Effects of Tailing of Density of State on the Mobility of Si-MOSFETs at Low Temperatures : A Proposal for the Method of Characterization of Si-SiO_2 Interfaces
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1981-05-05
Department of Physics,Gakushuin University
Kawaji Shinji
Department Of Physics Gakushuin University.
Kawaji Shinji
Department Of Physics And Chemistry Gakushuin University
Yagi Atsuo
Sony Research Center
- Localization in Landau Subbands with the Landau Quantum Number 0 and 1 of Si-MOS Inversion Layers
- Fractional Quantum Hall Effect at ν=1/7
- Localization and Quantum Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Systems Under Strong Magnetic Fields(Transport and Fermiology)
- Phase Boundaries between Quantum Hall Metal and Hall Insulator in Si-MOSFET's and Many-Body Enhancement of Valley- and Zeeman-Splitting
- Effects of Tailing of Density of State on the Mobility of Si-MOSFETs at Low Temperatures : A Proposal for the Method of Characterization of Si-SiO_2 Interfaces
- Breakdown of the Quantum Hall Effect in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures Due to Current
- Collapse of Quantized Hall Resistance and Breakdown of IQHE in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures
- Temperature Dependence of Collapse of Quantized Hall Resistance(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Effects of Light and Temperature on the Growth of Silicon Stain Films
- Deep Trap Levels in Silicon P-N Junctions
- Activation Energies of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures
- Anomalous Magnetoresistance in Perpendicular Magnetic Fields Observed in High Mobility GaAs/Al_xGa_As Interfaces
- Activation Energies of the 1/3 and 2/3 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in GaAs/Al_xGa_As Heterostructures
- Negative Magnetoresistance and Inelastic Scattering Time in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems in GaAs/Al_xGa_As Heterojunction Interfaces
- Electron Concentration and Mobility Dependence of Breakdown of the Quantum Hall Effect
- Determination of the Fine Structure Constant Based on the Quantum Hall Effect
- Quantized Hall Resistivity in Si-MOSFETs Measured at Liq.^3He Temperatures
- Superconductivity in InAs Surfaces
- Effect of Residual Stress on Hole Mobility of SOS MOS Devices
- Influence of Crystalline Defects and Residual Stress on the Electrical Characteristics of SOS MOS Devices
- Mobility Hump and Inversion Layer Subbands in Si on Sapphire
- A.C. and D.C. Field Effects on Cleaned Germanium Surfaces
- Analysis of Telnperature Dependent Hall Conductivity in Silicon Inversion Layers in Strong Magnetic Fields by a Mobility Edge Model
- Quantum Galvanomagnetic Effect in n-Channel Silicon Inversion Layers under Strong Magnetic Fields (Selected Topics in Semiconductor Physics) -- (Surface)
- Hall Effect in Sillicon Inversion Layers under Strong Magnetic Fields
- Hall Current Measurement under Strong Magnetic Fields for Silicon MOS Inversion Layers
- Hall Effect in Silicon MOS Inversion Layers under Strong Magnetic Fields
- Experiments on the Critical Exponent of Localization in Landau Subbands with the Landau Quantum Numbers 0 and 1 in Si-MOS Inversion Layers
- Experimental Correlation between Diagonal and Hall Conductivities of Silicon MOS inversion Layers in Strong Magnetic Fields
- Second Activation Energy in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
- Valley Splitting in Si(100)n-Channel Inversion Layers Determined by a Tilted Field Method
- Collapse of the Quantised Hall Resistance and Role of the Diagonal Resistivity in the Quantum Hall Effect(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Experiments on Scaling Relation of Conductivities in Silicon MOS Inversion Layers in Strong Magnetic Fields
- Anderson Localization in Silicon MOS Inversion Layers at Low Densities
- Negative Magnetoresistance and Inelastic Scattering Time in Si-MOS Inversion Layers
- Anomalous Magnetoresistance of Clean Cleaved Surfaces in InAs
- Spin-Orbit Interaction in Two Dimensiomal Systems in InAs n-Inversion Layers
- Experimental researches on quantum transport in semiconductor two-dimensional electron systems
- Surfons and the Electron Mobility in Silicon Inversion Layers
- Anomalous Magnetoresistance in the Field Parallel to the Interface in Si-MOS Inversion Layers
- Angular Distribution Measurements of Photoemitted Electrons for InAs by Means of Magnetic Field
- Experiments on Localization in Semiconductor Two-Dimensional Systems
- Negative Magnetoresistance in Silicon (100) MOS Inversion Layers
- A Study of Electron Mobility and Electron-Phonon Interaction in Si MOSFETs by Negative Magnetoresistance Experiments
- The Two-Dimensional Lattice Scattering Mobility in a Semiconductor Inversion Layer
- Possible Ring-Exchange Interaction and Aharonov-Bohm Effect in Two-Dimensional Electron Solids