Magnetic Phases of ZnCrO Revealed by Magneto-Optical Studies under Ultra-High Magnetic Fields of up to 600T
Takeyama Shojiro
Instilute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Motome Yukitoshi
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Ueda Hiroaki
Institute For Amphibian Biology Graduate School Of Science Hiroshima University
Ueda Yutaka
Institute For Solid State Physic The University Of Tokyo
Shannon Nic
H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, The University of Bristol, Bristol BS8-1TL, U.K.
Miyata Atsuhiko
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8581, Japan
Penc Karlo
Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, H-1525 Budapest, P.O.B. 49, Hungary
- S=1/2 Square-Lattice Antiferromagnets : (CuX)LaB_2O_7 and (CuCl)A_2B_3O_ (X=Cl, Br; A=Ca, Sr; B=Nb, Ta)(Frustrated Systems, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
- Neutron Scattering Investigation on Quantum Spin System SrCu_2(BO_3)_2(Frustrated Systems, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
- High Energy-Resolution Inelastic Neutron Scattering Experiments on Triplet Bound State Excitations in SrCu_2(BO_3)_2(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Temperature and Angular Dependence of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Line in α'-NaV_2O_5
- New Inorganic Spin-Peierls Compound NaV_2O_5 Evidenced by X-Ray and Neutron Scattiring
- Low-Temperature Structure of the Quarter-Filled Ladder Compound α'-NaV_2O_5
- Charged Excitons and Biexcitons in CdZnTe/(Cd,Zn,Mn)Te Quantum Wells in Pulse Magnetic Fields(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Magneto-Optical Four-Wave-Mixing Studies of an Exciton-Biexciton System in a CdMnTe/CdTe/CdMgTe Single Quantum Well(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Pressure Induced Quenching of Exciton Photoluminescence and its Recovers by Magnetic Field in Cadmium Telluride/Cadmium Manganese Telluride Quantum Wells
- A Novel Ordered Phase in SrCu_2(BO_3)_2 under High Pressure(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of α'-NaV_2O_5 under Multi-Extreme Conditions
- Ultra-High Magnetic Field Effect on the Structural Phase Transition in (Pb, Ge)Te
- Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms and Molecular Phylogenetic Relationships among Palearctic and Oriental Brown Frogs(Genetics)
- Space Group Determination of the Room-Temperature Phase of α'-NaV_2O_5 Using Convergent-Beam Electron : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- High Frequency ESR Investigationon Dynamical Charge Disproportionation and Spin Gap Excitation in NaV_2O_5 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Direct Observation of the Spin Gap in NaV_2O_5 by Submillimeter Wave ESR
- Observation of Structural Change with Possible Charge Disproportionation in Copper Vanadium Oxide Bronze β'-Cu_V_2O_5 (Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- Orbital and Spin Susceptibilities of the Plane Copper Sites in YBa_2Cu_3O_x System
- Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of Cu in the Paramagnetic State of CuO
- Copper NMR and NQR in La_Sr_xCuO_4-No Evidence for Coexistence of Magnetic Ordering and Superconductivity down to 1.3 K
- Far-Infrared Magneto-Reflection Study of the Band Warping in HgTe
- Far-Infrared Magneto-Optical Investigation of _p-Black Phosphorus in Pulsed High Magnetic Fields
- The Band Structure Parameters Determination of the Quaternary Semimagnetic Semiconductor Alloy Hg_Cd_xMn_yTe
- Observation of Half-Integer Quantum Hall Effect in Single-Layer Graphene Using Pulse Magnet(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Phase Transitions of a Geometrically Frustrated Spin System CdCr_2O_4 in Very High Magnetic Fields
- Mn^ Internal Emission Excitonic Emission of MBE-Grown Cd_Mn_xTe : Dependence on Substrate Temperature and Magnetic Field
- New Techniques for Growing Highly-Homogeneous Quaternary Hg_Cd_xMn_yTe Single Crystals
- V^^51 Knight Shift and Quardrupole Interaction in the Low-Temperature Phase of LIVO_2
- ^V Knight Shift and Quadrupole Interaction in the Low-Temperature Phase of LiVO_2
- 1/3 Magnetization Plateau in SrCu_2(BO_3)_2 : Stripe Order of Excited Triplets : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- ESR Study on the Excited State Energy Spectrum of SrCu_2(BO_3)_2 : A Central Role of Multiple-Triplet Bound States(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Direct Observation of the Multiple Spin Gap Excitations in Two-Dimensional Dimer System SrCu_2(BO_3)_2
- Magnetic Susceptibilities of AV_2O_5(A=Li and Cs) with Square Pyramidal V (IV) O_5
- The d Orbital Character in the Spin-Peierls System NaV_2O_5
- NMR Study of Anomalous CDW Behaviors in a Layered Copper Sulfide, K_3Cu_8S_6
- Raman Scattering in the Inorganic Spin-Peierls System α'-Na_V_2O_5
- Magnetic Susceptibility of Quasi-One-Dimensional Compound α'-NaV_2O_5: Possible Spin-Peierls Compound with high Critical Temperature of 34K
- Cu NMR and NQR Study of CuS
- Low-Frequency Spin Dynamics in La_Sr_CuO_4 Derived from T_1 of ^Cu Measured up to 800K
- Reexamination of Spin Dynamics in La_2CuO_4 by Cu-NQR
- Robustness of Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior near the Ferromagnetic Critical Point in Clean ZrZn_2(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Observation of a Spin Gap in MgV_2O_5 from High Field Magnetization Measurements
- Magneto-Optical Effect of the Wannier Exciton in a Biaxial ZnP_2 Crystal.III
- Magneto-Optical Effect of the Wannier Exciton in a Biaxial ZnP_2 Crystal.II
- Yellow Series Excitons of Cu_2O in Megagauss Magnetic Fields
- Cu NMR and NQR Studies of the Doped Spin-Peierls System CuGe_Si_xO_3
- High-Temperature Spin Dynamics in the S=1/2 Spin Ladder (VO)_2P_2O_7 Studied by ^P NMR
- Electron Diffraction Study of the Phase Transformation of α'-NaV_2O_5 : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- Magnetic and Structural Transitions in (Li_xZnV_2O_4 with the Spinel Structure
- Raman,Infrared and Optical Spectra of the Spin-Peierls Compound NaV_2O_5
- Zigzag Charge Ordering in α'-NaV_2O_5 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Anomalous Metallic State Coexisting with the Charge Density Wave in Rb_3Cu_8S_6 Studied by NMR and Spin Echo Double Resonance (SEDOR)
- Spin Excitations in the Two-Leg Ladder Antiferromagnet CaV_2O_5 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- 3d Orbital State in CaV_2O_5
- ^Na NMR Study of Spin-Peierls Transition in NaV_2O_5
- ^V NMR Study of Spin Gap in CaV_4O_9
- Observation of Spin Gap in CaV_2O_5 by NMR
- NMR Studies of ^O in the Normal State of YBa_2Cu_3O_
- Observational Study of the Thermal Belt on the Slope of Mt.Tsukuba
- Pairing Symmetry of High-T_c Cu Oxide Superconductors Studied by Nuclear Spin-Spin Relaxation
- ^V NMR Study in the Paramagnetic State of LaVO_3
- Antiferromagnetic Nuclear Resonance of ^V in LaVO_3 and YVO_3
- Dynamical Spin Susceptibility and Bi-Layer Coupling in YBa_2Cu_4O_8
- ^Cu(2) Nuclear Spin-Spin Relaxation in YBa_2Cu_3O_, YBa_2(^Cu)_3O_, and YBa_2Cu_4O_8
- Spin Singlet State in Heptamers Emerging in Spinel Oxide AlV_2O_4(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Magnetic Electric and Structural Properties of β-A_xV_2O_5(A=Na,Ag)
- Quantum Phase Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional Spin-1 System SrNi_2V_2O_8 Induced by Cation Substitution(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Spin Dynamics in Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductor β-Na_V_2O_5 : ^V Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation Measurements(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- A Low-Temperature Order-Disorder Transition in a Cubic Cd_6Yb Crystalline Approximant : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- Zeeman-Perturbed ^Cu Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Study of Vortex State of YBa_2Cu_3O_(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Vortex States of Tl_2Ba_2CuO_ Studied via ^TI NMR at 2 Tesla(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- A Monte Carlo Method for Fermion Systems Coupled with Classical Degrees of Freedom
- Finite-Temperature Phase Transitions in Quasi-One-Dimensional Molecular Conductors(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Antiferromagnetic Ising Model on Inverse Perovskite Lattice(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Carrier Concentration Dependence of the Spin Pseudo-Gap Behaviors in YBa_2Cu_3O_y
- Carrier Concentration Dependence of the Pseudo Spin Gap Behavior in LaBa_2Cu_3O_y
- Incoherent Charge Dynamics in Perovskite Manganese Oxides : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Effects of Orbital Degeneracy and Electron Correlation on Charge Dynamics in Perovskite Manganese Oxides
- Magnetic Behavior of a Mott-Insulator YVO_3
- Nuclear Spin Relaxation at Planar Copper and Oxygen Sites in YBa_2Cu_3O_
- Evidence for Temperature-Dependent Antiferromagnetic Correlation Length in High-T_c Cu Oxides
- Cu Nuclear Spin-Spin Relaxation in Tl_2Ba_2CuO_
- NMR Study of Metallic Thallic Oxides; Tl_2O_
- Numerical Study for the Ground State of Multi-Orbital Hubbard Models
- Specific Heat of the S=1/2 Two-Dimensional Shastry--Sutherland Antiferromagnet SrCu2(BO3)2 in High Magnetic Fields
- Novel Magnetic Phases Revealed by Ultra-High Magnetic Field in the Frustrated Magnet ZnCr2O4
- Structural and Electric Properties of β'-Cu_xV_2O_5 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Magnetic Properties of 1D-Straight Linear Chain Chalcogenide : FePb_4Sb_6S_ (Jamesonite)(Low Dimensional Systems, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
- Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Study of the High-T_c Related Cu Oxide La_4BaCu_5O_
- Exact Diagonalization Study of Mott Transition in the Hubbard Model on an Anisotropic Triangular Lattice(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Partial Disorder in the Periodic Anderson Model on a Triangular Lattice
- Mean-Field Study of Charge, Spin, and Orbital Orderings in Triangular-Lattice Compounds ANiO2 (A = \text{Na}, Li, Ag)
- Synchrotron X-ray Study of Lattice Vibrations in CdCr2O4
- Effects of Electron Correlation,Orbital Degeneracy and Jahn-Teller Coupling in Perovskite Manganites
- Synthesis, Structural and Magnetic Properties of the Solid Solution (CuCl1-xBrx)LaNb2O7 ($0 \leq x \leq 1$)
- Partial Disorder and Metal-Insulator Transition in the Periodic Anderson Model on a Triangular Lattice
- Synthesis, Structure, and Electromagnetic Properties of Manganese Hollandite, KxMnO
- Spin Chirality Ordering and Anomalous Hall Effect in the Ferromagnetic Kondo Lattice Model on a Triangular Lattice
- Magnetic Phases of ZnCrO Revealed by Magneto-Optical Studies under Ultra-High Magnetic Fields of up to 600T
- Precise Magnetization Measurements by Parallel Self-Compensated Induction Coils in a Vertical Single-Turn Coil up to 103 T