric acid. 4) Alkali-soluble protein from red clover was hydrolysed with concentrated hydrochloric acid and its nitrogen distribution was determined by VAN SLYKEs method. 5) Acid-insoluble humin substance contains 3.17% nitrogen and yields 27.5% from proteins by the above acid hydrolysis. It is soluble in 0.2% NaOH, hot acid benzyl alcohol and contains methoxyl group.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
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