Study of Crystalline Drugs by Means of Polarizing Microscope. III. Key Refractive Indices of Some Crystalline Drugs and Their Measurement using an Improved Immersion Method
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When measurement of the refractive index of crystals is used for the identification of a drug or polymorphic form, it is more convenient to determine the "key refractive index" than the principal refractive index. Two characteristic key refractive indices can be measured for crystals in plate, bladed, or lamellar form, but for acicular or long prismatic crystals only one key refractive index can usually be measured along the direction of elongation when the crystals show parallel extinction. Key refractive indices were measured for several drugs listed in J.P.IX. The relation between the key refractive indices and crystal symmetry, habit, and extinction is discussed. The immersion method was improved to obtain more reliable results by using a commercial kit of immersion oils with refractive indices between 1.47 and 1.73 at 0.005 intervals.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1980-02-25
山岡 由美子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
山岡 由美子
黒田 耕司
Pharmacy, Kobe University Hospital
黒田 耕司
Hospital Pharmacy Kobe University School Of Medicine
黒田 耕司
Pharmacy Kobe University Hospital
山岡 由美子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
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