Experimentally Proven Equation for the Collector-Depletion-Layer Transit Time of npn Bipolar Transistors
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1997-11-15
内野 俊
内野 俊
Uchino Takashi
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
Uchino T
Hitachi Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
Mochizuki Kazuhiro
Central Research Lab.hitachi Ltd.
Nakamura Tohru
Central Research Lab. Hitachi Ltd.
Nakamura Tohru
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Uchino Takashi
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba
Uchino Takashi
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
内野 俊
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
- 1a-R-9 GaPの高速イオン励起2次電子
- 3p-Q-3 電場励起過剰キャリアーのオージェ再結合による磁気量子振動II
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- Anisotropic Upper Critical Fields of Orthorhombic Single Phase YBa_2Cu_3O_ Studied Using Preferentially Oriented Pellets
- 4a-A2-11 LPE-Hg_Cd_xMn_yTeの磁気フォノン共鳴再結合
- 26a-G-1 HgTeをベースとした希薄磁性半導体のLPE成長と強磁場電気伝導
- 29a-A-6 HgTeをベースとした混晶半導体のLPE成長と強磁場電気伝導
- 3a-F-6 LPE-Hg_M_Teにおける過剰キャリヤーの磁気フォノン共鳴再結合II
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- Process and Device Technologies for High Speed Self-Aligned Bipolar Transistors
- High-Speed High-Density Self-Aligned PNP Technology for Low-Power Complementary Bipolar ULSIs
- Characterization of InGaP/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors with a Heavily Doped Base : Semiconductors
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- Fully Strained Heavily Carbon-Doped GaAs Using Carbontetrabromide by Gas-Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Its Application in InGaP/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors
- New Technologies of a WSi Base Electrode and a Heavily-Doped Thin Base Layer for High-Performance InGaP/GaAs HBTs
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- Superconductivity Transition in High-T_c Y-Ba-Cu-O Mixed-Phase System
- Behavior of Active and Inactive Boron in Si Produced by Vapor-Phase Doping during Subsequent Hydrogen Annealing
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- The Effect on Turn-On Voltage (V_) of AlGaAs/GaAs HBT's due to the Structure of the Emitter-Base Heterojunction
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- Simulation of the Effect of Emitter Doping on the Delay Time in AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors
- Experimentally Proven Equation for the Collector-Depletion-Layer Transit Time of npn Bipolar Transistors
- High Breakdown Voltage InAlAs/InGaAs High Electron Mobility Transistors on GaAs with Wide Recess Structure
- Influence of Substrate Orientation on Be Transport during Molecular Beam Epitaxy of AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors
- Influence of Substrate Misorientation on Surface Morphology of Be-Doped GaAs Grown by MBE
- Determination of Lateral Extension of Extrinsic Photon Recycling in p-GaN by Using Transmission-Line-Model Patterns Formed with GaN p--n Junction Epitaxial Layers
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- Determination of Lateral Extension of Extrinsic Photon Recycling in p-GaN by Using Transmission-Line-Model Patterns Formed with GaN p-n Junction Epitaxial Layers (Special Issue : Recent Advances in Nitride Semiconductors)
- 30p-LD-3 Hg_MnxTeのLPE成長と強磁場電気伝導(半導体)
- 3a-D1-13 LPE-Hg_Mn_xTeにおける過剰キャリヤーの磁気フォノン共鳴再結合(3a D1 半導体(輸送現象・ホットエレクトロン),半導体)
- 31a-A5-10 高速イオン励起オージェ電子の固体内減速スペクトル(31a A5 放射線物理)
- 31p-FB-2 HgTeをベースとした半磁性半導体のLPE成長と電流磁気効果(31p FB 半導体(磁性半導体,ナローギャップ))
- 1p-D1-12 Hg_Mm_xTeのLPE成長(1p D1 半導体(アモルファス・ナローギャップ),半導体)
- 31p-FB-1 LPE-Hg_Mn_xTeにおける過剰キャリヤーの磁気フォノン共鳴再結合III(31p FB 半導体(磁性半導体,ナローギャップ))
- 31a-G-1 HgTeベース混晶半導体のLPE成長とその磁気フォノン共鳴再結合(31aG 半導体(ナローギャップ,擬一次元系))
- 1a-L2-1 Hg_Cd_xMn_yTeのLPE成長と電流磁気効果(半導体,(表面・界面・超格子))