Testicular Injury to Rats Fed on Soybean Protein-Based Vitamin B_<12>-Deficient Diet Can Be Reduced by Methionine Supplementation
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We have previously reported that rats fed on a vitamin B_<12> (B_<12>)-deficient diet containing 180 g soybean protein per kg diet showed marked histologic damage in their testes. In this paper, we report the effect of B_<12>-deficiency on B_<12>-dependent methionine synthase in the rats' testes and the effect of methionine supplementation of the diet on testicular damage. Rats were fed the soybean protein-based B_<12>-deficient diet for 120 d. We confirmed that those rats were in serious B_<12>-deficiency by measuring urinary methylmalonic acid excretion and B_<12> content in tissues. Methionine synthase activity in the testis of the B_<12>-deficient rats was less than 2% of that in B_<12>-supplemented (control) rats. To complement disrupted methionine biosynthesis, methionine was supplied in the diet. A supplement of 5 g D,L-methionine per kg diet to the B_<12>-deficient diet did not affect urinary methylmalonic acid excretion of B_<12>-deficient rats. The testicular histology of rats fed the methionine supplemented B_<12>-deficient diet was almost indistinguishable from that of control rats. Thus, we conclude that the lowered testicular methionine synthase activity is the primary cause of the histologic damage due to B_<12>-deficiency and that methionine supplementation to the diet can reduce the damage. These findings would indicate the importance of the methionine synthase activity, especially for testicular function.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
虎谷 哲夫
和田 政裕
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Josai University
YAMADA Kazuhiro
Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
KAWATA Tetsunori
Faculty of Education, Okayama University
WADA Masahiro
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Josai University
MORI Kazumi
Faculty of Education, Okayama University
TAMAI Hiroko
Faculty of Education, Okayama University
Jojinkai Hospitals and Welfare Institutes
Faculty of Applied Bioscience, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Faculty of Applied Bioscience, Tokyo University of Agriculture
虎谷 哲夫
Tanaka N
Department Of Applied Biological Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Saga University
Maekawa A
Faculty Of Applied Bioscience Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Maekawa Akio
Laboratory Of Nutritional Biochemistry Department Of Applied Biology And Chemistry Faculty Of Applie
Tobimatsu T
Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
Kuwamori Masanori
Faculty Of Education Okayama University
Tadokoro T
Faculty Of Applied Bioscience Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Tadokoro Tadahiro
Laboratory Of Nutritional Biochemistry Department Of Applied Biology And Chemistry Faculty Of Applie
Tamai Hiroko
Faculty Of Education Okayama University
Kawata Tetsunori
Faculty Of Education Okayama University
Toraya Tetsuo
Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
Yamashita Kenji
Biochemical Research Laboratories Kanegafuchi Chemical Industry Co. Ltd.
Yajima Kazuyoshi
Sano College Sano Nihon University Gakuen
Takita Toshichika
Department Offood And Nutritional Science Graduate School Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agricul
Tadokoro Tadahiro
Faculty Of Applied Bioscience Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Katayama Yoshihiro
Graduate School Of Bio-applications And Systems Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Tech
Wada M
The Faculty Of Engineering Tokushima University
Wada Masahiro
Kddi R&d Laboratories Inc.
Yamada K
Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University:(present Address)department Of Biotechnology And Life Scie
Tanaka N
Jojinkai Hospitals And Welfare Institutes
Katayama Y
Graduate School Of Bio-applications And Systems Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Tech
Takita Toshichika
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Applied Bio-science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Yamada Kazuhiro
Faculty Of Engineering Hosei University
Wada Masahiro
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Josai University
Katayama Yoshihiro
College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Tobimatsu Takamasa
Faculty of Applied Bioscience, Tokyo University of Agriculture
KAWATA Tetsunori
Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculiure Okayama University
Wada Masahiro
Faculty of Intelligence and Informatics, Konan University
WADA Masahiro
Faculty of Education, Okayama University
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