- 組換え抗原を用いたマウスパルボウイルス特異的なELISA法の開発
- ICLASの Animal Quality Network Program に基づく Performance Evaluation Program 試行結果 : ICLASから供給された被検物質を用いた微生物モニタリング方法の自己評価
- ペットのラットからのStreptobacillus moniliformisの分離(公衆衛生学)
- 実験感染および自然感染マウスからのマウスノロウイルス核酸の検出
- Pasteurella pneumotropica とV因子要求性 Pasteurella 科菌のF344-rnuラットを用いた感染実験
- ヒト-プロト型c-Ha-ras遺伝子導入無菌マウスを用いたHelicobacter pylori感染による胃癌誘発実験
- gyrB遺伝子配列を用いた実験動物由来 Pasteurella pneumotropica 分離株の系統樹解析
- Decontamination of Human Xenotransplantable Tumor with Mouse Hepatitis Virus by Implantation in Nude Rat: A Case Report
- Quarantine for Contaminated Pathogens in Transplantable Human Tumors or Infections in Tumor Bearing Mice
- 実験動物の微生物モニタリング用ELISAキットの開発
- A Solid-Phase Enzyme Immunoassay Using Guinea Pig C3 to Detect Anti-Mycoplasma pulmonis Antibody in the Sera of Infected Rats
- 酵素標識プロテインAを用いたELISA法によるマウスおよびモルモット血清中のセンダイウイルス抗体の検出〔英文〕
- マウス肝炎ウイルスとマウスアデノウイルスの抗体検索に用いるそれぞれ2種類の抗原株の検討
- 15種の病原体に対するマウス,ラットの抗体保有調査〔英文〕
- Identification Procedure for Pasteurella Pneumotropica in Microbiologic Monitoring of Laboratory Animals
- Isolation and Identification Procedure for Staphylococcus aureus in Laboratory Mice and Rats by Combined Use of Chromogenic X-SA Agar and Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction(Laboratory Animal Science)
- Establishment of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of Hantavirus Antibody of Rats Using a Recombinant of Nucleocapsid Protein Expressed in Escherichia coli
- Elimination of Pasteurella pneumotropica from a Contaminated Mouse Colony by Oral Administration of Enrofloxacin
- Comparison of Bacteriological, Genetic and Pathological Characters between Escherichia coli O115a,c:K(B) and Citrobacter rodentium
- Evaluation of PCR as a Means of Identification of Pasteurella pneumotropica
- Prevalence of "Orphan" Parvovirus Infections in Mice and Rats
- Detection of Cilia-Associated Respiratory Bacillus in Experimentally and Naturally Infected Mice and Rats by the Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Induction of Drug Metabolism-Related Enzymes by Methylcholanthrene and Phenobarbital in Transgenic Mice Carrying Human Prototype c-Ha-ras Gene and Their Wild Type Littermates
- Vertical Transmission to Embryo and Fetus in Maternal Infection with Rat Virus (RV)
- Phenotypes of IRS-2 Deficient Mice Produced by Reproductive Technology are Stable
- アイソレーター飼育はC57BL/6JJclマウスにインシュリン抵抗性を引き起こす
- 免疫不全および免疫正常マウスに対するPasteurella pneumotropicaの病原性