Destabilization of Whole Skin Lipid Bio-liposomes Induced by Skin Penetration Enhancers and FT-IR/ATR (Fourier Transform Infrared/Attenuated Total Reflection) Analysis of Stratum Corneum Lipids
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Whole skin lipid bio-liposomes (skin bio-liposomes), in size ranging from 2 to 8μm, were prepared by a reverse phase evaporation technique using rat full thickness skin. Leakage of an encapsulated fluorescence probe, ANTS (δ-amino-1,3,6-naphtalenetrisulfonate), was measured by adding transdermal penetration enhancers (penetrants) into the medium where the skin bio-liposomes were present. Oleylamine induced a fast release of ANTS from the liposomes compared to laurylamine which showed a weak action. With these penetrants, the degree of ANTS release from the prepared bio-liposomes was found to correlate well with the results of frequency changes in the CH-asymmetric stretching band near 2920cm^<-1> in the rat stratum corneum. The penetrant which caused relatively strong leakage of ANTS induced the significantly large shift of the peak toward the higher wavenumbers due to the perturbation in the structure of lipids of the stratum corneum. The skin bio-liposomes prepared from the rat full thickness skin could be useful in evaluating the penetrants.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1992-02-25
福田 友昭
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
山岡 由美子
竹内 由和
竹内 由和
Department Of Pharmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
山岡 由美子
Department Of Parmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
安川 秀仁
Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
森本 泰子
Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
福森 義信
Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
福田 友昭
Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
中尾 智志
Department of Parmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
Yamamoto Y
Pharmaceutical Research Laboratory Hokuriku Seiyaku Co. Ltd.
竹内 由和
Department Of Parmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
Takeuchi Yoshikazu
Department Of Pharmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
森本 泰子
Department Of Pharmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
安川 秀仁
Department Of Pharmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
福森 義信
神戸学院大学 薬学部
Fukumori Yoshinobu
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
福田 友昭
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
Morimoto Y
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Josai University:research Institute Of Tts Technology
Morimoto Yasunori
Fac. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Josai Univ.
Morimoto Yasunori
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Josai University
Yasukawa Hidehito
Department Of Pharmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
Takeuchi Y
Research Center Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.
Morimoto Yasunori
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Josai University:research Institute Of Tts Technology
Yamaoka Y
Kobe‐gakuin Univ. Kobe Jpn
中尾 智志
Department Of Parmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
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