Electronic States of Ce_xLa_<1-x>Cu_6 Studied by Resonant Photoemission
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The energy states of 4f electrons in Ce.La. ,Cu. (.V=0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, l) have beenstudied by means of resonant photoemission. At any concentration of cerium ions,the energy distribution of 4 f partial density of states shows a leading peak with a skewLorentzian shape and weak features on both sides of the peak. As the concentrationof cerium ions increases, the width of the leading peak increases and its positionmoves toward the low binding energy, and the 4f partial density of states per ceriumatom near the Fermi edge increases. Fine structures near the 4d threshold inphotoyield spectra have also been observed. The shape of the 'D. line of the Tan-thanum ion varies with the concentration of lanthanum ions. The origin of the ob-served dependence of energy distribution curves and photoyield spectra on the concen-tration of cerium Tons is discussed.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1986-12-15
Ishii Takehiko
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
ONUKI Yoshichika
Institute of Materials Science,University of Tsukuba
Institute of Materials Science,University of Tsukuba
Kato Hiroo
Photon Factory, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK)
Miyahara Tsuneaki
Photon Factory, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK)
Ishii T
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
SATO Shigeru
Photon Factory,National Laboratory for High Energy Physics
Ishii Takehiko
Department Of Material Physics Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Iwasaki T
National Inst. Industrial Health Kawasaki Jpn
Iwasaki Takeshi
National Institute Of Industrial Health 21-1 Nagao 6-chome Tama-ku Kawasaki 214 Japan
SODA Kazuo
Institute for Solid State physics, University of Tokyo
Miyahara Tsuneaki
Photon Factory Kek
Asaoka S
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo:photon Factory National Laboratory For Hig
Kato H
Photon Factory National Laboratory For High Energy Physics
Institute of Materials Science,University of Tsukuba
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
Soda K
Department Of Mathematical Sciences College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Soda Kazuo
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Ishii Tomohiko
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Soda Kunitsugu
Department Of Bioengineering Nagaoka University Of Technology
Asaoka Seiji
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo:photon Factory National Laboratory For Hig
Onuki Yoshichika
Institute Of Material Science The University Of Tsukuba
Kato Hiroo
Photon Factory High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Naito K
Shinshu Univ. Nagano
Naito Kenzo
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Ishii Takehiko
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Komatsubara Takemi
Institute Of Material Science The University Of Tsukuba
Sato Shigeru
Photon Factory National Laboratory For High-energy Physics
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