Sasago M | Matsuisita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. Kyoto Jpn
Sasago M
Matsuisita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. Kyoto Jpn
Sasago M
Assoc. Super‐advanced Electronics Technol. Yokohama Jpn
白井 正充
Shirai Masamitsu
Osaka Prefecture Univ. Osaka Jpn
Sasago M
Matsushita Electric Industrial Corp. Ltd.
Shirai Masamitsu
Department Of Applied Chemistry Osaka Prefecture University
Suyama Kanji
Department Of Applied Chemistry Osaka Prefecture University
白井 正充
大阪府立大学 大学院 工学研究科
Okamura Haruyuki
Osaka Prefecture Univ. Osaka Jpn
Matsuo Takahiro
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. (panasonic)
Tsunooka M
Osaka Prefecture Univ. Osaka Jpn
Shirai Masamitsu
Department Of Applied Chemistry College Of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
SHIRAI Masamitsu
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University
角岡 正弘
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University
Tsunooka Masahiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Collage Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Kishimura Sinji
Association Of Super-advanced Electronics Technologies:(present Address)ulsi Technology Development
Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka Prefecture University
Tsunooka Masahiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Ohba Tadahiro
Osaka Prefecture Univ. Osaka Jpn
Kametani Hitoshi
General Research Laboratory Mitubishi Electric Corporation
Kondo H
The Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
ENDO Masamori
Department of Physics, School of Science, Tokai University
Endo M
Department Of Physics School Of Science Tokai University
Kondo Hideyuki
Central Research Institute Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
MURAKAMI Katsuhiko
Nikon Corporation
IRIE Shigeo
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (Panasonic)
ENDO Masayuki
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (Panasonic)
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (Panasonic)
岡村 晴之
Kondo H
Nikon Corp.
Irie S
Semiconductor Leading Edge Technologies Ibaraki Jpn
Irie Shigeo
Semiconductor Leading Edge Technologies Inc. (selete)
Sasago Masaru
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.
Nikon Co.
KONDO Hiroyuki
Nikon Co.
Department de Photochimie Generale, UMR n°7525, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie
Department de Photochimie Generale, UMR n°7525, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie
Department de Photochimie Generale, UMR n°7525, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie
QU Weihong
Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka Prefecture University
Qu Weihong
Department Of Applied Chemistry Osaka Prefecture University
TACHI Hideki
Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka Prefecture University
Tachi Hideki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Osaka Prefecture University
Kandaka N
Nikon Corp.
Inoue Tomohiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Osaka Prefecture University
MURAKAMI Katsuhiko
Nikon Corp.
岡村 晴之
大阪府立大学 大学院 工学研究科 応用化学分野
TAGAWA Seiichi
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
原田 知佳
Tagawa Seiichi
The Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research
川崎 真一
Yamaguchi A
Hitachi Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
Yamaguchi Atsumi
Ulsi Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Association of Super-Advanced Electronics Technologies
OHFUJI Takeshi
Association of Super-Advanced Electronics Technologies
Association of Super-Advanced Electronics Technologies
山田 光昭
Matsuo T
Semiconductor Leading Edge Technologies Inc
Yamaguchi Atsuko
Association of Super-Advanced Electronics Technologies
Kishimura Sinji
Association of Super-Advanced Electronics Technologies
Matsuzawa Nobuyuki
Association of Super-Advanced Electronics Technologies
Tanaka Tomoaki
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
藤木 剛
Yamaguchi Atsuko
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Yamaguchi Atsuko
Association Of Super-advanced Electronics Technologies:(present Address)hitachi Central Laboratory
Kishimura Shinji
Ulsi Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation:semiconductor Group System Lsi Division
Tagawa S
Osaka Univ. Osaka
Yamaguchi A
Sumitomo Electric Ind. Ltd. Yokohama Jpn
Takahashi M
Tokyo Univ. Pharmacy And Life Sci. Tokyo Jpn
Takahashi M
Semiconductor Leading Edge Technologies Inc
Sasago Masaru
Ulsi Process Technology Development Center Semiconductor Company Matsushita Electronics Corporation
Ohfuji T
Semiconductor Leading Edge Technologies Inc. (selete)
OHBA Tadahiro
Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka Prefecture University
NAKAI Daisuke
Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka Prefecture University
陶山 寛治
INOUE Tomohiro
Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Denki University
Katsuyama Akiko
Ulsi Process Technology Development Center Semiconductor Company Matsushita Electronics Corporation
Katsuyama Akiko
Ulsi Process Technology Development Center Matsushita Electronics Corporation
Matsuzawa N
Assoc. Super‐advanced Electronics Technol. Kanagawa Pref. Jpn
山田 光昭
Okamura Haruyuki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Shinozuka T
Osaka Prefecture Univ. Osaka Jpn
山田 宙
Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka Prefecture University
Tanaka Tomoaki
The Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
Kishimura Shinji
Association of Super-Advanced Electronics Technologies
- フォトポリマーの研究 : 継続は力なり
- 大阪府立大学中百舌鳥キャンパス
- Dissolution Rate Analysis of ArF Resists Based on the Percolation Model
- エポキシ含有フルオレン : ポリシランブレンド系の光架橋
- スルホン酸エステル含有エポキシ架橋剤を用いた再可溶化型架橋系
- 新規スルホン酸エステル基を含有するエポキシポリマーの光架橋と水への再溶解
- Study of Transmittance of Polymers and Influence of Photoacid Generator on Resist Transmittance at Extreme Ultraviolet Wavelength
- Measurement of Resist Transmittance at Extreme Ultraviolet Wavelength Using the Extreme Ultraviolet Reflectometer(Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology)
- リワーク能を有する光架橋・硬化樹脂
- 熱分解型多官能架橋剤を用いたリワーク型光架橋系
- リワーク機能を有する光架橋・硬化樹脂
- Photocrosslinking of Oligomers Bearing Glycidyl Sulfonate Ester Units and Their Redissolution Property
- 水による溶解除去が可能なオキセタン部位含有光架橋性高分子 (特集:光とネットワークポリマー)
- 光重合
- Photocrosslinking and Thermal Degradation of Epoxy-containing Polymers Using Photobase Generators
- 超微細加工用フォトレジスト材料
- Effect of Anions on Photoreacitivity and Stability of Quaternary Ammonium Salts as Photobase Generators
- 光酸・塩基発生剤の開発とその新規フォトポリマー設計における活用
- 再溶解型光架橋・硬化樹脂
- Photocleavage Processes in an Iminosulfonate Derivative Usable as Photoacid in Resist Technology
- Visible Light-induced Cationic Polymerization of Epoxides Sensitized by Benzoquinonylsulfanyl Derivatives
- Photo-Induced Radical Polymerization Sensitized by Benzoquinonylsulfanyl Derivatives
- Photo- and Thermochemical Behavior of Quaternary Ammonium Thiocyanates and Their Use as Crosslinkers
- Triplet State of O-Acyloximes Studied by Time-Resolved Absorption Spectroscopy
- 熱分解型ジエポキシ化合物を用いた再可溶化型架橋性高分子
- Photodegradation of Poly(methacrylates), Poly(acrylates) and Polystyrenes Derivatives by 146 nm Light
- Surface Modification Resists Using Photoacid and Photobase Generating Polymers
- Photolysis of Quaternary Ammonium Dithiocarbamates and Their Use as Photobase Generators
- Design Concepts of Single-Layer Resists for Vacuum Ultraviolet Lithography
- Cyclic O-Acyloximes as Novel Photolatent Bases
- Enhanced photochemical generation of amines from trifunctional O-acyloxime
- 亜臨界水を用いた架橋樹脂の分解とケミカルリサイクル (特集 ポリマーの分解とその応用技術)
- FRPの分解とリサイクル (特集:廃棄物の再資源化技術)
- Development of Novel Photosensitive Polymer Systems Using Photoacid and Photobase Generators
- Visible Light Crosslinking of Polymeric Photobase Generators Using Ketobiscoumarins
- Poly(α-methyl-p-hydroxystyrene-co-methacrylonitrile) Based Single-Layer Resists for VUV Lithography (2) F2 Excimer Laser Exposure Characteristics
- Negative EUV resist based on thiol-ene system
- Non-chemically amplified EUV resist based on PHS
- 解説記事 再可溶化できる光架橋型高分子
- グリーンケミストリーと高分子の崩壊と安定化 (特集 グリーンテクノロジーの新展開)
- 高分子材料の光分解性と高分子添加剤 (新春特集 高分子添加剤の開発とグリーンケミストリー)
- 再溶解能を有する光架橋性ポリマー
- メタクリル酸メチル-アクリル酸エステル共重合体の185nm光によるアブレーティブ分解
- Preparation of replicated resin mold for UV nanoimprint using reworkable dimethacrylate
- Analysis of chain propagation in UV curing using reworkable resin
- i-Line sensitive photoacid generators using thianthrenium derivatives
- I-line sensitive non-ionic photoacid generators having thianthrene skeleton
- Degradable Network Polymers Based on Di(meth)acrylates
- Highly Sensitive Photocrosslinking System Using Fluorene Derivatives Having Vinyl Ether or Epoxy Moiety
- Multi-Functional Methacrylates Bearing Thermal Degradation Properties--Synthesis, Photo- and Thermal Curing, and Thermolysis
- 光によるアミンの生成を利用する表面修飾型フォトレジスト
- UV/EB硬化技術--高分子材料への活用 (小特集 UV/EB硬化技術の最新の展開)
- リワーク型低収縮ジメタクリラートとそのUVインプリント材料への応用 : 樹脂構造の影響 (特集 光とネットワークポリマー)