Experimental Studies on the Utilization of Pyroligenous Liquid. (1) On the Difference in the Quality of Pyroligenous Liquid according to its Source
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In the process of manufacturing works of preservative victuals from aquatic products, the most important problem is how to prevent the decrease, of freshness of raw materials. Forthis purpose it seems to be the best prosedure to utilize the smoked licuid which has an antiseptic action as well as a property to improve a bad smell, so we have carried out a test of practical. use of Pyroligenous liquid. The quantity and quality of Pyroligenous liquid obtained by dry distillation from the saw-dust and pulp of the following timbers produc ?? e in Hokkaido were investigated: Picea jezoen ?? is, Carr., Abies Mariasii, Mast., Phellodendron amurense, Rupr., Fraxinus mandshurica, Rupr., Ulmus japonica, Sarg., Kalop anax ricinifolium, Miq. var. typisum Nakai., Tilia japonmica, Simk., Betnla japonica, Sieb., Fagus Sieboldi, Endl., Quercus serrata, Thunb (Q. glandulifera Blume, ) Quercus crispala, Blume (Q. groaseserrata Blume) Acer palmatum, Tlunb. Alnus ?? inctoria, Sargv var. glabra Call., Ostrga japomica Sarg. Acer picturn, Thunb. var. typicum, Graf v. Schw. subv. cupictum, Pax. The results of our study are summerized as follows. The liquid obtained by the dry distillation from the needle-leaf trees (soft timber, ) are inferior in both quality and quantity to that obtained from the broad-leaved trees (hard timbers), being rich in turpentine and resin, and having dirty black color and astringent taste. In the decolorizing capacity of the residue derived from the dry distillation of saw-dust too, the hard timber are much superior to the soft ones. The preservative capacity of the pyroligeaous liquid has not much durability but maintains its efficiency for 4-5 days at 20-24°C, while the control keeps only one day long. When salt is added in the proportion of 10% to the smoked liquid diluted at the rate of 1/10, the liquid maintains its preservative efficiency for 7 days and brings about much better taste and fl ?? v ?? r than the orig ?? nal liquid does. For the purpose of the removal of formaldehyde out of the smoked liquid which was obtained by dry distillotion from the root of pine, it is most effective to boil the liquid for 10 minutes with the adding of potassium permanganate is the proport on of 1%.
- 社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
小幡 彌太郎
飯田 稔
飯田 稔
内藤 幸次
柳瀬 蓼
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