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Effects of monovalent cations on Ca-efflux were examined in rat brain cortex slices, synaptosomes and synaptic plasma membranes. Effluxes of <SUP>45</SUP>Ca from brain slices and synaptosomes were stimulated by Na<SUP>+</SUP> in medium and the effects of Na<SUP>+</SUP> on the <SUP>45</SUP>Ca-effluxes disappeared at low temperature. Furthermore, we observed that Rb<SUP>+</SUP> had more effect than Na<SUP>+</SUP> on <SUP>45</SUP>Ca-efflux from the synaptosomes, while Li<SUP>+</SUP> had less effect. On the other hand, release of <SUP>45</SUP>Ca from the synaptic plasma membranes which had been preincubated with ATP, Mg<SUP>++</SUP> and <SUP>45</SUP>Ca was stimulated by Na<SUP>+</SUP> and Li<SUP>+</SUP>. But Cs<SUP>+</SUP> and Rb<SUP>+</SUP> were less effective on the release. These results indicate occurrence of Na-dependent Ca-efflux at nerve endings. However, the assumption that ATP-dependent Ca-binding with synaptic plasma membranes may be a partial reaction of Ca-efflux was not supported by these experiments.
- 公益社団法人 日本薬理学会の論文
Hata Fumiaki
Department Of Veterinary Pharmacology Graduate School Of Agriculture And Life Sciences Osaka Prefect
Ichida Seiji
Department Of Biological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kinki University
Matsuda Tomohiro
Department Of Epidemiology National Institute Of Public Health
Yoshida Hiroshi
Departmen Of Radiology School Of Medicine Asahikawa Medical University
HATA Fumiaki
Department of Pharmacology I, Osaka University School of Medicine
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