- Microparticulate bombardment system を用いた抗原含有微粒子の免疫処置に関する研究
- 薬物皮膚適用後の皮内挙動解明のためのウサギ耳灌流法に関する基礎的研究
- Studies on 2', 3'-Dideoxy-2', 3'-didehydropyrimidine Nucleosides. II. : N_4-Benzoyl-2', 3'-dideoxy-2', 3'-didehydrocytidine as a Prodrug of 2', 3'-Dideoxy-2', 3'-didehydrocytidine (DDCN)
- マイクロスフィア, エマルジョンなどによる抗がん薬の効果, 増強 : 薬剤の有効な投与方法に関する研究
- Preparation of and Drug Release from W/O/W Type Double Emulsions Containing Anticancer Agents
- Thymidineの鼻粘膜透過に関する研究
- 微粒子を用いたDDS
- 皮膚適用後のフルルビプロフェンの皮下移行性に関する研究
- 市販製剤品質比較試験法の基準の作成(病院薬局協議会)
- 市販製剤品質比較試験法の基準の作成(病院薬局協議会)
- 市販製剤品質比較試験法の基準の作成
- 徐放性製剤 (医薬品の新しい製剤技術)
- 高分子を用いた薬物制御放出剤形
- Mechanism of Enhancement of the Release Rate of Aclarubicin from Poly-β-hydroxybutyric Acid Microspheres by Fatty Acid Esters
- Modification of the Release Rate of Aclarubicin from Polylactic Acid Microspheres by Using Additives
- Control of Release Rate of Bleomycin from Polylactic Acid Microspheres by Additives
- Preparation and Evaluation in Vitro and in Vivo of Polylactic Acid Microspheres Containing Doxorubicin
- Preparation and Evaluation in Vitro and in Vivo of Polylactic Acid Microspheres containing Dibucaine
- 原末変更に伴うジゴキシン製剤の生物学的同等性の検討
- Preparation and Evaluation in Vitro and in Vivo of Polycarbonate Microspheres Containing Dibucaine
- Preparation and Evaluation in Vitro of Polycarbonate Microspheres Containing Local Anesthetics
- ケノデオキシコール酸カプセル剤の品質比較試験
- セファドロキシルカプセル剤の溶出試験
- Plasma Levels of Tegafur Following Implantation of Polycarbonate Pellets Containing Tegafur or FD-1 into Rats
- Examination of Biodegradability of Poly (ethylene carbonate) and Poly (propylene carbonate) in the Peritoneal Cavity in Rats