Formation of Monohydroxy-n-Nonane-2-Ones from Tricaprin by Fusarium avenaceum f. sp. fabae IFO 7158
- 論文の詳細を見る
Fusarium avenaceum f. sp. fabae IFO 7158 metabolized tricaprin with accumulation of n-nonane-2-one and three unknown minor compounds in the medium. The three compounds were identified to be 8-hydroxy-n-nonane-2-one, 7-hydroxy-n-nonane-2-one, and 6-hydroxy-n-nonane-2-one. The accumulation of the monohydroxy-n-nonane-2-ones took place with a decrease in n-nonane-2-one (C_<9 : 0>-2-one) once formed from capric acid (C_<10 : 0>. Thus, it is speculated that hydroxylations of n-nonane-2-one at ω2,ω3,and ω4 carbons gave the 8-hydroxy-, 7-hydroxy-, and 6-hydroxy-n-nonane-2-ones, repectively. Even though the microorganism could utilize well for growth all of the synthetic triglycerides, such as tricaproin, tricaprylin, tricaprin, trilaurin, trimyristin, and tripalmitin, the monohydroxy-n-alkane-2-one was formed exclusively from tricaprin. The maximal accumulation of monohydroxy-n-nonane-2-ones, a mixture of 8-hydroxy-, 7-hydroxy- and 6-hydroxy-n-nonane-2-ones in an approximate ratio of 10 : 7 : 0.5,was 139 mg from 1.0 g tricaprin. Finally, a novel metabolic pathway for the medium chain fatty acid in the fungus is discussed.
- 1991-03-25
Yagi Takashi
Research And Development Center Showa Sangyo Co. Ltd.
R&D Center, Showa Sangyo Co., Ltd.,
R&D Center, Showa Sangyo Co., Ltd.,
Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuyama University
R&D Center, Showa Sangyo Co., Ltd.,
Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuyama University
Yagi T
Showa Sangyo Co. Ltd. Funabashi Jpn
Fukui F
Showa Sangyo Co. Ltd. Ibaraki Jpn
Fukui Fumio
Fermentation Research Laboratories Sankyo Co. Ltd.
Research and Development Center, Showa Sangyo Co. Ltd.,
Hatano Akiko
Research And Development Center Showa Sangyo Co. Ltd.
Fukui Sakuzo
Department Of Bioengineering Faculty Of Engineering Fukuyama University
Hatano Takushi
Department Of Bioengineering Faculty Of Engineering Fukuyama University
R&D Center, Showa Sangyo Co., Ltd.
- Formation of Monohydroxy-n-Nonane-2-Ones from Tricaprin by Fusarium avenaceum f. sp. fabae IFO 7158
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