Dynamics of Silicon Particles in DC Silane Plasmas Transported by a Modulated Magnetic Field (<Special Issue> Plasma Processing)
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By using a Mie scattering method, dynamics of silicon particles in DC and AC silane plasmas in the presence of a modulated magnetic field, B, perpendicular to the discharge electric field, E, were observed. In AC plasmas, Mie scattering signals were not observed. In DC plasmas, silicon particles were transported in the opposite direction of the E×B drift, and particle density was decreased with increasing applied magnetic flux density. The experimental results support the assumption that spatially inhomogeneous discharge current by E×B drift causes the balance among electrostatic force, ion drag force and force of gravity exerted on the particles to be lost and generates the particle transport.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-07-30
藤山 寛
Yang Sung-chae
Extreme Energy-density Research Institute Nagaoka University Of Technolog
Yang S‐c
Nagasaki Univ. Nagasaki Jpn
Matsuda Yuko
Central R & D Laboratory Japan Energy Corporation
Matsuda Y
Central R & D Laboratory Japan Energy Corporation
Department of Energy Conversion, Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
MATSUDA Yoshinobu
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nagasaki University
Department of Electronic Device Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical E
Kawasaki Hiroharu
Department Of Electrical Engineering Sasebo National College Of Technology
YANG Sung-Chae
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki Univers
Fujiyama Hiroshi
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Nagasaki University
Matsuda Yoshinobu
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Nagasaki University
Kawasaki Hiroharu
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sasebo National College of Technology, Sasebo, Nagasaki 857-1193, Japan
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