- 論文の詳細を見る
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1979-07-01
福田 友昭
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
福田 友昭
福田 友昭
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
- Quantitative Determination of Ergothioneine in Plasma and Tissues by TLC-Densitometry
- Effects of Fatty Acids, Fatty Amines and Propylene Glycol on Rat Stratum Corneum Lipids and Proteins in Vitro Measured by Fourier Transform Infrared/Attenuated Total Reflection (FT-IR/ATR) Spectroscopy
- Destabilization of Whole Skin Lipid Bio-liposomes Induced by Skin Penetration Enhancers and FT-IR/ATR (Fourier Transform Infrared/Attenuated Total Reflection) Analysis of Stratum Corneum Lipids
- Microgranulation and Encapsulation of Pulverized Pharmaceutical Powders with Ethyl Cellulose by the Wurster Process
- Effect of Additives on Physical Properties of Fine Ethyl Cellulose Microcapsules Prepared by the Wurster Process
- Coating of Pharmaceutical Powders by Fluidized Bed Process. IV. : Softening Temperature of Acrylic Copolymers and Its Relation to Film-Formation in Aqueous Coating
- Coating of Pharmaceutical Powders by Fluidized Bed Process. III. : Aqueous Coating with Ethyl Acrylate-Methyl Methacrylate-2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate Copolymer and the Dissolution Properties of the Products
- Coating of Pharmaceutical Powders by Fluidized Bed Process. II. : Microcapsules Produced by Layering of Fine Powder on Coarse Particles and Subsequent Aqueous Enteric Coating
- Computer Simulation of Agglomeration in the Wurster Process
- Coating of Pharmaceutical Powders by Fhiidized Bed Process. I. Aqueous Enteric Coating with Methacrylic Acid-Ethylacrylate Copolymer and the Dissolution Behavior of Products(Pharmaceutical)
- Physical Characterization of Erythromycin Dihydrate, Anhydrate and Amorphous Solid and Their Dissolution Properties
- 細粒と粉末の混合に関する研究(第2報)細粒と微粉砕粉末の混合状態
- 細粒と粉末の混合--混合性におよぼす粉末粒子径と付着力の効果 (〔粉体工学会〕夏期シンポジウム特集)
- Coating of Pharmaceutical Powders by Fluidized Bed Process. VI.Microencapsulation Using Blend and Composite Latices of Copoly(Ethyl Acrylate-Methyl Methacrylate-2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate)
- Coating of Pharmaceutical Powders by Fluidized Bed Process. V. Agglomeration and Efficiency in the Coating with Aqueous Latices of Copoly(Ethyl Acrylate-Methyl Methacrylate-2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate)
- Effect of Additives on Agglomeration in Aqueous Coating with Hydroxypropyl Cellulose
- Internal Friction of Compressed Pharmaceutical Powders observed in Terms of the Die Wall Pressure
- 細粒と粉末の混合に関する研究(第1報)混合性改善の試み
- 調剤時の分割分包損失率と粉体物性の関連性--みかけの付着の測定 (〔粉体工学会〕第31回粉体に関する討論会特集)
- その改正の行い方について : 薬大教官の立場から(薬局方に求める)
- 調剤の定義について
- 医薬品粉粒体の圧縮成形に関する粉体力学的研究 (粉体層の静力学的特性--測定法とモデル論)