Regulation of the Body Fat Percentage in Developmental-Stage Rats by Methylxanthine Derivatives in a High-Fat Diet
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We investigated the regulatory effects of structural differences among methylxanthine derivatives on the elevation of body fat percentage in developmental-stage rats. Caffeine, theophylline and theobromine were used as the methylxanthines. High-fat diets (20% lard) containing each methylxanthine (0.025%) were administered to male Sprague-Dawley rats for 12 weeks, with the result that the body fat percentage was generally reduced in each methylxanthine-fed group. The abdominal adipose tissue weight in the caffeine group was also significantly lower than that in the control group, the serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the caffeine group also being significantly lower than the levels in the control group. The study results suggest that caffeine could contribute most to preventing arteriosclerotic diseases.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2006-05-23
OISHI Yuichi
Department of Nutritional Science, Faculty of Applied Bioscience, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Department of Nutritional Science, Faculty of Applied Bioscience, Tokyo University of Agriculture
ARAI Soichi
Department of Nutritional Science, Faculty of Applied Bioscience, Tokyo University of Agriculture
TAKITA Toshichika
Department of Nutritional Science, Faculty of Applied Bioscience, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Arai Soichi
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Applied Bioscience Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Arai Soichi
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Applied Bio-science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Inoue Hiroko
Department of Cardiology, Institute for Clinical Research, National Hospital Organization Kyushu Med
Tadokoro Tadahiro
Laboratory Of Nutritional Biochemistry Department Of Applied Biology And Chemistry Faculty Of Applie
Takita Toshichika
Department Of Nutrition Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Takita Toshichika
Department Offood And Nutritional Science Graduate School Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agricul
Tadokoro Tadahiro
Faculty Of Applied Bioscience Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Arai Soichi
Dep. Of Nutritional Sci. Fac. Of Applied Bioscience Tokyo Univ. Of Agriculture
Arai Souichi
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Applied Bioscience Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Inoue Hiroko
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Applied Bio-science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Oishi Yuichi
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Applied Bioscience Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Oishi Yuichi
Department Of Biological Chemistry College Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Chubu University
Department of Nutritional Science, Faculty of Applied Bio-Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Horiuchi Yumi
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Applied Bio-science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Takita Toshichika
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Applied Bio-science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Inoue Hiroko
Department Of Biosciences Kyushu Dental College
Department of Nutritional Science, Faculty of Applied Bio-Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Kobayashi Hattori
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Applied Bioscience Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Arai Soichi
Food Safety And Reliability Project Kanagawa Acad. Of Sci. And Technol.
Arai Soichi
Food Safety And Reliability Project Kanagawa Academy Of Science And Technology
Kobayashi Hattori
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Applied Bio-science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
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