Elimination of Pasteurella pneumotropica from a Contaminated Mouse Colony by Oral Administration of Enrofloxacin
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Enrofloxacin, a fluroquinolone bactericidal antibiotic, was administered in an attempt to eradicate Pasteurella pneumotropica (P. pneumotropica) from a contaminated mouse colony. Contaminated mice, maintained within 4 animal rooms, were administered Enrofloxacin in drinking water at a daily dosage of 25.5 mg/kg for 2 weeks. Following one week of Enrofloxacin treatment, mice were selected randomly from each room and examined for P. pneumotropica. This procedure was repeated two or three times until all mice examined tested negative for the Pasteurella strain. With the exception of one room, treated mice consistently tested negative for P. pneumotropica for up to 45 weeks following completion of Enrofloxacin treatment.Thus, oral administration of Enrofloxacin significantly eliminated P. pneumotropica from a contaminated mouse colony.
- 社団法人 日本実験動物学会の論文
- 2002-07-01
Laboratory Animal Research Center
YAGAMI Ken-ichi
Laboratory Animal Research Center
杉山 文博
Institute Of Basic Medical Sciences Laboratory Animal Resource Center University Of Tsukuba
杉山 文博
Itoh T
Iclas Monitoring Center Central Institute For Experimental Animals
Center for Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance and Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of
Takakura A
Iclas Monitoring Center Central Institute For Experimental Animals
Ueno Yutaka
Laboratory Animal Resource Center
高倉 彰
Takakura Akira
実験動物中央研究所 Iclasモニタリングセンター
Central Institute for Experimental Animals
ITOH Toshio
Central Institute for Experimental Animals
SHIRAI Tomoyuki
Nagoya City University Medical School
NOZU Ryoko
Central Institute for Experimental Animals
Center for Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance
Laboratory Animal Resource Center
Yakult Cantral Institute for Microbiological Research
Yagami Ken-ichi
Laboratory Animal Resource Center University Of Tsukuba
Yagami Ken-ichi
Institute Of Basic Medical Sciences Laboratory Animal Resource Center University Of Tsukuba
Sugiyama Fumihiro
Laboratory Animal Resource Center University Of Tsukuba
Yamamoto M
Center For Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance And Institute Of Basic Medical Sciences University Of
Nozu Ryoko
Central Institute For Experimntal
Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Takashima Ikuo
Hokkaido Univ. Hokkaido Jpn
Miyamoto Yukiko
Center For Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance
Yamamoto Masayuki
Center For Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance And Institute Of Basic Medical Sciences University Of
Sugiyama Fumihiro
Laborarory Animal Resource Center, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba 305-8575, Japan
Yagami Ken-ichi
Laborarory Animal Resource Center, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba 305-8575, Japan
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