- 論文の詳細を見る
In view of the utilization of rice-bran we prepared phytin by the SUZUKIs method, and improved the procedure to be applied economically to remove iron which is often attributable to the discoloration of foodstuffs. The improved procedure consists of the extraction of rice-bran with 0.2% HCl and the precipitation with Ca(OH)2, and CaCl2. The method was easy for preparation and was better than the former method in the yield. The phytin preparation obtained by this method was insoluble in water, but soluble in acidic solution (adjusted to pH 4.0). It gave white precipitate with ferrous or ferric salts in presence of phenolic compounds. The precipitate was iron phytate and could be removed by filtration.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
- 遍歴 農産物の有機化学
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- 植物化学調節研究と向き合うまで
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