Influence of Interface Barrier on Lateral Transport Properties for Metal/Semiconductor Systems
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This work reports on an investigation of the transport properties of metal semiconductor systems in the direction parallel to the interface. Anomalies caused by the shunting effect for resistivity and Hall coefficient measurement on metal semiconductor systems were analyzed in detail. It is found that the above-mentioned anomalies are closely related with the Schottky barrier height as well as the current density across the metal semiconductor interface. The critical temperature at which a distinct indication of the shunting effect appears is around 200 K for NiSi_2/p-Si system.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-07-15
Otsuka Eizo
Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University
Ohyama Teruo
Department Of Physics Gakushuin Univ
Iwami Motohiro
Research Laboratory For Surface Science Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Otsuka Eizo
Department Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University
Ohyama Tyuzi
Department Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University
Iwami Motohiro
Reseach Laboratory For Surface Science Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Department of Physics, College of General Education, Osaka University
Research Laboratory for Surface Science, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
Yamamoto Sekika
Department Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University
Otsuka Eizo
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka City University
Yamauchi Syouichi
Research Laboratory For Surface Science Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Department of Physics, College of General Education, Osaka University
Department of Physics, College of General Education, Osaka University
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