Donor to Acceptor Electron Transfer in Germanium at Low Temperatures
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Electron transfer process from neutral donor to neutral acceptor in germaniumhas been observed at liquid helium temperatures in the form of a slowly decayingphotoconductivity tail after the flash of the band-gap light. The decay timeconstant is governed by the leakage flux of room temperature black body radia-tions upon the sample. Through analyzing the d.c. conductivity as well as Halldata, microwave cyclotron resonance and far-infrared magneto-absorption, thecarrier capture cross sections by neutral impurities are determined as a ftmctionof temperature: 8 x 10 "cm ' for the capture ofl electrons at neutral acceptorsand 5 x 10 " cm-' for that of holes at neutral donors, at 4.2 K with a dependenceof T-'
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-08-15
Otsuka Eizo
Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University
Ohyama Tyuzi
Department Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University
Department of Physics,College of General Education,Osaka University
Department of Physics,College of General Education,Osaka University
Sanada Toshi
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Otsuka Eizo
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka City University
Matshushita Kiyoshi
Department Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University:the Horiba Ltd.
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