Evaluation of Rapeseed Protein Concentration as Protein Source of Diet for Red Sea Bream
Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University
Tanaka Y
Department Of Biological Substances And Life Science Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Kyoritsu Universi
Yagi Takashi
Research And Development Center Showa Sangyo Co. Ltd.
滝井 健二
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
中村 元二
中村 元二
Kumai Hidemi
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Tanaka Y
Research & Development Center Showa Sangyo Co.ltd.
Fisheries Laboratory, Kinki University
Fisheries Laboratory, Kinki University
KITA Eiichi
Fisheries Laboratory, Kinki University
Kita Eiichi
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Takii Kenji
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Yagi Takashi
Research & Development Center Showa Sangyo Co. Ltd.
Tanaka Yuji
Department Of Environmental Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Kyushu Kyoritsu U
- 飼料タンパク質含量がマハタの飼育成績, 蓄積率および筋肉カテプシン活性に及ぼす影響
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- Selective Breeding for Growth in Red Sea Bream
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