Preparation and Evaluation in Vitro and in Vivo of Polylactic Acid Microspheres Containing Doxorubicin
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Polylactic acid microspheres containing doxorubicin were prepared by a solvent evaporation process and release patterns of the drug from the microspheres were examined in vitro. Microspheres with greater drug contents released more drug. The release rate of the drug after the initial burst was found to be small, so that prolonged release was obtainable. It was also found that the wettability of the microspheres might influence the release rate. Venous plasma levels of the drug following intra-arterial administration into dog liver were considerably lower than those following administration of the drug solution. Microangiography revealed embolization due to the microspheres in peripheral arteries in the liver.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1985-01-25
市原 知文
中野 眞汎
Department Of Pharmacy Kumamoto University Hospital
従二 和彦
従二 和彦
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Josai University
従二 和彦
Department of Pharmacy, Kumamoto University Hospital
緒方 遵子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
市原 知文
Second Department of Surgery, Kumamoto University Hospital
森 且孝
Second Department of Surgery, Kumamoto University Hospital
赤木 正信
Second Department of Surgery, Kumamoto University Hospital
緒方 遵子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
森 且孝
Second Department Of Surgery Kumamoto University Hospital
中野 眞汎
Department of Clinical Pharmaceutics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka
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